2020 article
Exchange of molecular and cellular information: a hybrid model that integrates stem cell divisions and key regulatory interactions
Broeck, L. V., Spurney, R. J., Fisher, A. P., Schwartz, M., Clark, N. M., Nguyen, T. T., … Sozzani, R. (2020, December 1).
Abstract Stem cells give rise to the entirety of cells within an organ. Maintaining stem cell identity and coordinately regulating stem cell divisions is crucial for proper development. In plants, mobile proteins, such as WOX5 and SHR, regulate divisions in the root stem cell niche (SCN). However, how these proteins coordinately function to establish systemic behavior is not well understood. We propose a non-cell autonomous role for WOX5 in the CEI and identify a regulator, AN3/GIF1, that coordinates CEI divisions. Here we show with a multiscale hybrid model integrating ODEs and agent-based modeling that QC and CEI divisions have different dynamics. Specifically, by combining continuous models to describe regulatory networks and agent-based rules, we model systemic behavior, which led us to predict cell-type-specific expression dynamics of SHR, SCR, WOX5, AN3, and CYCD6;1, and experimentally validate CEI cell divisions. Conclusively, our results show an interdependency between CEI and QC divisions. Thumbnail image