Works (302)
2024 journal article
Characteristics of Premixed Ammonia/Methane/Air Blends as an Alternative Fuel in a Swirl-Stabilized Gas Turbine Combustor Under Varying Pilot Percentage
2023 journal article
Effects of Variable Pressure Outlets for Array Jet Impingement Cooling With a Bidirectional Exit Air Scheme

2023 journal article
Numerical study of heat transfer enhancement over a rotating surface. Part I: Effect of pin-fin shapes
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 5, 1–20.

2023 chapter
Recent advancements in single-phase liquid-based heat transfer in microchannels
In J. P. Abraham, J. M. Gorman, & W. J. Minkowycz (Eds.), Advances in Heat Transfer (Vol. 55, pp. 239–293).
Ed(s): J. Abraham, J. Gorman & W. Minkowycz

2022 journal article
A new technique using background oriented schlieren for temperature reconstruction of an axisymmetric open reactive flow
2022 journal article
Effect of Pin Fins on Jet Impingement Heat Transfer Over a Rotating Disk
Journal of Heat Transfer, 144(4).

2022 journal article
Effect of Rotation on Heat Transfer in AR = 2:1 and AR = 4:1 Channels Connected by a Series of Crossover Jets
Journal of Turbomachinery, 144(6).

2022 journal article
Effect of Spanwise Hole-to-Hole Spacing on Overall Cooling Effectiveness of Effusion Cooled Combustor Liners for a Swirl-Stabilized Can Combustor
Journal of Turbomachinery, 144(7).

2022 journal article
Temperature reconstruction of an axisymmetric enclosed reactive flow using simultaneous background oriented schlieren and infrared thermography
2021 journal article
A Modern Review on Jet Impingement Heat Transfer Methods
Journal of Heat Transfer, 143(6).

2021 journal article
A numerical parametric study to enhance thermal hydraulic performance of a novel alternating offset oblique microchannel
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 79(7), 489–512.
2021 journal article
Characterization of Transient Wall Heat Load for a Low NOx Lean Premixed Swirl Stabilized Can Combustor Under Reacting Conditions
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 14(2).

2021 review
Detailed Heat Transfer Measurements for Rotating Turbulent Flows in Gas Turbine Systems
[Review of ]. ENERGIES, 14(1).

2021 article
Effect of channel aspect ratio and fin geometry on fluid flow and heat transfer performance of sectional oblique fin microchannels
2021 journal article
Enhanced fin-effectiveness of micro-scale concentric-shape roughened target surface subjected to array jet impingement
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 173, 121148.

2021 journal article
Forced convection cooling of additively manufactured single and double layer enhanced microchannels
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 168, 120881.
2021 journal article
Heat Transfer Enhancement Through Array Jet Impingement on Strategically Placed High Porosity High Pore-Density Thin Copper Foams
Journal of Electronic Packaging, 143(3).

2021 journal article
Liquid Crystal Thermography in Gas Turbine Heat Transfer: A Review on Measurement Techniques and Recent Investigations
Crystals, 11(11), 1332.

2021 journal article
Overall Cooling Effectiveness of Effusion Cooled Can Combustor Liner Under Reacting and Non-Reacting Conditions
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 14(2).

2020 journal article
A skin layer made of cured polysilazane and yttria stabilized zirconia for enhanced thermal protection of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRPs)
Surface and Coatings Technology, 404, 126481.
Contributors: Y. Jia *, T. Ajayi n, K. Ramakrishnan n, A. Negi n, J. Liu n , n , C. Xu n
2020 journal article
Array Jet Impingement on High Porosity Thin Metal Foams: Effect of Foam Height, Pore-Density, and Spent Air Crossflow Scheme on Flow Distribution and Heat Transfer
Journal of Heat Transfer, 142(11).

2020 journal article
Enhanced thermal hydraulic performance by V-shaped protrusion for gas turbine blade trailing edge cooling
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 149, 119221.
Contributors: I. Kaur*, P. Singh* & n

2020 conference paper
Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Single-Pass and Two-Pass Enhanced Microchannel Heat Sinks
InterSociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, ITHERM, 2020-July, 38–47.
2020 journal article
Experimental and Numerical Study of Chord-Wise Eight-Passage Serpentine Cooling Design for Eliminating the Coriolis Force Adverse Effect on Heat Transfer
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 13(1).
2020 journal article
Multifunctional Ceramic Composite System for Simultaneous Thermal Protection and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding for Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(52), 58005–58017.
2020 journal article
Parallel rotation for negating Coriolis force effect on heat transfer
The Aeronautical Journal, 124(1274), 581–596.
Contributors: A. Sarja n, P. Singh* & n

2020 journal article
Professor Satish G. Kandlikar on His 70th Birthday
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 12(6).
Ed(s): M. Awad, D. Attinger, A. Bejan, A. Beskok, G. Celata, S. Colin *, V. Dhir, P. Di Marco

2020 conference paper
Thermal Hydraulic Performance of High Porosity High Pore Density Thin Copper Foams Subject to Array Jet Impingement
InterSociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, ITHERM, 2020-July, 15–22.

2020 journal article
Thermal-Hydraulic Performance Enhancement by the Combination of Rectangular Winglet Pair and V-Shaped Dimples
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 12(2).

2020 journal article
Three-Dimensional Transient Heat Conduction Equation Solution for Accurate Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficient
Journal of Heat Transfer, 142(5).

2019 conference paper
Air-based cooling in high porosity, aluminum foams for compact electronics cooling
InterSociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, ITHERM, 2019-May, 376–383.
Contributors: S. Panse n, P. Singh n & n

2019 conference paper
Comparison of different combustion liner cooling techniques under non-reacting conditions for a lean premixed fuel nozzle
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum.
Contributors: S. Ahmed n, P. Singh n & n

2019 conference paper
Effect of blade profile on four-passage serpentine configuration designed to negate coriolis effect on heat and fluid flow
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5A-2019.
Contributors: A. Sarja n, S. Madhavan n, P. Singh n & n

2019 journal article
Effect of micro-roughness shapes on jet impingement heat transfer and fin-effectiveness
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 132, 80–95.
Contributors: P. Singh n, M. Zhang *, S. Ahmed n, K. Ramakrishnan n & n

2019 conference paper
Effect of pore density on jet impingement onto thin metal foams under intermediate crossflow scheme
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 8.
Contributors: S. Madhavan n, V. Sambamurthy n, P. Singh n & n

2019 conference paper
Effect of twist ratio on heat transfer enhancement by swirl impingement
ASME 2019 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, HT 2019, collocated with the ASME 2019 13th International Conference on Energy Sustainability.
Contributors: K. Ramakrishnan n, P. Singh n, S. Madhavan n & n

2019 conference paper
Experimental investigation of crossflow diverters in jet impingement cooling
ASME 2019 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, HT 2019, collocated with the ASME 2019 13th International Conference on Energy Sustainability.
Contributors: S. Madhavan n, P. Singh n, K. Ramakrishnan n & n

2019 conference paper
Gas turbine combustor liner wall heat load characterization for different gaseous fuels
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 8.
Contributors: K. Ramakrishnan n, S. Ahmed n, B. Wahls n, P. Singh n, M. Aleman n, K. Granlund n, n , F. Liberatore, Y. Ho

2019 conference paper
Impingement heat transfer of various lobe-shaped nozzles
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 8.
Contributors: S. Panse n, S. Madhavan n, P. Singh n & n

2019 journal article
Jet Impingement Heat Transfer Enhancement by Packing High-Porosity Thin Metal Foams Between Jet Exit Plane and Target Surface
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 11(6).
Contributors: S. Madhavan n, P. Singh n & n

2019 journal article
Jet Impingement Heat Transfer Enhancement by U-Shaped Crossflow Diverters
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 12(4).

