2021 journal article

Fermi liquid theory sheds light on hot electron-hole liquid in 1L−MoS2

Physical Review B.

Source: ORCID
Added: February 12, 2021

Room-temperature electron-hole liquid has recently been experimentally identified in low-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides. Here, the authors demonstrate that a first-principles Fermi liquid model effectively predicts the photoluminescence response of this phenomenon. Using density functional theory, in conjunction with previous Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy results, they present a consistent quantitative picture of the electron-hole liquid phase transition in suspended, heat-strained 1$L$-MoS${}_{2}$ monolayers. They show a 23-fold increase in photoluminescence per unit of direct gap carrier density and 9:1 indirect-direct hole population ratio at high strain.