Works (77)
2018 book
The worm farmer's handbook : mid-to large-scale vermicomposting for farms, businesses, municipalities, schools, and Institutions
White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing.
2015 report
Composting in childcare center gardens
(No. LF‐007‐07). NC State Cooperative Extension.
2015 chapter
In Extension Gardener Handbook. NC Cooperative Extension Service.
2015 chapter
Fertilizer Use
In Nutrient Contact of Fertilizer Materials. AgChem Manual, NC State University.
2015 report
Vermicomposting in childcare center gardens
(No. LF‐007‐08). NC State Cooperative Extension.
2014 report
Backyard composting of yard, garden and food discards
In NC Cooperative Extension (No. AG‐791).
2014 chapter
Current and Potential Benefits of Mass Earthworm Culture
In Mass Production of Beneficial Organisms (pp. 683–709).
2013 report
Composting at NC residential and summer camps
In NC State Cooperative Extension (No. AG‐773.).
2012 report
Worms can recycle your garbage
(No. AG‐473‐18). NC State Cooperative Extension.
2011 chapter
The status of vermicomposting in North America: A rapidly developing technology.
In Vermiculture Technology: Earthworms, Organic Waste, and Environmental Management (pp. 391–408). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
2011 chapter
Vermicomposting for businesses and institutions
In C. A. Edwards, N. Q. Aracon, & R. L. Sherman (Eds.), Vermiculture Technology: Earthworms, Organic Waste, and Environmental Management (pp. 369–390). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Ed(s): C. Edwards, N. Aracon &
2011 book
Vermiculture Technology: Earthworms, Organic Waste, and Environmental Management
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Ed(s): C. Edwards, N. Arancon &
2010 chapter
Small-Scale School and Domestic Vermicomposting Systems
In Vermiculture Technology (pp. 67–78).
2008 book
Vermicomposting leader's guide: A 5th grade school enrichment curriculum
Raleigh, NC: Cooperative Extension Service.
2008 report
Vermicomposting leader's guide: A 5th grade school enrichment curriculum
(No. E08‐50326/4H‐16‐14PW). NC Cooperative Extension.
2007 article
Chain management issues and good housekeeping procedures to minimise food processing waste
2007 journal article
The effects of vermicompost on field turnips and rainfall runoff
Compost Science & Utilization, 15(1), 34–39.
2006 journal article
Trading carbon credits for methane recovery
BioCycle, 47(9), 55–58.
2005 journal article
Backyard composting developments
BioCycle, 46(1), 45–47.
2005 journal article
Compost plays key role in green roof mixes
BioCycle, 46(3), 29–34.
2004 journal article
Exploring options for organics collection
BioCycle, 45(2), 46–47.
2003 journal article
Arresting corrosion in compost structures
BioCycle, 44(11), 45–50.
2003 journal article
Commercial food residuals initiative in North Carolina
BioCycle, 44(6), 28–30.
2003 journal article
Exploring superior systems to manage manure
BioCycle, 44(2), 32–37.
2003 journal article
High volume restaurant makes composting leap
BioCycle, 44(8), 28–32.
2003 journal article
Markets for blends and bags of compost
BioCycle, 44(8), 45–50.
2003 book
Raising earthworms successfully
Raleigh, NC: Cooperative Extension Service.
2003 report
Raising earthworms successfully
(No. AGW‐641/E04‐43936.). NC State Cooperative Extension.
2003 journal article
Storm brings massive wood waste to North Carolina
BioCycle, 44(1), 30.
2003 journal article
Texas transportation department accelerates highway use of compost
BioCycle, 44(7), 24–28.
2003 journal article
Versatility key to wood waste, C&D debris recovery
BioCycle, 44(5), 30–34.
2002 journal article
Composting for disaster response
BioCycle, 43(5), 29–32.
2002 journal article
Humic acid as plant growth enhancer in vermicompost
BioCycle, 43(12), 54.
2002 journal article
Joining the front lines of vermicomposters
BioCycle, 43(10), 36–39.
2002 journal article
The inside story of the greenest building complex in the U.S.
BioCycle, 43(12), 58–60.
2002 journal article
Vermicomposting systems overview
BioCycle, 43(12), 53–56.
2000 book
Community backyard composting programs can reduce waste and save money
Raleigh: N.C. Cooperative Extension Service.
2000 report
Community backyard composting programs can reduce waste and save money
(No. AG‐599). NC State Cooperative Extension.
2000 journal article
Composting animal mortalities in North carolina
BioCycle, 41(12), 57.
2000 journal article
Ethanol production plans gain power in North Carolina
BioCycle, 41(11), 71–7274.