2019 journal article
Multi-Pass Serpentine Cooling Designs for Negating Coriolis Force Effect on Heat Transfer: Smooth Channels
Journal of Turbomachinery, 141(7).
2019 journal article
Multipass Serpentine Cooling Designs for Negating Coriolis Force Effect on Heat Transfer: 45-deg Angled Rib Turbulated Channels
Journal of Turbomachinery, 141(7).

2019 journal article
Professor Bengt Sundén on his 70th Birthday
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 141, 1315–1317.
2019 journal article
Rib Turbulator Heat Transfer Enhancements at Very High Reynolds Numbers
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 11(6).
Contributors: M. Zhang *, P. Singh n & n

2019 journal article
Thermal hydraulic performance augmentation by high-porosity thin aluminum foams placed in high aspect ratio ducts
Applied Thermal Engineering, 161, 114162.

2019 conference paper
Three-dimensional transient heat conduction equation solution for accurate quantification of heat transfer coefficient in transient liquid crystal experiments
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 8.
Contributors: S. Ahmed n, P. Singh n & n

2018 conference paper
An eight-passage serpentine design for negating coriolis force effect on heat transfer
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 8B-2018.
Contributors: P. Singh n & n

2018 conference paper
Characterization of heat load on the liner walls during near blowout instabilities
AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2018, (210059).
Contributors: S. Gadiraju*, S. Park *, n , F. Limbretore, R. Srinivasan & S. Ho
2018 journal article
Detailed Heat Transfer Measurements of Jet Impingement on Dimpled Target Surface Under Rotation
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 10(3).
Contributors: P. Singh * & *

2018 journal article
Effect of Longitudinal Vortex Generator Location on Thermoelectric-Hydraulic Performance of a Single-Stage Integrated Thermoelectric Power Generator
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 10(5).
Contributors: S. Deshpande*, B. Ravi *, J. Pandit*, T. Ma *, S. Huxtable * & *

2018 conference paper
Effect of nozzle-to-target spacing on fin effectiveness and convective heat transfer coefficient for array jet impingement onto novel micro-roughness structures
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 8A-2018.
Contributors: P. Singh n, M. Zhang *, S. Ahmed n & n

2018 conference paper
Effects of reacting conditions on flow fields in a swirl stabilized lean premixed can combustor
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 4B-2018.
Contributors: S. Park *, S. Gadiraju*, J. Pandit *, n , F. Liberatore, Y. Ho, R. Srinivasan

2018 journal article
Experimental Investigation of Rotational Effects on Heat Transfer Enhancement Due to Crossflow-Induced Swirl Using Transient Liquid Crystal Thermography
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 10(3).
Contributors: L. Yang *, P. Singh *, K. Tyagi*, J. Pandit *, * & J. Ren*
2018 journal article
Experimental and numerical investigation of heat and fluid flow in a square duct featuring criss-cross rib patterns
Applied Thermal Engineering, 128, 415–425.
Contributors: P. Singh *, Y. Ji * & *

2018 conference paper
Experimental investigation of heat transfer enhancement through array jet impingement on various configurations of high porosity thin metal foams
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 8B-2018.
Contributors: S. Madhavan n, P. Singh n & n

2018 journal article
Flow Field and Wall Temperature Measurements for Reacting Flow in a Lean Premixed Swirl Stabilized Can Combustor
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 140(9).
Contributors: S. Park *, D. Gomez-Ramirez*, S. Gadiraju*, S. Kedukodi*, * , H. Moon, Y. Kim, R. Srinivasan

2018 conference paper
Flow temperature measurement on a lean premixed swirl stablized combustor under reacting condition
AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2018, (210059).
Contributors: S. Park *, S. Gadiraju*, * , F. Liberatore & R. Srinivasan
2018 conference paper
Fuel interchangeability effects on the lean blowout for a lean premixed swirl stabilized fuel nozzle
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 4B-2018.
Contributors: S. Gadiraju*, S. Park *, P. Singh *, J. Pandit *, n , F. Liberatore, R. Srinivasan, Y. Ho
2018 conference paper
High porosity and high pore density thin copper foams for compact electronics cooling
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 8B-2018.
Contributors: S. Panse n, P. Singh n & n

2018 conference paper
Multi-pass serpentine cooling designs for negating coriolis force effect on heat transfer: 45-degree angled rib turbulated channels
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5A-2018.
Contributors: P. Singh *, Y. Ji * & n

2018 conference paper
Multi-pass serpentine cooling designs for negating coriolis force effect on heat transfer: Smooth channels
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5A-2018.
Contributors: P. Singh *, Y. Ji * & n

2018 journal article
Thermal Management of a Transonic Turbine: Leakage Flow and Endwall Contouring Effects
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 32(4), 1031–1044.

2018 conference paper
Three-tier impingement cooling design for gas turbine blade trailing edge
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 8B-2018.
Contributors: K. Ramakrishnan n, P. Singh n & n

2017 journal article
A new cooling design for rib roughened two-pass channel having positive effects of rotation on heat transfer enhancement on both pressure and suction side internal walls of a gas turbine blade
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 115, 6–20.
Contributors: P. Singh *, W. Li *, * & J. Ren*

2017 journal article
A transient liquid crystal image technique for local heat transfer distributions near a sharp 180° turn of a two-pass smooth square channel
Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 24(1-4), 127–140.
2017 conference paper
Application of proper orthogonal decomposition to high speed imaging for the study of combustion oscillations
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, Part F130041-4B.
Contributors: S. Gadiraju*, S. Park *, D. Gomez-Ramirez*, * , K. Todd Lowe *, H. Moon, Y. Kim, R. Srinivasan

2017 journal article
Characterization of heat transfer enhancement and frictional losses in a two-pass square duct featuring unique combinations of rib turbulators and cylindrical dimples
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 106, 629–647.
Contributors: P. Singh *, J. Pandit * & *
2017 journal article
Effect of crossflow regulation by varying jet diameters in streamwise direction on jet impingement heat transfer under maximum crossflow condition
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 72(8), 579–599.
Contributors: Y. Ji *, P. Singh *, * & S. Zang*

2017 journal article
Effects of spent air removal scheme on internal-side heat transfer in an impingement-effusion system at low jet-to-target plate spacing
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 108, 998–1010.
Contributors: P. Singh * & *

2017 journal article
Experimental and numerical investigation of heat transfer inside two-pass rib roughened duct (AR = 1:2) under rotating and stationary conditions
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 113, 384–398.
Contributors: P. Singh *, W. Li *, * & J. Ren*

2017 conference paper
Experimental based empirical model of the initial onset of sand deposits on hastelloy-X from 1000°C to 1100°C using particle tracking
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2D-2017.
Contributors: A. Boulanger*, J. Hutchinson*, W. Ng *, * , M. Keefe*, W. Xu*, B. Barker*, K. Hsu*
2017 conference paper
Experimental investigation of rotating rib roughened two-pass square duct with two different channel orientations
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5A-2017.
Contributors: P. Singh * & *

