2001 journal article
Effects of incubational humidity and hen age on embryo composition in broiler hatching eggs from young breeders
POULTRY SCIENCE, 80(9), 1299–1304.
2001 journal article
Effects of incubator humidity and hen age on yolk composition in broiler hatching eggs from young breeders
POULTRY SCIENCE, 80(10), 1444–1450.
2000 journal article
Albumen height and yolk and embryo compositions in broiler hatching eggs during incubation
POULTRY SCIENCE, 79(10), 1373–1377.
2000 journal article
Effects of relative humidity during the last five days of incubation and brooding temperature on performance of broiler chicks from young broiler breeders
POULTRY SCIENCE, 79(10), 1385–1391.
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