Works (63)
2023 journal article
Enhancing ionic conductivity in polymer melts results in smaller diameter electrospun fibers

2021 article
Increasing ionic conductivity within thermoplastics via commercial additives results in a dramatic decrease in fiber diameter from melt electrospinning
Sheoran, N., Boland, B., Thornton, S., Bochinski, J. R., & Clarke, L. I. (2021, September 8). SOFT MATTER, Vol. 9.

2021 journal article
Tracking the complete degradation lifecycle of poly(ethyl cyanoacrylate): From induced photoluminescence to nitrogen-doped nano-graphene precursor residue

2019 journal article
Nanoparticle-based photothermal heating to drive chemical reactions within a solid: using inhomogeneous polymer degradation to manipulate mechanical properties and segregate carbonaceous by-products

2019 journal article
Photothermally-driven thermo-oxidative degradation of low density polyethylene: heterogeneous heating plus a complex reaction leads to homogeneous chemistry
Nanotechnology, 30(47), 475706.

2017 journal article
Facile measurement of surface heat loss from polymer thin films via fluorescence thermometry

2017 journal article
In situ curing of liquid epoxy via gold-nanoparticle mediated photothermal heating
Nanotechnology, 28(6), 065601.

2017 journal article
Nanoscale steady-state temperature gradients within polymer nanocomposites undergoing continuous-wave photothermal heating from gold nanorods
NANOSCALE, 9(32), 11605–11618.

2016 journal article
Enhanced Crystallinity of Polymer Nanofibers without Loss of Nanofibrous Morphology via Heterogeneous Photothermal Annealing
MACROMOLECULES, 49(24), 9484–9492.

2014 journal article
Blending with Non-responsive Polymers to Incorporate Nanoparticles into Shape-Memory Materials and Enable Photothermal Heating: The Effects of Heterogeneous Temperature Distribution

2014 journal article
Control of the electric field-polymer solution interaction by utilizing ultra-conductive fluids
POLYMER, 55(24), 6390–6398.

2014 journal article
Spatial temperature mapping within polymer nanocomposites undergoing ultrafast photothermal heating via gold nanorods
NANOSCALE, 6(24), 15236–15247.

2014 journal article
Unconfined, melt edge electrospinning from multiple, spontaneous, self-organized polymer jets
Materials Research Express, 1(4), 045304.

2013 journal article
Anisotropic Thermal Processing of Polymer Nanocomposites via the Photothermal Effect of Gold Nanorods
Contributors: S. Maity n, K. Kozek n, W. Wu n, J. Tracy n , n & L. Clarke n

2013 journal article
Maximizing Spontaneous Jet Density and Nanofiber Quality in Unconfined Electrospinning: The Role of Interjet Interactions
MACROMOLECULES, 46(18), 7352–7362.

2013 journal article
Thermal Annealing of Polymer Nanocomposites via Photothermal Heating: Effects on Crystallinity and Spherulite Morphology
MACROMOLECULES, 46(21), 8596–8607.

2012 journal article
Effect of Solution Parameters on Spontaneous Jet Formation and Throughput in Edge Electrospinning from a Fluid-Filled Bowl
MACROMOLECULES, 45(16), 6527–6537.

2012 journal article
Metal Nanoparticles Acting as Light-Activated Heating Elements within Composite Materials
Advanced Functional Materials, 22(24), 5259–5270.

2011 journal article
Edge electrospinning for high throughput production of quality nanofibers

2011 journal article
Embedded metal nanoparticles as localized heat sources: An alternative processing approach for complex polymeric materials
POLYMER, 52(7), 1674–1685.

2010 journal article
Unconfined fluid electrospun into high quality nanofibers from a plate edge
POLYMER, 51(21), 4928–4936.

2008 journal article
Dynamics within Alkylsiloxane Self-Assembled Monolayers Studied by Sensitive Dielectric Spectroscopy
ACS NANO, 2(11), 2392–2400.
2006 journal article
Production of cold formaldehyde molecules for study and control of chemical reaction dynamics with hydroxyl radicals
Physical Review A, 73(6).
2004 journal article
A pulsed, low-temperature beam of supersonically cooled free radical OH molecules
Chemical Physics Letters, 395(1-3), 53–57.