2017 journal article
Experimental investigation of the onset of sand deposits on Hastelloy-X between 1,000°C and 1,100°C
The Aeronautical Journal, 121(1242), 1187–1199.
Contributors: A. Boulanger*, J. Hutchinson*, W. Ng*, * , M. Keefe*, W. Xu *, B. Barker*, K. Hsu*

2017 journal article
Experimental study of heat transfer augmentation in a two-pass channel featuring V-shaped ribs and cylindrical dimples
Applied Thermal Engineering, 116, 205–216.
Contributors: P. Singh * & *

2017 journal article
Film Cooling Performance of Tripod Antivortex Injection Holes Over the Pressure and Suction Surfaces of a Nozzle Guide Vane
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 9(2).
Contributors: S. Ramesh *, C. LeBlanc*, D. Narzary*, * & M. Alvin*

2017 conference paper
Flow field and wall temperature measurements for reacting flow in a lean premixed swirl stabilized can combustor
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5C-2017.
Contributors: S. Park *, D. Gomez-Ramirez*, S. Gadiraju*, S. Kedukodi*, * , H. Moon, Y. Kim, R. Srinivasan

2017 journal article
Heat Transfer Measurements inside Narrow Channels with Ribs and Trenches
Heat Transfer Engineering, 39(9), 750–759.

2017 journal article
Heat Transfer Performance of a Transonic Turbine Blade Passage in the Presence of Leakage Flow Through Upstream Slot and Mateface Gap With Endwall Contouring
Journal of Turbomachinery, 139(12).

2017 conference paper
Heat transfer enhancement by criss-cross pattern formed by 45° Angled rib turbulators in a straight square duct
ASME 2017 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, HT 2017, 1.
Contributors: P. Singh *, Y. Ji *, M. Zhang * & *

2017 journal article
Investigation of isothermal convective heat transfer in an optical combustor with a low-emissions swirl fuel nozzle
Applied Thermal Engineering, 114, 65–76.

2017 journal article
Isothermal coherent structures and turbulent flow produced by a gas turbine combustor lean pre-mixed swirl fuel nozzle
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 81, 187–201.

2017 conference paper
Numerical & experimental investigations for flow fields under non-reacting & reacting conditions through a lean premixed fuel nozzle
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5C-2017.
Contributors: S. Kedukodi*, S. Park *, S. Gadiraju*, * , Y. Kim & R. Srinivasan

2017 conference paper
Numerical investigation of scoop effect on film cooling for cylindrical inclined hole
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 8.
Contributors: Y. Ji *, P. Singh *, * & S. Zang

2017 journal article
Numerical investigation of turbulent flow and heat transfer in two-pass ribbed channels
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 112, 31–43.
Contributors: B. Ravi *, P. Singh * & *

2017 journal article
Numerical study on thermoelectric–hydraulic performance of a thermoelectric power generator with a plate-fin heat exchanger with longitudinal vortex generators
Applied Energy, 185, 1343–1354.
Contributors: T. Ma *, X. Lu *, J. Pandit*, * , S. Huxtable *, S. Deshpande*, Q. Wang *

2016 journal article
A Diagnostic Technique for Particle Characterization Using Laser Light Extinction
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 138(11).
Contributors: K. Barboza*, L. Ma *, K. Todd Lowe *, * & W. Ng *
2016 journal article
Analysis of film cooling performance of advanced tripod hole geometries with and without manufacturing features
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 94, 9–19.
Contributors: S. Ramesh *, D. Ramirez*, * & M. Alvin*

2016 conference paper
Analysis on impact of turbulence parameters and swirl angle variation on isothermal gas turbine combustor flows
ASME 2016 Heat Transfer Summer Conference, HT 2016, collocated with the ASME 2016 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and the ASME 2016 14th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, 2.
2016 journal article
Effect of Endwall Contouring on a Transonic Turbine Blade Passage: Heat Transfer Performance
Journal of Turbomachinery, 139(1).

2016 conference paper
Effects of rotation on heat transfer due to jet impingement on cylindrical dimpled target surface
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5B-2016.

2016 journal article
Experimental and numerical study of heat transfer due to developing flow in a two-pass rib roughened square duct
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 102, 1245–1256.
Contributors: P. Singh *, B. Ravi * & *

2016 conference paper
Experimental investigation of heat transfer augmentation by different jet impingement hole shapes under maximum crossflow
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5B-2016.
Contributors: P. Singh *, B. Ravi * & *

2016 conference paper
Gas turbine combustor rig development and initial observations at cold and reacting flow conditions
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5B-2016.

2016 journal article
Heat Transfer Optimization for Thermoelectric Power Generation with Automobile Waste Heat Recovery Applications
Annual Review of Heat Transfer, 19(1), 241–277.
2016 conference paper
Preliminary experimental investigation of initial onset of sand deposition in the turbine section of gas turbines
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 1.
Contributors: A. Boulanger*, H. Patel*, J. Hutchinson*, W. DeShong*, W. Xu*, W. Ng *, *
2016 journal article
Sensitivity of different impingement structures to rotation
Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 37(1), 37–40.
2015 journal article
A Novel Transient Technique to Determine Recovery Temperature, Heat Transfer Coefficient, and Film Cooling Effectiveness Simultaneously in a Transonic Turbine Cascade
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 7(1).

2015 journal article
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, 6(1).
2015 conference paper
A diagnostic technique for particle characterization using laser light extinction
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 6.
2015 conference paper
Combustor heat shield impingement cooling and its effect on liner convective heat transfer for a model annular combustor with radial swirlers
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5C.
Contributors: D. Gomez-Ramirez*, D. Dilip*, B. Ravi *, S. Deshpande*, J. Pandit *, * , H. Moon, Y. Kim, R. Srinivasan

2015 journal article
Effect of Temperature on Microparticle Rebound Characteristics at Constant Impact Velocity—Part I
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 137(11).
2015 journal article
Effect of Temperature on Microparticle Rebound Characteristics at Constant Impact Velocity—Part II
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 137(11).
2015 conference paper
Effect of downstream contraction on liner heat transfer in a gas turbine combustor swirl flow
ASME 2015 Gas Turbine India Conference, GTINDIA 2015.
2015 conference paper
Effect of longitudinal vortex generator location on thermoelectric-hydraulic performance of a single stage integrated thermoelectric power generator
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 8B-2015.
Contributors: S. Deshpande*, B. Ravi *, J. Pandit *, T. Ma *, S. Huxtable * & *

2015 journal article
Evaluation of Multilouvered-Fin-Based Heat Exchangers for Automobile Exhaust Energy Harvesting Systems
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 29(4), 785–794.
Contributors: J. Athavale*, J. Pandit *, * & S. Huxtable *

2015 conference paper
Experimental study of heat transfer augmentation in high aspectratio channels featuring different dimple configurations
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5A.
Contributors: K. Tyagi*, P. Singh *, J. Pandit *, S. Ramesh *, * & A. Tolpadi*

2015 conference paper
Film cooling performance of tripod holes on the Endwall upstream of a first stage nozzle guide vane
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 8B-2015.
Contributors: B. Ravi *, S. Deshpande*, S. Ramesh *, P. Dhilipkumar* & *

2015 conference paper
Influence of rotation on heat transfer in a two-pass channel with impingement under high reynolds number
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5A.

2015 conference paper
Numerical investigation of effect of geometry changes in a model combustor on swirl dominated flow and heat transfer
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5C.

2015 conference paper
Separation of radiative and convective wall heat fluxes using thermal infrared measurements applied to flame impingement
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 8A-2015.
Contributors: D. Gomez-Ramirez*, * , B. Lattimer *, H. Moon, Y. Kim & R. Srinivasan

2015 journal article
Simulation of thermoelectric-hydraulic performance of a thermoelectric power generator with longitudinal vortex generators
Energy, 84, 695–703.
Contributors: T. Ma *, J. Pandit*, * , S. Huxtable * & Q. Wang *

2015 journal article
Study on Thermoelectric-hydraulic Performance of Longitudinal Vortex Generators in a Large-scale Thermoelectric Power Generator
Energy Procedia, 75, 639–644.
Contributors: T. Ma *, J. Pandit *, * , S. Huxtable *, S. Deshpande* & Q. Wang *

2015 journal article
Thermal-Hydraulic Performance of Different Discontinuous Fins Used in a Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger for Supercritical CO2
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 68(10), 1067–1086.

2014 conference paper
Aerodynamic performance of a transonic turbine blade passage in presence of upstream slot and mateface gap with endwall contouring
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2C.

2014 conference paper
Direct-coupling simulation of thermal-hydraulic and stress analysis in a Cross-Wave primary surface heat exchanger
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 8A.
Contributors: J. Zhang *, T. Ma *, M. Zeng *, * & Q. Wang *
2014 conference paper
Effect of near melting temperatures on microparticle sand rebound characteristics at constant impact velocity
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 1A.
2014 journal article
Effect of pin fin to channel height ratio and pin fin geometry on heat transfer performance for flow in rectangular channels
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 77, 359–368.
Contributors: J. Pandit *, M. Thompson*, * & S. Huxtable *

2014 conference paper
Effect of temperature on microparticle rebound characteristics at constant impact velocity
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 1A.
2014 conference paper
Evaluation of herringbone wavy fin based heat exchanger for heat transfer enhancement in automobile exhaust energy harvesting systems
Proceedings of the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC 2014.
Contributors: J. Athavale*, J. Pandit *, n & S. Huxtable *

2014 conference paper
Evaluation of multi-louvered fin based heat exchangers for use in automobile exhaust energy harvesting systems
52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, SciTech 2014.
Contributors: J. Athavale*, J. Pandit*, * & S. Huxtable *

2014 conference paper
Experimental and computational analysis of film cooling hole performance on a high temperature test rig
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 8B.
Contributors: S. Ramesh *, * , D. Straub *, S. Lawson* & M. Alvin*

2014 conference paper
Flow field and liner heat transfer for a model annular combustor equipped with radial swirlers
50th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference 2014.
Contributors: D. Ramirez*, V. Kumar *, * , D. Tafti *, Y. Kim, H. Moon, R. Srinivasan

2014 conference paper
Heat transfer performance of a transonic turbine blade passage in presence of leakage flow through upstream slot and mateface gap with endwall contouring
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5B.

2014 chapter
Impingement Cooling for Combustor Liner Backside Cooling
In R. Amano & B. Sunden (Eds.), Impingement jet cooling in gas turbines. WIT Press.
Ed(s): R. Amano & B. Sunden
2014 chapter book
Internal Cooling

2014 conference paper
Netl research efforts on development and integration of advanced material systems and airfoil cooling configurations for future land-based gas turbine engines
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 6.
Contributors: M. Alvin*, J. Klinger*, B. McMordie, M. Chyu *, S. Siw*, N. Miller*, B. Reddy*, B. Gleeson *
2014 journal article
Sand transport in a two pass internal cooling duct with rib turbulators
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 46, 158–167.
Contributors: S. Singh*, D. Tafti *, C. Reagle*, J. Delimont*, W. Ng * & *
2013 journal article
75th Anniversary Special Issues
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 5(2), 020301.
2013 conference paper
A review of hole geometry and coolant density effect on film cooling
ASME 2013 Heat Transfer Summer Conf. Collocated with the ASME 2013 7th Int. Conf. on Energy Sustainability and the ASME 2013 11th Int. Conf. on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, HT 2013, 3.
2013 conference paper
Biomass/coal co-pyrolysis and co-combustion characterization
8th US National Combustion Meeting 2013, 3, 2584–2591.
2013 journal article
Comparison of Flow and Heat Transfer Distributions in a Can Combustor for Radial and Axial Swirlers Under Cold Flow Conditions
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 5(3).

2013 conference paper
Comparison of data processing techniques for convective heat transfer measurements in a transient transonic hot wind tunnel
ASME 2013 Gas Turbine India Conference, GTINDIA 2013.

2013 journal article
Effect of Rotation on Detailed Heat Transfer Distribution for Various Rib Geometries in Developing Channel Flow
Journal of Heat Transfer, 136(1).

2013 conference paper
Effect of endwall contouring in presence of upstream leakage flow in a transonic turbine blade passage: Heat transfer measurements
49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 1 PartF.
2013 conference paper
Effect of hole exit shaping on film cooling performance for tripod hole injection over a flat surface
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 3.
Contributors: C. LeBlanc*, S. Ramesh *, * & M. Alvin*

2013 conference paper
Effect of upstream purge slot on a transonic turbine blade passage: Part 1 - Aerodynamic performance
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 3.

2013 conference paper
Effect of upstream purge slot on a transonic turbine blade passage: Part 2 - Heat transfer performance
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 3.

2013 conference paper
Experimental and computational evaluation of flow characteristics for advanced film cooling hole geometries
ASME 2013 Heat Transfer Summer Conf. Collocated with the ASME 2013 7th Int. Conf. on Energy Sustainability and the ASME 2013 11th Int. Conf. on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, HT 2013, 3.
Contributors: D. Gomez-Ramirez*, S. Srinivasan*, S. Ramesh *, M. Miranda*, * & M. Alvin*

2013 conference paper
Experimental investigation of heat transfer across a thermoelectric generator for waste heat recovery from automobile exhaust
ASME 2013 Heat Transfer Summer Conf. Collocated with the ASME 2013 7th Int. Conf. on Energy Sustainability and the ASME 2013 11th Int. Conf. on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, HT 2013, 1.
Contributors: J. Pandit *, M. Thompson*, * & S. Huxtable *

2013 journal article
Film-Cooling Performance of Antivortex Hole on a Flat Plate
Journal of Turbomachinery, 135(6).
2013 journal article
2013 journal article
Heat Transfer Enhancement in Narrow Diverging Channels
Journal of Turbomachinery, 135(4).
Contributors: J. Lamont*, S. Ramesh *, * , A. Tolpadi*, C. Kaminski* & S. Salamah*

2013 conference paper
Heat transfer in multiple parallel high aspect ratio ducts with triangular trench enhancement features
ASME 2013 Heat Transfer Summer Conf. Collocated with the ASME 2013 7th Int. Conf. on Energy Sustainability and the ASME 2013 11th Int. Conf. on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, HT 2013, 3.
Contributors: J. Lamont*, K. Chatterjee *, * , G. Ledezma*, C. Kaminski* & A. Tolpadi*

2013 journal article
Measuring the coefficient of restitution of high speed microparticle impacts using a PTV and CFD hybrid technique
Measurement Science and Technology, 24(10), 105303.
2013 journal article
Multi-Layer Mini-Channel and Ribbed Mini-Channel Based High Performance Cooling Configurations for Automotive Inverters—Part A: Design and Evaluation
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 5(3).
Contributors: P. Parida, & K. Ngo * *

2013 conference paper
Numerical modeling of fluid flow and thermal behavior in geothermal heat exchangers
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 6 B.
Contributors: W. Thompson III, , C. Guney Olgun * & J. Wheeler * *

2013 journal article
Study of Microparticle Rebound Characteristics Under High Temperature Conditions
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 136(1).

2013 conference paper
Study of microparticle rebound characteristics under high temperature conditions
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2.

2013 conference paper
Test capabilities in the CCAPS/CSDL augmentor development facility
51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013.
Contributors: R. Blanchard *, A. Wickersham*, I. Yeaton *, C. Fleischman*, * , W. Ng *, U. Vandsburger*, L. Ma *, T. Lowe *
2013 conference paper
Thermo-mechanical analysis of various film cooling hole geometries
ASME 2013 Heat Transfer Summer Conf. Collocated with the ASME 2013 7th Int. Conf. on Energy Sustainability and the ASME 2013 11th Int. Conf. on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, HT 2013, 3.
Contributors: S. Ramesh *, C. Leblanc*, * & M. Alvin*
2013 conference paper
Tripod hole geometry performance for a vane suction surface near throat location
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 3.
Contributors: S. Ramesh *, C. LeBlanc*, * & M. Alvin*

2012 conference paper
A novel optical technique for measuring the coefficient of restitution of microparticle impacts in a forced flowfield
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 7(PARTS A AND B), 1–9.
2012 conference paper
Comparison of flow and heat transfer distributions in a can combustor for radial and axial swirlers under cold flow conditions
ASME 2012 Heat Transfer Summer Conf. Collocated with the ASME 2012 Fluids Engineering Div. Summer Meeting and the ASME 2012 10th Int. Conf. on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, HT 2012, 1, 873–879.

2012 journal article
Detailed Heat Transfer Distributions in Engine Similar Cooling Channels for a Turbine Rotor Blade With Different Rib Orientations
Journal of Turbomachinery, 135(1).

2012 journal article
Detailed Heat Transfer Measurements Inside Rotating Ribbed Channels Using the Transient Liquid Crystal Technique
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 4(1).

2012 conference paper
Effect of breakout angle on tripod injection hole geometries on flat plate film cooling
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 7(PARTS A, B, C, D), 1995–2002.
Contributors: C. Leblanc*, S. Ramesh *, * & M. Alvin*
2012 conference paper
Effect of endwall contouring on a transonic turbine blade passage: Part 1 - Aerodynamic performance
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 8(PARTS A, B, AND C), 1089–1098.
Contributors: S. Abraham*, K. Panchal*, * , W. Ng *, A. Lohaus* & A. Malandra*

2012 conference paper
Effect of endwall contouring on a transonic turbine blade passage: Part 2 - Heat transfer performance
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 4(PARTS A AND B), 151–161.
Contributors: K. Panchal*, S. Abraham*, * , W. Ng *, A. Lohaus* & M. Crawford*

2012 conference paper
Effect of partial 3-dimensional pin fin geometry for heat transfer enhancement in high aspect ratio channels
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 7(PARTS A, B, C, D), 1747–1754.
Contributors: J. Pandit *, M. Dove*, * & S. Huxtable *

2012 conference paper
Effect of rotation on jet impingement heat transfer for various jet configurations
ASME 2012 Heat Transfer Summer Conf. Collocated with the ASME 2012 Fluids Engineering Div. Summer Meeting and the ASME 2012 10th Int. Conf. on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, HT 2012, 1, 717–726.

2012 journal article
Effects of Rotation on Heat Transfer for a Single Row Jet Impingement Array With Crossflow
Journal of Heat Transfer, 134(8).

2012 journal article
Experimental study on solid circulation in a multiple jet fluidized bed
AIChE Journal, 58(10), 3003–3015.
Contributors: G. Agarwal *, B. Lattimer *, * & U. Vandsburger*
2012 conference paper
Experimental validation of temperature distributions across a heat exchanger for a thermoelectric generator
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 7(PARTS A, B, C, D), 1755–1760.
Contributors: M. Dove*, J. Pandit*, * & S. Huxtable *

2012 book

2012 conference paper
Grid-zone particle hydrodynamics and solid circulation in a multiple jet fluidized bed
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FEDSM, 2, 55–64.
Contributors: G. Agarwal *, B. Lattimer *, * & U. Vandsburger*
2012 conference paper
Heat exchanger design for waste heat recovery from automobile exhaust using thermoelectric generators
50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition.
Contributors: J. Pandit*, M. Dove*, * & S. Huxtable *
2012 conference paper
Heat transfer enhancement in narrow diverging channels
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 4(PARTS A AND B), 185–191.
Contributors: J. Lamont*, S. Ramesh *, * , A. Tolpadi*, C. Kaminski* & S. Salamah*

2012 conference paper
High efficiency minichannel and mini-impingement cooling systems for hybrid electric vehicle electronics
ASME 2012 10th Int. Conf. on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels Collocated with the ASME 2012 Heat Transfer Summer Conf. and the ASME 2012 Fluids Engineering Division Sum, ICNMM 2012, 669–679.
Contributors: , P. Parida * & K. Ngo * *

2012 journal article
Impingement-based high performance cooling configurations for automotive power converters
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55(4), 834–847.
Contributors: P. Parida *, * & K. Ngo *

2012 conference paper
Measurement of aerodynamic losses for turbine airfoil cascades with varying pitch, operating under transonic conditions
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 8(PARTS A, B, AND C), 1081–1088.
Contributors: S. Abraham*, K. Panchal*, * , W. Ng *, A. Lohaus* & A. Malandra*

2012 conference paper
Optimization of low jet-to-target spacing ratio for double wall impingement cooling applications
50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition.
Contributors: S. Ramesh *, D. Narzary* & *

2012 conference paper
Performance of tripod antivortex injection holes on vane film cooling
ASME 2012 Heat Transfer Summer Conf. Collocated with the ASME 2012 Fluids Engineering Div. Summer Meeting and the ASME 2012 10th Int. Conf. on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, HT 2012, 1, 745–755.
2012 conference paper
Sand transport in a two pass internal cooling duct with rib turbulators
ASME 2012 Heat Transfer Summer Conf. Collocated with the ASME 2012 Fluids Engineering Div. Summer Meeting and the ASME 2012 10th Int. Conf. on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, HT 2012, 1, 727–735.
Contributors: S. Singh*, C. Reagle*, J. Delimont*, D. Tafti *, W. Ng * & *
2012 conference paper
The performance of fan-shaped hole film cooling on a gas turbine blade at transonic conditon with high freestream turbulence
50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition.
Contributors: S. Xue *, W. Ng*, * , H. Moon & L. Zhang

2011 conference paper
Detailed heat transfer distributions in engine similar cooling channels for a turbine rotor blade with different rib orientations
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5(PARTS A AND B), 1109–1116.

2011 conference paper
Detailed heat transfer measurements inside rotating ribbed channels using the transient liquid crystal technique
ASME/JSME 2011 8th Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, AJTEC 2011.

2011 conference paper
Effect of airfoil shape and turning angle on turbine airfoil aerodynamic performance at transonic conditions
ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2011, 6(PARTS A AND B), 1199–1208.
Contributors: S. Abraham*, K. Panchal*, * , W. Ng *, B. Brown* & A. Malandra*

2011 conference paper
Effect of turbine airfoil shape on aerodynamic losses for turbine airfoils operating under transonic conditions
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 7(PARTS A, B, AND C), 511–521.
Contributors: S. Abraham*, K. Panchal*, * , W. Ng *, B. Brown* & A. Malandra*

2011 conference paper
Effects of Rotation on jet impingement channel heat transfer
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5(PARTS A AND B), 1269–1278.

2011 journal article
Experimental and numerical investigation of confined oblique impingement configurations for high heat flux applications
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 50(6), 1037–1050.
Contributors: P. Parida *, * & K. Ngo *

2011 journal article
Experimental and numerical investigation of convective heat transfer in a gas turbine can combustor
Journal of Turbomachinery, 133(1).
Contributors: S. Patil*, S. Abraham*, D. Tafti *, * , Y. Kim, P. Dutta, H. Moon, R. Srinivasan

2011 conference paper
Experimental validation of syngas composition of an entrained flow gasifier model under different operating conditions
28th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2011, PCC 2011, 2, 870–878.
2011 conference paper
Film-cooling performance of anti-vortex hole on a flat plate
ASME/JSME 2011 8th Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, AJTEC 2011.
2011 conference paper
Heat transfer distribution of various rib geometries for developing flow at high rotation numbers
ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2011, 10(PARTS A AND B), 1039–1047.

2011 journal article
Influence of multiple gas inlet jets on fluidized bed hydrodynamics using Particle Image Velocimetry and Digital Image Analysis
Powder Technology, 214(1), 122–134.
Contributors: G. Agarwal *, B. Lattimer *, * & U. Vandsburger*
2011 conference paper
Investigation of effect of end wall contouring methods on a transonic turbine blade passage
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 7(PARTS A, B, AND C), 523–534.
Contributors: K. Panchal*, S. Abraham*, * , W. Ng *, B. Brown* & A. Malandra*

2011 conference paper
Optimized impingement configurations for double wall cooling applications
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 5(PARTS A AND B), 1535–1543.

2011 conference paper
Performance of tripod antivortex injection holes on vane suction side film cooling
47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit 2011.
2011 conference paper
Prediction and validation of performance of an entrained flow gasifier model
ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2011, 4(PARTS A AND B), 1609–1617.
Contributors: A. Roy *, * & U. Vandsburger*
2011 journal article
Study of Flow and Convective Heat Transfer in a Simulated Scaled Up Low Emission Annular Combustor
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 3(3).
Contributors: S. Patil*, T. Sedalor*, D. Tafti *, * , Y. Kim, P. Dutta, H. Moon, R. Srinivasan

2010 conference paper
A transient infrared technique for measuring surface and endwall heat transfer in a transonic turbine cascade
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 4(PARTS A AND B), 405–411.

2010 journal article
Experimental Investigation of Cooling Performance of Metal-Based Microchannels
Heat Transfer Engineering, 31(6), 485–494.
Contributors: P. Parida *, F. Mei*, J. Jiang*, W. Meng * & *
2010 conference paper
Experimental and numerical investigations of a transonic, high turning turbine cascade with a divergent endwall
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FEDSM, 1(PARTS A, B AND C), 569–576.

2010 conference paper
Innovative liquid cooling configurations for high heat flux applications
2010 12th IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems, ITherm 2010.
Contributors: P. Parida *, * & K. Ngo *

2010 conference paper
Novel PCM and jet impingement based cooling scheme for high density transient heat loads
2010 14th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC 14, 7, 443–450.
Contributors: P. Parida *, * & K. Ngo *

2010 journal article
Selected Papers From the 19th National & 8th ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference
Selected Papers From the 19th National & 8th ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference. Heat Transfer Engineering, 31(6), 431–432.
Contributors: S. Revankar * & *
2010 conference paper
Study of flow and convective heat transfer in a simulated scaled up low emission annular combustor
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 4(PARTS A AND B), 787–794.
Contributors: T. Sedalor*, S. Patil*, * , D. Tafti *, Y. Kim, H. Moon, R. Srinivasan

2009 conference paper
Experimental and numerical investigation of convective heat transfer in a gas turbine can combustor
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 3(PART B), 1363–1371.
Contributors: S. Patil*, S. Abraham*, D. Tafti *, * , Y. Kim, P. Dutta, H. Moon, R. Srinivasan

2009 journal article
Film Cooling From a Row of Holes Supplemented With Antivortex Holes
Journal of Turbomachinery, 131(2).
Contributors: A. Dhungel*, Y. Lu *, W. Phillips*, * & J. Heidmann*
2009 journal article
Film Cooling Measurements for Cratered Cylindrical Inclined Holes
Journal of Turbomachinery, 131(1), 011005.
Contributors: Y. Lu *, A. Dhungel*, * & R. Bunker*
2009 conference paper
Film cooling study of novel orthogonal entrance and shaped exit holes
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 3(PART B), 829–838.

2009 journal article
Novel Jet Impingement Cooling Geometry for Combustor Liner Backside Cooling
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 1(2), 1–8.

2009 conference paper
Numerical prediction of flow and heat transfer rates in metal based microchannels using lattice Boltzmann method
2008 Proceedings of the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, HT 2008, 1, 233–241.
2008 journal article
A Novel Antivortex Turbine Film-Cooling Hole Concept
Journal of Turbomachinery, 130(3).

2008 journal article
Effect of Trench Width and Depth on Film Cooling From Cylindrical Holes Embedded in Trenches
Journal of Turbomachinery, 131(1).
Contributors: Y. Lu *, A. Dhungel*, * & R. Bunker*
2008 journal article
Fabrication, assembly, and testing of Cu- and Al-based microchannel heat exchangers
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 17(4), 869–881.
Contributors: F. Mei*, P. Parida *, J. Jiang*, W. Meng * & *
2008 journal article
Predictions of Flow and Heat Transfer in Low Emission Combustors
Heat Transfer Engineering, 29(4), 375–384.
Contributors: Y. Lu *, E. Esposito* & *

2008 conference paper
Trench film cooling - Effect of trench downstream edge and hole spacing
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 4(PART A), 563–569.
Contributors: Y. Lu *, * & R. Bunker*
2007 conference paper
A novel anti-vortex turbine film cooling hole concept
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 4 PART A, 487–496.

2007 conference paper
Comparing extended port and corrugated wall jet impingement geometry for combustor liner backside cooling
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 4 PART B, 1347–1354.

