2015 journal article

Effect of Texture on Color Variation in Inkjet-Printed Woven Textiles


author keywords: inkjet textile printing; visual assessment; kes-f; profile measurement
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 6, 2018

Abstract Inkjet‐printed textiles are influenced by a wide range of parameters due to highly diverse textile structures and the resulting textures. The goal of this study is to understand the effect of texture on color appearance in inkjet‐printed woven textiles. Cotton‐woven samples were constructed with nine different weave structures. Each sample was digitally printed with identical squares of primary colors cyan, magenta, and yellow and secondary colors red, green, and blue. The amount of ink applied was controlled consistently with an image editing software. CIE L* values were calculated from the measured reflectance. 25 observers ranked the perceived texture and color lightness of each sample. Perceived visual texture and perceived color lightness scales were estimated from the rankings using the rank order method. The measured CIE L* values and the scale of perceived lightness were positively related for the primary and secondary colors. Instrumental measurements of the textile surface characteristics were positively related to the visual scale. Texture was demonstrated to cause a measurable effect on color results in inkjet printing, both using instrumental and perceptual measures. To investigate if the color differences were substantial enough to cause “out of tolerance” ratings in textiles based on common textile industry color acceptance procedures, color differences among the samples were calculated and compared to a reference sample. Results demonstrated that color variation due to texture was sufficient to lead to rejection of a printed color in comparison to a color specification. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 40, 297–303, 2015