Works (35)

Updated: September 8th, 2024 04:35

2024 journal article

Implications of input ground-motion selection techniques on site response analyses for different tectonic settings

EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA, 40(2), 1521–1551.

By: I. Chowdhury n, A. Cabas n, J. Kaklamanos*, A. Kottke & N. Gregor

author keywords: Ground motion; site response; variability; target spectrum; nonlinear soil behavior
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: May 28, 2024

2024 journal article

Regional seismic velocity model for the US Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains based on measured shear wave velocity, sediment thickness, and surface geology

EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA, 40(2), 1269–1300.

By: C. Gann-Phillips n, A. Cabas n, C. Ji n, C. Cramer*, J. Kaklamanos* & O. Boyd*

author keywords: Regional velocity model; coastal plains; regional velocity characterization; geology
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
14. Life Below Water (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: May 28, 2024

2024 journal article

Sharing data and code facilitates reproducible and impactful research

EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA, 40(3), 2210–2218.

author keywords: Open data; repository; publishing trends; data availability; open code
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: September 3, 2024

2024 journal article

Vs-κ0 Correction Factors for Input Ground Motions used in Seismic Site Response Analyses

Earthquake Spectra.

Source: Crossref
Added: December 14, 2019

2023 article

A DesignSafe earthquake ground motion database for California and surrounding regions

Ji, C., Cabas, A., Kottke, A., Pilz, M., Macedo, J., & Liu, C. (2023, February). EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA, Vol. 39, pp. 702–721.

author keywords: Ground motions; spectral acceleration; USGS gmprocess; kappa; site parameters
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: March 20, 2023

2023 journal article

Fluvial geomorphic factors affecting liquefaction-induced lateral spreading

EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA, 39(4), 2518–2547.

author keywords: Liquefaction; lateral spreading; depositional environments; depositional processes; fluvial geomorphology; geomorphic factors; geospatial analytics; geostatistics; relative age
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: December 18, 2023

2023 article

Resonant Column Testing Procedure for Microbial-Induced Carbonate- Precipitated Sands

Na, K., Cabas, A., & Montoya, B. M. (2023, January 23). GEOTECHNICAL TESTING JOURNAL, Vol. 1.

Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: March 6, 2023

2022 journal article

Quantifying the Error Associated with the Elastic Halfspace Assumption in Site Response Analysis


UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: September 6, 2022

2021 journal article

Effects of Nonlinear Soil Behavior on Kappa (kappa): Observations from the KiK-Net Database


By: C. Ji*, A. Cabas, L. Bonilla* & C. Gelis

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 30, 2021

2021 journal article

Geotechnical lessons from the M-w 7.1 2018 Anchorage Alaska earthquake

EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA, 37(4), 2372–2399.

author keywords: Reconnaissance; spatial variability; liquefaction triggering; cyclic softening; ground improvement
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: November 23, 2021

2021 article

Introduction to the Special Section on Advances in Site Response Estimation

Kaklamanos, J., Cabas, A., Parolai, S., & Gueguen, P. (2021, August). BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, Vol. 111, pp. 1665–1676.

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
14. Life Below Water (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 30, 2021

2021 journal article

Site Effects on Ground Motion Directionality: Lessons from Case Studies in Japan


By: M. Ramos-Sepulveda n & A. Cabas n

author keywords: Ground motion directionality; Radiation pattern; Site effects; Preferential orientation; Directional resonance
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: December 13, 2021

2020 conference paper

Turning Disaster into Knowledge: Geotechnical Aspects of the 2018 Mw 7.1 Anchorage Alaska Earthquake

ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication: Proceedings from ASCE GeoCongress. Presented at the ASCE GeoCongress 2020, Minneapolis, MN.

Event: ASCE GeoCongress 2020 at Minneapolis, MN on February 25-28, 2020

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
13. Climate Action (OpenAlex)
Sources: NC State University Libraries, NC State University Libraries
Added: July 28, 2021

2020 journal article

Within station variability in kappa: evidence of directionality effects

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 110(3), 1247–1259.

