2016 journal article
Commentary 2: Does a focus on commonalities obscure critical differences?
Intersecciones En Antropologia, 17(2), 149–150.
2016 journal article
Complexity of assessing migrant death place of origin
Biological Distance Analysis: Forensic and Bioarchaeological Perspectives, 265–283.
2015 review
Skeletal and radiological manifestations of child abuse: Implications for study in past populations
[Review of ]. CLINICAL ANATOMY, 29(7), 844–853.
2014 journal article
A brief history of fatal child maltreatment and neglect
Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology, 10(3), 413–422.
2014 article
Human Identity and Identification.
Juarez, C. (2014, May). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN BIOLOGY, Vol. 26, pp. 433–434.
2010 journal article
Past or present? Differentiating California prehistoric native American remains from forensic cases: An empirical approach
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 22(1), 110–118.
2008 journal article
Application of heavy stable isotopes in forensic isotope geochemistry: A review
Applied Geochemistry, 23(9), 2658–2666.
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