2022 journal article

Age differences in driver visual behavior and vehicle control when driving with in-vehicle and on-road deliveries of service logo signs


By: J. Feng n, Y. Deng n, M. Lau n, S. Cauffman n, E. Johnson*, C. Cunningham n, D. Kaber*

author keywords: Vehicle control; Glance behavior; Logo signs; On-road signage; In-vehicle display; Driving safety
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Source: Web Of Science
Added: May 15, 2023

With the advances in vehicle technologies, more information is communicated in real-time to the driver via an in-vehicle interface. In-vehicle messaging may deliver safety-related information such as warnings as well as non-safety-related information such as an upcoming lodging place. While much research has focused on the design of messaging safety-related information, little is known about the best practice in in-vehicle messaging of non-safety-related information. This study investigated the effects of information source and load on driver signage logo identification, glance behavior, and vehicle control among younger, middle-aged and older drivers. The logos were presented on: (1) an on-road sign panel, (2) an in-vehicle display, or (3) a combination of both, with half of the drives showing logo only, and the other half of the drives showing logo plus additional text. The general findings support the use of in-vehicle displays, especially when it is presented simultaneously with on-road signs. In-vehicle displays did not lead to a higher workload or more visual distraction, and simultaneous presentations resulted in slightly better speed control. The findings also showed minimal negative impacts on logo identification from increased information load. Older drivers performed less well in signage identification and vehicle control, and they made longer glances to logo information suggesting design considerations should be made to accommodate specific driver characteristics.