By: C. Ji n, A. Cabas Mijares, F. Cotton*, M. Pilz* & D. Bindi*

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: June 22, 2020

2019 conference paper

Assessment of Lateral Spreading Case Histories from Recent Seismic Events: Port-Au-Prince, Haiti 2010, and Christchurch, New Zealand 2011

In J. Ching, D. Li, & J. Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings from the 7th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk. Taipei, Taiwan: Research Publishing.

By: N. Ingabire-Abayo, A. Cabas & B. Montoya

Ed(s): J. Ching, D. Li & J. Zhang

Event: on December 11-13, 2019

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: December 5, 2020

2019 conference paper

Assessment of Lateral Spreading Estimations through the Lens of Centrifuge Modeling

Proceedings from ASCE GeoCongress 2019. Presented at the Eighth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

By: M. Doostmohammadibueini, A. Cabas & B. Montoya

Event: Eighth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on March 24-27, 2019

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: December 5, 2020

2019 report

Assessment of the Contribution of Input Motion Selection Procedures to Uncertainty in Ground Motion Intensity Measures

[USGS Final Report].

By: A. Cabas, J. Kaklamanos, A. Kottke & I. Chowdhury

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: September 8, 2022

2019 report

Geotechnical Engineering Reconnaissance of the 30 November 2018 M7.0 Anchorage, Alaska Earthquake

[GEER report Version 2.].

By: R. Koehler, K. Franke, C. Beyzaei, A. Cabas, I. Pierce, A. Stuedlein, Z. Yang

Sources: Crossref, NC State University Libraries
Added: November 24, 2020

2019 conference paper

Ground motion selection using the conditional spectrum: insights for different tectonic environments

In F. Silvestri & N. Morcai (Eds.), Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering for Protection and Development of Environment and Constructions: Proceedings of the VII ICEGE Seventh International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (pp. 1803–1811). Rome, Italy: CRC Press.

By: I. Chowdhury, A. Cabas, J. Kaklamanos, A. Kottke & N. Greggor

Ed(s): F. Silvestri & N. Morcai

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: December 5, 2020

2018 conference paper

Assessment of the Influence of the Elastic Halfspace on Site Response Estimations

Presented at the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA.

By: I. Chowdhury & A. Cabas

Event: 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering at Los Angeles, CA on June 25-29, 2018

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: December 5, 2020

2018 conference paper

Investigation of the Dependence of Kappa Values on the Onset of Soil Nonlinearity as Captured by Shear Strain Index (PGV/Vs30)

Seismology of the Americas (joint conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission (LACSC) and the Seismological Society of America (SSA. Presented at the Seismology of the Americas (joint conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission (LACSC) and the Seismological Society of America (SSA), Florida.

By: C. Ji & A. Cabas

Event: Seismology of the Americas (joint conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission (LACSC) and the Seismological Society of America (SSA) at Florida on May 14-17, 2018

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: December 5, 2020

2018 conference paper

Toward improving damping characterization for site response analysis

Proceedings from the ASCE 5th Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Conference. Austin, TX: ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication.

By: A. Cabas & A. Rodriguez-Marek

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: December 5, 2020

2017 report

An empirical study of the parameterization of site response using the KiKnet array

(USGS Report No. G14AP00017).

By: A. Rodriguez-Marek, H. Dawood, S. Upadhyaya & A. Cabas

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: December 5, 2020

2017 conference paper

Estimation of Site-Specific Kappa (κ0)-Consistent Damping Values at Selected Stations from the KiK-net Database

Presented at the 2017 SSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado.

By: A. Cabas & A. Rodriguez-Marek

Event: 2017 SSA Annual Meeting at Denver, Colorado on April 18-20, 2017

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: December 5, 2020

2017 journal article

Estimation of Site‐Specific Kappa (κ0)‐Consistent Damping Values at KiK‐Net Sites to Assess the Discrepancy between Laboratory‐Based Damping Models and Observed Attenuation (of Seismic Waves) in the Field

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 107(5), 2258–2271.

