Works (60)
2024 article
Global prophylaxis trends in hemophilia: a macroeconomic analysis and its association with world development indicators
John, M. J., Stonebraker, J., Jindal, A., Tootoonchian, E., Pierce, G. P., Gouider, E., … Coffin, D. (2024, November 20). EXPERT REVIEW OF HEMATOLOGY, Vol. 11.
2024 article
Test-retest reliability of a mobile application of the patient reported outcomes burdens and experiences (PROBE) study
Curtis, R., Wu, J., Iorio, A., Frick, N., Nichol, M., Noone, D., … Germini, F. (2024, March 4). HAEMOPHILIA.

2023 journal article
Case Article—Bayer New Drug Development Decision Making
INFORMS Transactions on Education.
2023 journal article
Case—Bayer New Drug Development Decision Making
INFORMS Transactions on Education.
2023 article
Reported prevalence of von Willebrand disease worldwide in relation to income classification
Stonebraker, J. S., Iorio, A., Lavin, M., Rezende, S. M., Srivastava, A., Pierce, G. F., … Makris, M. (2023, June 5). HAEMOPHILIA, Vol. 6.

2023 article
Von Willebrand disease: Gaining a global perspective
Jamie M. M. O'Sullivan, Tootoonchian, E., Ziemele, B., Makris, M., Federici, A. B. B., Djambas, C. K., … Lavin, M. (2023, May 22). HAEMOPHILIA, Vol. 5.

2021 article
Converting factor and nonfactor usage into a single metric to facilitate benchmarking the resources consumed for haemophilia care across jurisdictions and over time

2021 article
Evaluation of the sexual health in people living with hemophilia
Germini, F., Chai-Adisaksopha, C., Pete, D., Curtis, R., Frick, N., Nichol, M. B., … Iorio, A. (2021, September 19). HAEMOPHILIA, Vol. 9.

2021 journal article
Modelling future usage and cost of factor and emicizumab to treat haemophilia A for the US Western States Region IX haemophilia treatment centres
Haemophilia, 27(1).

2021 journal article
Non‐severe haemophilia: Is it benign? – Insights from the PROBE study
Haemophilia, 9.

2021 journal article
Risk Analysis, Practice, and Considerations in Capital Budgeting: Evidence from the Field for the Bio-based Industry
BIORESOURCES, 16(1), 19–45.
Contributors: C. Assis n

2020 journal article
The World Federation of Hemophilia Annual Global Survey 1999‐2018

2019 journal article
Establishing the Prevalence and Prevalence at Birth of Hemophilia in Males A Meta-analytic Approach Using National Registries

2019 journal article
Exploring regional variations in the cross-cultural, international implementation of the Patient Reported Outcomes Burdens and Experience (PROBE) study
HAEMOPHILIA, 25(3), 365–372.

2019 journal article
Test-retest properties of the Patient Reported Outcomes, Burdens and Experiences (PROBE) questionnaire and its constituent domains
HAEMOPHILIA, 25(1), 75–83.

2018 journal article
Latent therapeutic demand model for the immunoglobulin replacement therapy of primary immune deficiency disorders in the USA
Vox Sanguinis.

2018 journal article
Occurrence and impact of pain among patients living with hemophilia: An analysis from the patient reported outcomes, burdens and experiences (PROBE) study
Haemophilia, 24(S1), 26–27.
2018 journal article
Psychometric properties of the Patient Reported Outcomes, Burdens and Experiences (PROBE) questionnaire
BMJ OPEN, 8(8).

2018 journal article
The Effect of Inhibitors on Quality of Life and Pain in Adult Patients with Severe Haemophilia in the PROBE Cohort
Research and Practice in Thrombosis Haemostasis, 2(S1), 76–77.
2018 journal article
The PROBE Data Dashboard - A new tool for real-time data visualization and analysis of patient reported outcomes
Haemophilia, 24, 181–182.
2018 journal article
The PROBE Study –Global burden of bleeding from the mouth in Haemophilia – a call to action
Haemophilia, 24(S5), 66.
2018 journal article
The Patient Reported Outcomes, Burdens and Experiences (PROBE) Project: development and evaluation of a questionnaire assessing patient reported outcomes in people with haemophilia
Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 4(1), 118–119.
2017 journal article
Burden of Comorbid Diseases in Patients with Hemophilia: The Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Patient Reported Outcomes, Burden and Experiences (PROBE) Study
Blood, 130(S1), 3411.
2017 journal article
Burden of comorbidities in persons living with haemophilia: insight from the PROBE phase 2b study database
Research and Practice in Thrombosis Haemostasis, 1(S1), 840–841.
2017 journal article
Estimating the global annual bleed rate in haemophilia
Haemophilia, 23, 86–86.
2017 journal article
Psychometric Properties of the Patient Reported Outcomes Burdens and Experiences (PROBE) Questionnaire
Blood, 130(S1), 5645.
2017 journal article
Sexual Health in Patients with Hemophilia; The Insights from the Patient Reported Outcomes, Burdens and Experiences (PROBE) Study
Blood, 130(S1), 2141.
2017 journal article
Test-retest reliability analysis of the Patient Reported Outcomes Burdens and Experiences (PROBE) study
Haemophilia, 23(S2), 50–51.
2016 journal article
Measuring the quality of haemophilia care across different settings: a set of performance indicators derived from demographics data
Haemophilia, 23(1), e1–e7.

