2023 journal article

Microtubule competition and cell growth recenter the nucleus after anaphase in fission yeast


TL;DR: This work underlines how intrinsic properties of microtubules differently impact nuclear positioning according to microtubule network organization and cell size. (via Semantic Scholar)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: August 28, 2023

Cells actively position their nuclei based on their activity. In fission yeast, microtubule-dependent nuclear centering is critical for symmetrical cell division. After spindle disassembly at the end of anaphase, the nucleus recenters over an ∼90-min period, approximately half of the duration of the cell cycle. Live-cell and simulation experiments support the cooperation of two distinct microtubule competition mechanisms in the slow recentering of the nucleus. First, a push-push mechanism acts from spindle disassembly to septation and involves the opposing actions of the mitotic spindle pole body microtubules that push the nucleus away from the ends of the cell, while a postanaphase array of microtubules baskets the nucleus and limits its migration toward the division plane. Second, a slow-and-grow mechanism slowly centers the nucleus in the newborn cell by a combination of microtubule competition and asymmetric cell growth. Our work underlines how intrinsic properties of microtubules differently impact nuclear positioning according to microtubule network organization and cell size.