Works (7)
2003 journal article
From science teacher to teacher leader: Leadership development as meaning making in a community of practice
SCIENCE EDUCATION, 87(2), 281–297.
![UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel](/assets/un-sdg/SDG-Wheel_WEB-small-9baffff2694056ba5d79cdadadac07d345a206e13477bd1034bd8925f38f3c4b.png)
2003 journal article
Information needs related to teaching about air quality
Environment International, 29(2-3), 331–336.
2000 book
Algae: A sourcebook for teaching about harmful algal blooms
Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.
1999 book
Ants: Using biological indicators to investigate environmental conditions
Raleigh, NC: SCI-LINK/GLOBE-NET Projects, North Carolina State University; Burlington, N.C.: Carolina Biological Supply Co.
1998 book
Acid rain: Grades 4-8, a sourcebook for teaching about a major environmental problem
Dubuque, Iowa: Dubuque, Iowa.
1998 book
Acid rain: Grades 6-12, a sourcebook for teaching about a major environmental problem
Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt.
1997 book
Clover: Investigating the effects of tropospheric ozone
Raleigh, NC : SCI-LINK/GLOBE-NET, North Carolina State University; Burlington, NC: Carolina Biological Supply Co.