Works (35)
2024 article
Reprogrammable Rhetoric: Critical Making Theories and Methods in Rhetoric and Composition
Burgess, H. J. (2024, April 2). RHETORIC REVIEW, Vol. 43, pp. 152–154.
2022 chapter
Chapter 13. The Sound of Type: Multimodal Aesthetics
In Amplifying Soundwriting Pedagogies: Integrating Sound into Rhetoric and Writing (pp. 173–182).
2022 journal article
Exploring the Nuances
Commonplace, 11.
2021 book
Futurama, Autogeddon
In M. Vandegrift, K. Dufresne, C. Clower, & E. Cox (Eds.), North Carolina State University Libraries.
Ed(s): M. Vandegrift, K. Dufresne , C. Clower & E. Cox
2021 journal article
Machine Dream Anthropocene: On Taking a Bot to the MLA
CONFIGURATIONS, 29(1), 73–95.

2021 article
The Voice of the Polyrhetor: Physical Computing and the (e-)Literature of Things
Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities.
2019 chapter
Good Computing with Big Data
In J. Jones & L. Hirsu (Eds.), Rhetorical Machines (pp. 190–211). Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.
Ed(s): J. Jones & L. Hirsu
2019 journal article
Introduction: Critical Making and Executable Kits
Enculturation: a Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture.
2019 journal article
The Fates of Things
Enculturation: a Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture.
2018 webpage
Intimate Fields
Burgess, H. J., & Simon, M. (2018, August 2).
2018 journal article
Intimate Fields: A Kit for E-Literature
Matlit: Revista Do Programa De Doutoramento Em Materialidades Da Literatura.

2018 journal article
Publish All the Things: The Life (and Death) of Electronic Literature
The Journal of Electronic Publishing, 21(1).
2017 book
The Routledge Research Companion to Digital Medieval Literature
In Routledge (pp. 1–5).
2016 article
Tasty Gougère
Electronic Literature Organization Collection Vol. 3.
2015 journal article
Data Visualization
Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures, 11(13), 1–1.
2015 journal article
Love Notes and Intimate Circuits
Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures, 11(13), 1–1.

2014 book
Highways of the Mind
In University of Pennsylvania Press. University of Pennsylvania Press.
2012 chapter
Collaborative New Media Poetry: Mixed and Remixed
In The Handbook of Participatory Cultures (pp. 73–81). Routledge.
2011 journal article
New Media in the Academy: Labor and the Production of Knowledge in Scholarly Multimedia
2010 book
[?php]: 'Invisible' Code and the Mystique of Web Writing
2009 conference paper
How to read an electric poem
Unpublished conference paper. Presented at the Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, Atlanta, GA.
2008 book
Biofutures: Owning Body Parts & Information
Biofutures: Owning Body Parts & Information. University of Pennsylvania Press.
2008 journal article
Introduction: Move
Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures, 10(5), 1–1.
2008 journal article
Introduction: e-Lit
Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures, 1(4), 1–1.
2007 chapter
'Nature without Labor’: Virgin Queen and Virgin Land in Sir Walter Ralegh’s The Discoverie of the Large, Rich, and Bewtiful Empyre of Guiana
In Goddesses and Queens: The Iconography of Elizabeth I (pp. 101–114). Manchester University Press.
2007 journal article
Introduction: SpaceWorks
Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures, 8(3), 1–1.
2006 journal article
"Road of giants": Nostalgia and the ruins of the superhighway in Kim Stanley Robinson's Three Californias Trilogy
Science-Fiction Studies, 33(2), 275–290.
2006 journal article
Introduction: Video Kill'd
Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures, 12(2), 1–1.
2005 journal article
Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures, 12(1), 1–1.
2004 journal article
Futurama, Autogeddon: Imagining the Superhighway from Bel Geddes to Ballard
2003 chapter
The Dialogics of New Media: Video, Visualization, and Narrative in Red Planet: Scientific and Cultural Encounters with Mars
In Eloquent Images: Writing Visually in New Media (pp. 61–85). MIT Press.
2002 journal article
Mapping Bodies, Mapping Subjects: Missing the Mind's Eye from the X-Ray to the Human Genome
2002 journal article
The Ghost in the Mechanism: Virtual Bodies, Mechanical Ghosts, and Crash-Test Dummies
2001 journal article
Looking Back on Virtuality: the Strange Corporeographies of Cyberspace
Spectator: The University of Southern California Journal of Film and Television Criticism, 21(1), 71–81.
2001 book
Red Planet: Scientific and Cultural Encounters with Mars
In University of Pennsylvania Press. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Updated: March 20th, 2023 14:43
2014 - present
2007 - 2014
2003 - 2006
Updated: March 20th, 2023 14:41
1997 - 2003
1995 - 1997
1989 - 1993