2022 journal article

VIEWpoly: a visualization tool to integrate and explore results of polyploid genetic analysis

Journal of Open Source Software, 7(74), 4242.

By: C. Taniguti, G. Gesteira, J. Lau, G. Pereira, Z. Zeng, D. Byrne, O. Riera-Lizarazu, M. Mollinari*

Source: ORCID
Added: January 28, 2024

Autopolyploid species comprise a significant part of the agronomic market. Some examples are potato, sweet potato, roses, and blueberries. They all present more than two copies of their entire genome, which increase the complexity of genetic models. Advancements in computational tools for linkage and quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis in autopolyploids have allowed the in-depth exploration and understanding of their genetics. Despite providing advanced methods, the results of these tools may be challenging to interpret and connect to other sources of genomic information and consequently apply them in practical breeding applications. VIEWpoly is an R package for visualizing, exploring, and integrating results from different polyploid computational tools using an interactive graphical user interface. The package allows users to explore linkage and QTL analysis results and integrates these with genomic information in a genome browser, facilitating the search for candidate genes. In addition, it provides features to download comprehensive tables and graphics for further analysis and presentation. VIEWpoly is freely available as an R package at https://CRAN.Rproject.org/package=viewpoly.