Bonnie Margaret Brenseke

2023 journal article

Ingesta-associated choledocholithiasis in horses: 2 cases and literature review

Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 35(4), 418–425.

By: S. Linn-Peirano, K. Hepworth-Warren n, H. Kinsella*, D. Diaz-Campos*, B. Brenseke n, R. Cianciolo*, E. Schroeder*, M. Schreeg n

author keywords: cholangiohepatitis; cholangitis; cholelithiasis; colic; foreign body; horses; liver; plant
MeSH headings : Horses; Animals; Female; Choledocholithiasis / veterinary; Choledocholithiasis / complications; Colic / complications; Colic / veterinary; Cholangitis / veterinary; Fibrosis; Fever / complications; Fever / veterinary; Horse Diseases / pathology
TL;DR: The clinical, gross, histologic, and microbiologic features of this condition in 2 horses and compare the features to 2 previous cases are described. (via Semantic Scholar)
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3. Good Health and Well-being (Web of Science; OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, Crossref
Added: June 19, 2023

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