Works (11)
2011 journal article
Intergenerational ties in context: Grandparents caring for Grandchildren in China
Social Forces, 90(2), 571–594.
2010 conference paper
Socioeconomic disparities in health over the life course in China: A cohort analysis
American Sociological Review, 75(1), 126–150.
2009 journal article
Family division in China's transitional economy
Population Studies (London, England), 63(1), 53–69.
2008 journal article
A new method for isolating large quantities of Arabidopsis trichomes for transcriptome, cell wall and other types of analyses
PLANT JOURNAL, 56(3), 483–492.
2008 journal article
An empirical evaluation of the use of fixed cutoff points in RMSEA test statistic in structural equation models
2008 review
Education and reform in China
[Review of ]. Contemporary Sociology, 37(4), 377–378.
2008 journal article
Household context and subjective well-being among the oldest old in China
JOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES, 29(10), 1379–1403.
2007 journal article
Latent variable models under misspecification - Two-stage least squares (2SLS) and maximum likelihood (ML) estimators
Sociological Methods & Research, 36(1), 48–86.
2006 journal article
Household economic transformation and recent fertility in emerging market economies: China and Vietnam compared
Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 37(2), 191-.
2005 journal article
Employment transitions and the household division of labor in China
SOCIAL FORCES, 84(2), 831–851.
2005 article
Residential patterns of parents and their married children in contemporary China: A life course approach
Chen, F. N. (2005, April). POPULATION RESEARCH AND POLICY REVIEW, Vol. 24, pp. 125–148.