Works (15)
2022 journal article
Genome-Wide Association Study of Listeria monocytogenes Isolates Causing Three Different Clinical Outcomes

2022 journal article
Leveraging National Germplasm Collections to Determine Significantly Associated Categorical Traits in Crops: Upland and Pima Cotton as a Case Study

2021 journal article
Orthology and synteny analysis of receptor-like kinases “RLK” and receptor-like proteins “RLP” in legumes
BMC Genomics.
2020 journal article
Computational identification of receptor-like kinases “RLK” and receptor-like proteins “RLP” in legumes
BMC Genomics, 21(1).

2019 journal article
Comparative genomics identifies potential virulence factors in Clostridium tertium and C. paraputrificum
2019 journal article
Integrated genomic epidemiology and phenotypic profiling of Clostridium difficile across intra-hospital and community populations in Colombia
Scientific Reports.

2017 journal article
Genetic Architecture of Flooding Tolerance in the Dry Bean Middle-American Diversity Panel
Frontiers in Plant Science.
2015 journal article
Changes in Macrophage Gene Expression Associated with Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis Infection
2013 conference paper
A Multi-objective Optimization Energy Approach to Predict the Ligand Conformation in a Docking Process
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

2012 journal article
The Autoimmune Tautology: An In Silico Approach
Autoimmune Diseases.

2011 journal article
Identification of Plasmodium vivax Proteins with Potential Role in Invasion Using Sequence Redundancy Reduction and Profile Hidden Markov Models

2011 journal article
NClassG+: A classifier for non-classically secreted Gram-positive bacterial proteins
BMC Bioinformatics.
2010 conference paper
A parallel multi-objective ab initio approach for protein structure prediction
2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM).
2010 journal article
Computational Prediction and Experimental Assessment of Secreted/Surface Proteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv
PLoS Computational Biology.

2009 journal article
Validating subcellular localization prediction tools with mycobacterial proteins
BMC Bioinformatics.

Updated: January 24th, 2022 15:30
2022 - present
2018 - 2021