2000 journal article
Keeping organics from getting out of hand.
Resource Recycling, XIX(5), 13–18.
2000 journal article
Latest developments in mid-to-large-scale vermicomposting.
BioCycle, 41(11), 51–54.
1999 book
Large-scale organic materials composting
Raleigh: N.C. Cooperative Extension Service.
1999 report
Large‐scale organic materials composting
(No. AG‐593). NC State Cooperative Extension.
1998 book
Before you recycle, choose to reuse
Raleigh: N.C. Cooperative Extension Service.
1998 report
Before you recycle, choose to reuse
(No. AG‐473‐27). NC State Cooperative Extension.
1998 book
Deconstruction: Giving old buildings new lives
Raleigh: N.C. Cooperative Extension Service.
1998 report
Deconstruction: Giving old buildings new lives
(No. AG‐473‐25). NC State Cooperative Extension.
1998 report
Food recovery & waste reduction: A guide for businesses & institutions
Food recovery & waste reduction: A guide for businesses & institutions (No. AG‐473‐26). NC State Cooperative Extension.
1998 book
Food recovery & waste reduction: A guide for businesses and institutions.
Food recovery & waste reduction: A guide for businesses and institutions. Raleigh: N.C. Cooperative Extension Service.
1998 book
Organizing a community recycling program (AG; 473-11)
Raleigh, NC: Cooperative Extension Service.
1998 journal article
Recycling and vermicomposting at North Carolina prison
BioCycle, 39(5), 78.
1997 book
Controlling mite pests in earthworm beds
Raleigh: N.C. Cooperative Extension Service.
1997 report
Controlling mite pests in earthworm beds
(No. AGW‐001.). NC State Cooperative Extension.
1997 book
Worm away your cafeteria food scraps
Raleigh: N.C. Cooperative Extension Service.
1997 report
Worm away your cafeteria food scraps!
(No. AG‐551). NC State Cooperative Extension.
1996 book
How your business can cut costs by reducing waste
Raleigh, NC: Cooperative Extension Service.
1996 report
How your business can cut costs by reducing waste
(No. AG‐473‐10). NC State Cooperative Extension.
1996 book
Reduce, reuse, and recycle: A step-by-step guide to help hotels and motels manage waste. (AG-529)
Raleigh, NC: Cooperative Extension Service.
1996 report
Reduce, reuse, and recycle: A step‐by‐step guide to help hotels and motels manage waste
(No. AG‐529). NC State Cooperative Extension.
1995 book
Municipal solid waste landfill regulations in North Carolina
Raleigh, NC: Cooperative Extension Service.
1995 report
Municipal solid waste landfill regulations in North Carolina.
(No. AG‐473‐16). NC State Cooperative Extension.
1995 book
Reducing commercial and industrial solid waste for community solid waste managers: Participant materials (Rev. 1995)
Morgantown, VA: National Environmental Training Center for Small Communities.
1995 book
Reducing commercial and industrial solid waste for community solid waste managers: Trainer's guide
Morgantown, VA: National Environmental Training Center for Small Communities.
1994 book
A low-cost plastic bottle and jug baler
Raleigh, NC: Cooperative Extension Service.
1994 report
A low‐cost plastic bottle and jug baler
(No. AG‐473‐12.). NC State Cooperative Extension.
1994 book
Managing construction and demolition debris: A guide for builders, developers, and contractors
Raleigh, NC: Cooperative Extension Service.
1994 report
Managing construction and demolition debris: A guide for builders, developers, and contractors
(No. AG‐473‐19). NC State Cooperative Extension.
1994 book
Organizing a community recycling program (AG; 473-11)
Raleigh, NC: Cooperative Extension Service.
1994 report
Organizing a community recycling program.
(No. AG‐473‐11). NC State Cooperative Extension.
1994 book
Reducing commercial and industrial solid waste for community solid waste managers: Participant materials
Morgantown, VA: National Environmental Training Center for Small Communities.
1994 book
Waste reduction and recycling for the lodging industry
Raleigh, NC: Cooperative Extension Service.
1994 report
Waste reduction and recycling for the lodging industry
(No. AG‐473‐17). NC State Cooperative Extension.
1994 book
Waste reduction programs for commercial/industrial solid waste
Raleigh, NC: Office of Waste Reduction, North Carolina Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources.
1994 book
Worms can recycle your garbage
Raleigh, NC: Cooperative Extension Service.
1994 report
Worms can recycle your garbage.
(No. AG‐473‐18). NC State Cooperative Extension.
1993 book
Source reduction: A guide for North Carolina local governments and solid waste/recycling professionals
Raleigh, NC: Office of Waste Reduction, North Carolina Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources.