Kaitlin Gorrell

College Of Veterinary Medicine

Works (3)

Updated: August 12th, 2023 21:15

2023 journal article

Intracloacal Inoculation of Broiler Chickens with Clostridium perfringens Strains: Evaluation of Necrotic Enteritis Disease Development and Lymphoid Immune Responses


By: C. Gaghan n, K. Gorrell n, K. Taha-Abdelaziz*, S. Sharif* & R. Kulkarni n

author keywords: necrotic enteritis; Clostridium perfringens; chickens; intracloacal infection; immune response; virulence
TL;DR: Intracloacal C. perfringens inoculation seems to induce a highly regulated inflammatory response in the CT and other mucosal lymphoid organs and an intracloACal infection model may be useful in evaluating immune responses in chickens with subclinical NE. (via Semantic Scholar)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: March 18, 2023

2023 article

Mucosal and systemic lymphoid immune responses against Clostridium perfringens strains with variable virulence in the production of necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens

Kulkarni, R. R., Gaghan, C., Gorrell, K., & Fletcher, O. J. (2023, January 26). AVIAN PATHOLOGY, Vol. 1.

By: R. Kulkarni n, C. Gaghan n, K. Gorrell n & O. Fletcher n

author keywords: Necrotic enteritis; Clostridium perfringens; chickens; immune response; virulence; cytokines; pathogenesis
MeSH headings : Animals; Clostridium perfringens / genetics; Clostridium Infections / veterinary; Chickens; Virulence; Enteritis / veterinary; Poultry Diseases / pathology; Immunity; Anti-Inflammatory Agents / metabolism
TL;DR: It is suggested that lymphoid immune responses during NE in chickens are spatially regulated such that the inflammatory responses against C. perfringens depend on the virulence of the strain. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: March 13, 2023

2022 review

Probiotics as Alternatives to Antibiotics for the Prevention and Control of Necrotic Enteritis in Chickens

[Review of ]. PATHOGENS, 11(6).

By: R. Kulkarni n, C. Gaghan n, K. Gorrell n, S. Sharif* & K. Taha-Abdelaziz*

author keywords: necrotic enteritis; Clostridium perfringens; probiotics; disease control; lactobacilli; alternatives to antibiotics
TL;DR: Probiotic species tested in chickens have shown to improve bird performance, reduce C. perfringens colonization and NE-associated pathology, and modulate immune responses by downregulating expression of inflammatory cytokines. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
2. Zero Hunger (OpenAlex)
Sources: Web Of Science, ORCID, NC State University Libraries
Added: June 18, 2022

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