2023 journal article

First reported case of leishmaniasis in a cat in Trinidad and Tobago


author keywords: Leishmania amazonensis; Amastigotes; PCR; protozoa; Macrophages; Trinidad
TL;DR: This is the first reported case of L. amazonensis infection in a domestic animal in Trinidad with molecular characterization indicating it exists in the region and is likely being transmitted by sandflies. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Source: Web Of Science
Added: September 11, 2023

A 3-year-old, female, domestic shorthair cat, was presented to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at the School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM), Trinidad and Tobago for a swollen nose, and multiple, variably sized small masses on both ears. The initial diagnostic tests included a CBC, serum biochemistry profile, cytological evaluation of masses on the ear and nose, and FeLV/FIV testing. The CBC and biochemistry results were unremarkable except for a hyperproteinaemia and hyperglobulinemia. Cytology of the nose and ear lesions revealed mixed inflammation and high numbers of intracellular and extracellular organisms consistent with Leishmania amastigotes. The cat was FeLV/FIV negative. Histopathology and Leishmania IFA and PCR analysis were subsequently performed, confirming the Leishmania diagnosis. The PCR, DNA sequencing and phylogenetic tree analyses identified L. amazonensis. This is the first reported case of L. amazonensis infection in a domestic animal in Trinidad with molecular characterization indicating it exists in the region and is likely being transmitted by sandflies.