2007 journal article
Effect of tip and pressure side coolant injection on heat transfer distributions for a plane and recessed tip
Journal of Turbomachinery, 129(1), 151–163.
Contributors: H. Nasir *, * & R. Bunker*

2007 conference paper
Effect of trench width and depth on film cooling from cylindrical holes embedded in trenches
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 4 PART A, 339–349.
Contributors: Y. Lu *, A. Dhungel*, * & R. Bunker*
2007 conference paper
Film cooling from a row of holes supplemented with anti vortex holes
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 4 PART A, 375–384.
Contributors: A. Dhungel*, Y. Lu *, W. Phillips*, * & J. Heidmann*
2007 conference paper
Film cooling measurements for cratered cylindrical inclined holes
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 4 PART A, 329–338.
Contributors: Y. Lu *, A. Dhungel*, * & R. Bunker*
2007 journal article
Turbine blade showerhead film cooling: Influence of hole angle and shaping
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 28(5), 922–931.
Contributors: Y. Lu *, D. Allison * & *

2007 conference paper
Understanding the effect of trenching on film cooling
2007 Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference - HT 2007, 3, 591–596.
Contributors: Y. Lu * & *
2006 chapter
Calculation of Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient Using a Semi-infinite Solid Assumption
In M. Kutz (Ed.), Heat-transfer calculations. McGraw-Hill.
Ed(s): M. Kutz
2006 conference paper
Corrugated wall jet impingement geometry for combustor liner backside cooling
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD.
2006 journal article
Effect of jet pulsation and duty cycle on film cooling from a single jet on a leading edge model
Journal of Turbomachinery, 128(3), 564–571.

2006 journal article
Film cooling measurements for novel hole configurations
Journal of Heat Transfer, 128(8), 737.
Contributors: Y. Lu *, H. Nasir *, D. Faucheaux* & *

2006 conference paper
Film cooling predictions for cratered cylindrical inclined holes
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD.
Contributors: Y. Lu * & *
2006 conference paper
Influence of hole angle and shaping on leading edge showerhead film cooling
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 3 PART A, 375–382.
Contributors: Y. Lu *, D. Allison * & *

2006 journal article
Jet impingement heat transfer visualization using a steady state liquid crystal method
Journal of Heat Transfer, 128(8), 738.

2006 conference paper
Predictions of film cooling from cylindrical holes embedded in trenches
Collection of Technical Papers - 9th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference Proceedings, 2, 1361–1369.
2005 conference paper
CFD for jet impingement heat transfer with single jets and arrays
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 3 PART A, 359–373.
Contributors: M. Ibrahim *, B. Kochuparambil*, * & T. Simon *
2005 conference paper
Effect of tip and pressure side coolant injection on heat transfer distributions for a plane and recessed tip
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 3 PART A, 573–584.
Contributors: H. Nasir *, * & R. Bunker*

2005 conference paper
Film cooling from a row of holes embedded in transverse slots
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 3 PART A, 585–592.
Contributors: Y. Lu *, H. Nasir * & *

2005 conference paper
Film cooling measurements for novel hole configurations
Proceedings of the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, 3, 59–66.
Contributors: Y. Lu *, D. Fauchcaux & *
2005 journal article
Impingement heat transfer, part I: Linearly stretched arrays of holes
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 19(1), 57–65.

2005 journal article
Impingement heat transfer, part II: Effect of streamwise pressure gradient
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 19(1), 66–71.
2005 conference paper
Simulations of dimensional effects in solid oxide fuel cells
Proceedings of the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, 4, 11–16.
Contributors: A. Mahmud Hasan*, * & P. Mensah *

2005 conference paper
The effects of feeding configurations to water flooding and general performance of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Advanced Energy Systems Division (Publication) AES, 45, 429–435.
Contributors: A. Mahmud Hasan*, S. Guo * & *

2004 journal article
A transient infrared thermography method for simultaneous film cooling effectiveness and heat transfer coefficient measurements from a single test
Journal of Turbomachinery, 126(4), 597–603.

2004 conference paper
A transient infrared thermography method for simultaneous film cooling effectiveness and heat transfer coefficient measurements from a single test
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2004, 3, 999–1005.

2004 conference paper
Combination of impingement and trip strips for combustor liner backside cooling
Proceedings of the ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference 2004, HT/FED 2004, 3, 179–185.

2004 journal article
Effect of blade tip geometry on tip flow and heat transfer for a blade in a low-speed cascade
Journal of Turbomachinery, 126(1), 130–138.
Contributors: V. Saxena *, H. Nasir * & *

2004 conference paper
Effect of jet pulsation and duty cycle on film cooling from a single jet on a leading edge model
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 375(1), 575–582.

2004 journal article
Effect of squealer geometry on tip flow and heat transfer for a turbine blade in a low speed cascade
Journal of Heat Transfer, 126(4), 546–553.
Contributors: V. Saxena * & *

2004 journal article
Effect of tip gap and squealer geometry on detailed heat transfer measurements over a high pressure turbine rotor blade tip
Journal of Turbomachinery, 126(2), 221–228.
Contributors: H. Nasir *, * , D. Kontrovitz*, R. Bunker* & C. Prakash

2004 conference paper
Effects of tip gap film injection from plain and squealer blade tips
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2004, 3, 419–427.
Contributors: H. Nasir *, * , R. Bunker* & C. Prakash
2004 conference paper
Heat transfer study of a novel low-crossflow design for jet impingement
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 375(1), 583–588.
2003 journal article
Dimple Enhanced Heat Transfer in High Aspect Ratio Channels
Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 10(4), 395–405.
Contributors: & H. Nasir * n

2003 conference paper
Effect of blade tip geometry on tip flow and heat transfer for a blade in a low speed cascade
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, International Gas Turbine Institute, Turbo Expo (Publication) IGTI, 5 A, 81–90.
Contributors: V. Saxena *, H. Nasir * & *

2003 conference paper
Effect of tip gap and squealer geometry on measured heat transfer over a HPT rotor blade tip
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 374(2), 11–21.
Contributors: H. Nasir *, * , D. Kontrovitz*, R. Bunker* & C. Prakash

2003 journal article
Flat surface film cooling from cylindrical holes with discrete tabs
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 17(3), 304–312.
Contributors: H. Nasir *, * & S. Acharya*

2003 conference paper
Impingement heat transfer under linearly stretched arrays of holes
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, International Gas Turbine Institute, Turbo Expo (Publication) IGTI, 5 A, 91–100.
2003 journal article
Improved film cooling from cylindrical angled holes with triangular tabs: Effect of tab orientations
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 24(5), 657–668.
Contributors: H. Nasir *, S. Acharya* & *

2002 conference paper
Effect of jet-to-jet spacing in impingement arrays on heat transfer
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 372(4), 237–244.

2002 conference paper
Effect of rotation on flow and temperature distributions in a two-pass channel connected by two rows of holes
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, International Gas Turbine Institute, Turbo Expo (Publication) IGTI, 3 A, 543–550.
2002 conference paper
Flow and heat transfer predictions for a flat-tip turbine blade
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, International Gas Turbine Institute, Turbo Expo (Publication) IGTI, 3 A, 271–283.

2002 journal article
Heat transfer in two-pass turbulated channels connected by holes
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 16(3), 404–414.
Contributors: , D. Kontrovitz*, H. Nasir *, G. Pamula* & S. Acharya* *

2002 journal article
Jet impingement heat transfer on dimpled target surfaces
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 23(1), 22–28.

2002 conference paper
Numerical simulation of film cooling on the tip of a gas turbine blade
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, International Gas Turbine Institute, Turbo Expo (Publication) IGTI, 3 B, 1051–1062.

2002 conference paper
Numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer past a turbine blade with a squealer-tip
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, International Gas Turbine Institute, Turbo Expo (Publication) IGTI, 3 A, 295–307.