2004 article
Cold free radical molecules in the laboratory frame
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies.
2004 journal article
Cold free-radical molecules in the laboratory frame
Physical Review A, 70(4).

2004 journal article
Efficient Stark deceleration of cold polar molecules
The European Physical Journal D, 31(2), 351–358.
2004 patent
Method For Operating An Electrodeless Hid Lamp And An Electrodeless Lamp System
2004 patent
Verfahren Zum Betreiben Einer Elektrodenlosen Hochdruckentladungslampe Und Ein Elektrodenloses Lampensystem
2003 journal article
Phase Space Manipulation of Cold Free Radical OH Molecules
Physical Review Letters, 91(24).
2003 article
Stark manipulation of the free radical OH
Postconference Digest Quantum Electronics and Laser Science, 2003. QELS.
2002 article
Magnetic trapping of ytterbium and the alkaline earths
Loftus, T., Bochinski, J. R., & Mossberg, T. W. Technical Digest. Summaries of Papers Presented at the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference. Postconference Technical Digest (IEEE Cat. No.01CH37172).
2002 journal article
Magnetic trapping of ytterbium and the alkaline-earth metals
Physical Review A, 66(1).
2002 article
Optical gain and loss spectra of driven degenerate two-level transitions
Loftus, T., Bochinski, J. R., & Mossberg, T. W. Technical Digest. Summaries of Papers Presented at the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference. Postconference Technical Digest (IEEE Cat. No.01CH37172).

2001 patent
Electrodeless High Intensity Discharge Lamp Energized By A Rotating Electric Field
2001 patent
Electrodeless High Intensity Discharge Lamp Having A Boron Sulfide Fill
2001 patent
Electrodeless High Intensity Discharge Lamp Having A Phosphorus Fill
2001 journal article
Optical double-resonance cooled-atom spectroscopy
Physical Review A, 63(2).
2001 journal article
Simultaneous multi-isotope trapping of ytterbium
Physical Review A, 63(5).
2001 journal article
Vacuum-mediated multiphoton transitions
Physical Review A, 63(5).

2000 journal article
Laser modulation technique for single isotope spectroscopic studies
Physical Review A, 61(4).
2000 journal article
Power-dependent loss from an ytterbium magneto-optic trap
Physical Review A, 61(5).
2000 journal article
Probing magneto-optic trap dynamics through weak excitation of a coupled narrow-linewidth transition
Physical Review A, 61(6).
1999 journal article
Experimental study of photon-echo size in optically thick media
Physical Review A, 60(2), R757–R760.
1998 patent
Electrodeless High Intensity Discharge Lamp Having A Phosphorus Fill
1997 journal article
Driving the driven atom: Spectral signatures
Physical Review A, 56(6), R4381–R4384.

1997 patent
Electrodeless High Intensity Discharge Lamp Having A Boron Sulfide Fill
1997 patent
Electrodeless High Intensity Discharge Lamp Having A Boron Sulfide Fill
1997 patent
Electrodeless High Intensity Discharge Lamp Having A Phosphorus Fill
1997 patent
Electrodeless High Intensity Discharge Lamp Having A Phosphorus Fill
1997 journal article
Intrinsically Irreversible Multiphoton Laser Gain Mechanisms
Physical Review Letters, 78(8), 1432–1435.
1997 patent
Method For Deflecting The Arc Of An Electrodeless Hid Lamp
1996 patent
Electrodeless High Intensity Discharge Lamp Energized By A Rotating Electric Field
1996 patent
Leistungskompensierte Kopplungsanordnung Für Elektrodenlose Entladungslampe
1996 patent
Method For Deflecting The Arc Of An Electrodeless Hid Lamp
1996 patent
Method For Operating An Electrodeless Hid Lamp And An Electrodeless Lamp System
1996 patent
Power Balanced Coupling Structure For Electrodeless Discharge Lamp
1995 patent
Electrodeless High Intensity Discharge Lamp Energized By A Rotating Electric Field.
1994 patent
Integral Impedance Matching Structure For Electrodeless Discharge Lamp
1994 patent
Power Balanced Coupling Structure For Electrodeless Discharge Lamp
1994 patent
Power Balanced Coupling Structure For Electrodeless Discharge Lamp.
1993 patent
End Cup Applicators For High Frequency Electrodeless Lamps
1992 patent
Loop Applicator For High Frequency Electrodeless Lamps