By: A. Cabas n, A. Rodriguez‐Marek & L. Bonilla

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Sources: Web Of Science, Crossref, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2017 conference paper

Ground Motions from the August 24, 2016 Rieti Earthquake in Italy

Presented at the Geotechnical Frontiers 2017 Conference, Orlando, Florida.

By: I. Chowdhury & A. Cabas

Event: Geotechnical Frontiers 2017 Conference at Orlando, Florida on March 12-15, 2017

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: January 30, 2021

2017 journal article

V-S-kappa(0) Correction Factors for Input Ground Motions Used in Seismic Site Response Analyses

EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA, 33(3), 917–941.

UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 6, 2018

2017 conference paper

What Can We Learn from Kappa (k) to Achieve a Better Characterization of Damping in Geotechnical Site Response Models?

Geotechnical Frontiers: Seismic Performance and Liquefaction. Presented at the ASCE Geotechnical Frontiers 2017 Conference, Orlando, Florida.

Event: ASCE Geotechnical Frontiers 2017 Conference at Orlando, Florida on March 12-15, 2017

Sources: NC State University Libraries, NC State University Libraries
Added: December 5, 2020

2015 journal article

Appropriate Ground Motions for Dynamic Analysis of Foundations. IFCEE/Geo-Congress 2015 Geo-Institute National Poster Competition

Presented at the IFCEE/Geo-Congress 2015 Geo-Institute National Poster Competition, San Antonio, TX.

By: A. Cabas & A. Rodriguez-Marek

Event: IFCEE/Geo-Congress 2015 Geo-Institute National Poster Competition at San Antonio, TX on March 17-21, 2012

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: February 7, 2021

2015 conference paper

VS-κ Consistent Input Ground Motions for Site Response Analyses, Case Studies in Concepción and San Pedro, Chile

Proceedings of the XV Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Buenos Aires. Argentina.

By: A. Cabas, A. Rodriguez-Marek & G. Montalva

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: January 30, 2021

2015 conference paper

VS-κ0 Correction Factors for Input Ground Motions used in Seismic Site Response Analysis

Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) 67th Annual Meeting 2015. Presented at the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) 67th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

By: A. Cabas

Event: Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) 67th Annual Meeting at Boston, MA on March 31 - April 3, 2015

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: February 7, 2021

2014 conference paper

Influence of the Selection of Input Motions on the Systematic Errors Introduced in Site Response Analyses Conducted in Charleston, SC

Proceedings of the 86th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Section of the Seismological Society of America. Presented at the 86th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Section of the Seismological Society of America, Charleston, South Carolina.

By: A. Cabas & A. Rodriguez-Marek

Event: 86th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Section of the Seismological Society of America at Charleston, South Carolina on November 2-4, 2014

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: February 7, 2021

2014 conference paper

The Importance of the Elastic Half-Space Assumption in Site Response Analysis

Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America, Anchorage, AK.

By: A. Cabas & A. Rodriguez-Marek

Event: Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America at Anchorage, AK on May 2, 2014

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: February 7, 2021

2014 conference paper

Where to Locate the Elastic Half-Space in Site Response Analysis, A Case Study Using Site Profiles from Charleston, SC, USA

Presented at the Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, Turkey.

By: A. Cabas, P. Cárcamo, A. Rodriguez-Marek, B. Godfrey & G. Olgun

Event: Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology at Istanbul, Turkey on August 25-29, 2014

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: July 27, 2021

2012 journal article

Ground Motions observed during the August 23rd, 2011 Mineral Virginia Earthquake

Presented at the 2nd Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Research Day, Blacksburg, VA.

By: A. Cabas & A. Rodriguez-Marek

Event: 2nd Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Research Day at Blacksburg, VA on April 13, 2012

Source: NC State University Libraries
Added: February 7, 2021

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