2016 journal article
Psychometric Test-Retest Reliability Analysis of the Patient Reported Outcomes Burdens and Experiences (PROBE)
Blood, 128(22), 5964.
2016 conference paper
The Patient Reported Outcomes, Burdens, and Experiences (PROBE) Phase 1
HTAi 2016 Annual Meeting Abstract Book, 63–64.
2016 journal article
The Patient Reported Outcomes, Burdens, and Experiences (PROBE) Phase 1 Study Methodology and Feasibility
Haemophilia, 22(S2), 43–44.
2016 journal article
The patient reported outcome burdens and experiences (PROBE) study - phase 1 results show PROBE study methodology feasible
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 14(S1), 47.
2015 conference paper
How to measure progress in the provision of care for hemophilia
The Proceedings of the World Federation of Hemophilia’s Ninth Global Forum on Research and Treatment Products for Bleeding Disorders, 16–17.
2014 journal article
Modeling Primary Immunodeficiency Disease Epidemiology and Its Treatment to Estimate Latent Therapeutic Demand for Immunoglobulin

2013 conference paper
A decision analysis model to estimate latent therapeutic demand for immunoglobulin therapy in primary immunodeficiencies
Proceedings of the 15th Meeting of the European Society Immunodeficiencies (ESID), 29–34.
2013 journal article
Product-Generation Transition Decision Making for Bayer's Hemophilia Drugs: Global Capacity Expansion Under Uncertainty with Supply-Demand Imbalances
OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 61(5), 1119–1133.

2012 journal article
A study of variations in the reported haemophilia B prevalence around the world
HAEMOPHILIA, 18(3), e91–e94.

2012 journal article
Decision analysis model for estimating latent therapeutic demand for immunoglobulin therapy in primary immune deficiencies
Journal of Clinical Immunology, 32(S1), 18.
2012 journal article
Impact factor as a metric to assess journals where OM research is published
Contributors: , E. Gil *, C. Kirkwood* & R. Handfield n n
2011 journal article
A study of reported factor IX use around the world
HAEMOPHILIA, 17(3), 446–455.

2011 chapter
Empirically Investigating the Portfolio Management Process: Findings from a Large Pharmaceutical Company
In Portfolio Decision Analysis (pp. 131–148).

2011 journal article
NC State's Supply Chain Resource Cooperative Educates in the Real World
INTERFACES, 41(6), 548–563.
Contributors: R. Handfield n , S. Edwards n & n
2011 journal article
Practice Summaries: American Airlines Uses Should-Cost Modeling to Assess the Uncertainty of Bids for Its Full-Truckload Shipment Routes
INTERFACES, 41(2), 194–196.
2010 journal article
A study of reported factor VIII use around the world
HAEMOPHILIA, 16(1), 33–46.

2010 journal article
A study of variations in the reported haemophilia A prevalence around the world
HAEMOPHILIA, 16(1), 20–32.

2009 journal article
Factor Usage - Global Data.
The Proceedings of the World Federation of Hemophilia’s Sixth Global Forum on the Safety and Supply of Hemophilia Treatment Products for Bleeding Disorders – Making the Case for Clotting Factor Concentrates, 9–11.
2009 journal article
OR Practice—Modeling Potential Demand for Supply-Constrained Drugs: A New Hemophilia Drug at Bayer Biological Products
Operations Research, 57(1), 19–31.
2007 chapter
Balancing Environmental and Operational Objectives in Nuclear Refueling Strategies
In W. Edwards, R. F. Miles Jr, & D. von Winterfeldt (Eds.), Advances in Decision Analysis (pp. 564–581).
Ed(s): W. Edwards, R. Miles & D. von Winterfeldt
2007 conference paper
Understanding the supply-demand-price conundrum in the FVIII market
The Proceedings of the World Federation of Hemophilia’s Fifth Global Forum on the Safety and Supply of Hemophilia Treatment Products, 20–21.
2004 journal article
Modelling haemophilia epidemiology and treatment modalities to estimate the unconstrained factor VIII demand
Haemophilia, 10(1), 18–26.
2003 journal article
A country-by-country comparison of FVIII concentrate consumption and economic capacity for the global haemophilia community
Haemophilia, 9(3), 245–250.
2003 conference paper
Probabilistic Modelling of population-based epidemiology and treatment modalities to determine unconstrained factor VIII demand
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 1(S1), P1645.
2002 journal article
How Bayer Makes Decisions to Develop New Drugs
Interfaces, 32(6), 77–90.
2001 journal article
New York Power Authority Uses Decision Analysis to Schedule Refueling of Its Indian Point 3 Nuclear Power Plant
Interfaces, 31(5), 121–135.
1997 journal article
Formulating and solving sequential decision analysis models with continuous variables
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 44(1), 43–53.
1997 journal article
Practice Abstract: Decision Analysis Provides Insight to Ford Microelectronics Incorporated
Interfaces, 27(2), 107–111.
1996 conference paper
It’s Time to Think About Values First
Quality Air Force in the 21st Century: Technology & Innovation 1996 Quality Air Force Symposium Proceedings, 78–88. Maxwell Air Force Base, AL: Air Force Quality Institute.
1991 conference paper
Can source selection benefit from decision analysis?
Acquisition Research Symposium Proceedings, 287–298.
1991 journal article
Simon says: Rational decision-making for source selection
Program Manager: Journal of the Defense Systems Management College, 20(5), 34–40.
Updated: July 30th, 2016 20:16
Updated: July 30th, 2016 20:15