2001 journal article
Detailed film cooling measurements over a gas turbine blade using a transient liquid crystal image technique
International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 7(6), 415–424.

2001 conference paper
Dimple enhanced heat transfer in high aspect ratio channels
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 369(5), 385–391.
2001 journal article
Effect of compound angle injection on flat surface film cooling with large streamwise injection angle
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 25(1-2), 23–29.
Contributors: H. Nasir *, * & S. Acharya*

2001 conference paper
Effect of rib turbulators in the first pass on heat transfer distributions in a two-pass channel connected by two rows of holes
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 3.
Contributors: , D. Kontrovitz*, H. Nasir *, G. Pamula* & S. Acharya* *

2001 conference paper
Film cooling from a single row of cylindrical angled holes with triangular tabs having different orientations
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 3.
Contributors: H. Nasir *, S. Acharya* & *

2001 journal article
Influence of crossflow-induced swirl and impingement on heattransfer in a two-pass channel connected by two rows of holes
Journal of Turbomachinery, 123(2), 281–287.
2001 journal article
Recent development in turbine blade film cooling
International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 7(1), 21–40.

2000 journal article
A transient liquid crystal thermography technique for gas turbine heat transfer measurements
Measurement Science and Technology, 11(7), 957–968.

2000 journal article
Detailed heat transfer measurements inside straight and tapered two-pass channels with rib turbulators
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 22(3-4), 155–163.

2000 journal article
Film cooling measurements on cylindrical models with simulated thermal barrier coating spallation
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 14(2), 194–200.
Contributors: & J. Han * *

2000 conference paper
Film cooling on a flat surface with a single row of cylindrical angled holes: Effect of discrete tabs
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 366, 3–12.
2000 journal article
Impingement heat transfer measurements under an array of inclined jets
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 14(2), 286–288.
Contributors: , Y. Huang * & J. Han* *
2000 conference paper
Influence of cross-flow induced swirl and impingement on heat transfer in a two-pass channel connected by two rows of holes
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 3.
2000 journal article
Influence of crossflow-induced swirl and impingement on heat transfer in an internal coolant passage of a turbine airfoil
Journal of Heat Transfer, 122(3), 587–597.
Contributors: , G. Pamula* & S. Acharya * *

1999 journal article
Effect of unsteady wake with trailing edge coolant ejection on film cooling performance for a gas turbine blade
Journal of Turbomachinery, 121(3), 448–455.

1999 journal article
Heat transfer distributions on a cylinder with simulated thermal barrier coating spallation
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 13(1), 76–81.

1999 journal article
Impingement heat transfer on a target plate with film cooling holes
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 13(4), 522–528.
Contributors: , Y. Huang * & J. Han* *

1999 conference paper
Influence of cross-flow induced swirl and impingement on heat transfer in an internal coolant passage of a turbine airfoil
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 364-1, 227–233.
1998 journal article
Detailed film cooling measurements on a cylindrical leading edge model: Effect of free-stream turbulence and coolant density
Journal of Turbomachinery, 120(4), 799–807.
Contributors: , J. Han * & H. Du* *

1998 conference paper
Detailed film cooling measurements on a cylindrical model with simulated TBC spallation
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 357(4), 69–76.
1998 journal article
Detailed heat transfer distributions in two-pass square channels with rib turbulators and bleed holes
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 41(23), 3781–3791.
Contributors: , Y. Huang * & J. Han* *
1998 journal article
Detailed heat transfer distributions under an array of orthogonal impinging jets
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 12(1), 73–79.
Contributors: Y. Huang *, * & J. Han*
1998 journal article
Effect of film injection location on local heat transfer coefficient on a gas turbine blade
International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 4(3), 163–174.

1998 journal article
Effect of unsteady wake on detailed heat transfer coefficient and film effectiveness distributions for a gas turbine blade
Journal of Turbomachinery, 120(4), 808–817.
Contributors: H. Du*, J. Han * & *

1998 conference paper
Effect of unsteady wake with trailing edge coolant ejection on film cooling performance for a gas turbine blade
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 4(GT).

1997 journal article
Combined effect of grid turbulence and unsteady wake on film effectiveness and heat transfer coefficient of a gas turbine blade with air and CO<inf>2</inf> film injection
Journal of Turbomachinery, 119(3), 594–600.
Contributors: , A. Mehendale*, J. Han * & C. Lee* *

1997 conference paper
Detailed film cooling measurements on a cylindrical leading edge model: Effect of free-stream turbulence and coolant density
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper).
1997 conference paper
Detailed film cooling measurements over a gas turbine blade using a transient liquid crystal image technique
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 350, 245–254.
1997 journal article
Detailed heat transfer distributions in two-pass square channels with rib turbulators
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 40(11), 2525–2537.
1997 conference paper
Detailed heat transfer distributions on a cylindrical model with simulated TBC spallation
35th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit.
1997 conference paper
Effect of unsteady wake on detailed heat transfer coefficient and film effectiveness distributions for a gas turbine blade
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 3.

1997 journal article
Effect of unsteady wake with trailing edge coolant ejection on detailed heat transfer coefficient distributions for a gas turbine blade
Journal of Heat Transfer, 119(2), 242–248.
Contributors: H. Du*, * & J. Han *

1997 journal article
Film effectiveness over a flat surface with air and CO<inf>2</inf>injection through compound angle holes using a transient liquid crystal image method
Journal of Turbomachinery, 119(3), 587–593.
Contributors: , D. Zapata* & J. Han * *

1997 journal article
Heat transfer coefficients over a flat surface with air and CO<inf>2</inf> injection through compound angle holes using a transient liquid crystal image method
Journal of Turbomachinery, 119(3), 580–586.
Contributors: , D. Zapata* & J. Han * *

1997 conference paper
Unsteady high turbulence effect on turbine blade film cooling heat transfer performance using a transient liquid crystal technique
NASA Conference Publication, (10195), 239–259.
1996 conference paper
Detailed heat transfer coefficient distributions under an array of impinging jets with coolant extraction
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 333, 143–150.
1996 conference paper
Detailed heat transfer distributions in two-pass smooth and turbulated square channels with bleed holes
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 330, 133–140.
1996 conference paper
Effect of unsteady wake with trailing edge coolant ejection on detailed heat transfer coefficient distributions for a gas turbine blade
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, 327, 81–88.
1996 journal article
Heat transfer inside and downstream of cavities using transient liquid crystal method
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 10(3), 511–516.
1996 journal article
Local heat transfer coefficient and film effectiveness distributions on a cylindrical leading edge model using a transient liquid crystal image method
Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 3(2-3), 129–140.

1996 chapter
Measurements on Augmented Heat Transfer Surfaces Using a Transient Liquid Crystal Technique
In R. M. Manglik & A. D. Kraus (Eds.), Process, Enhanced, and Multiphase Heat Transfer: A Festschrift for A.E. Bergles (pp. 339–349). New York: Begell House, Inc.
Ed(s): R. Manglik & A. Kraus
1996 journal article
Surface heat transfer visualization on a model gas turbine blade using a transient liquid crystal image technique
Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 3(2-3), 141–152.

1995 conference paper
Film effectiveness over a flat surface with air and CO<inf>2</inf> injection through compound angle holes using a transient liquid crystal image method
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 4.

1995 conference paper
Heat transfer coefficients over a flat surface with air and CO<inf>2</inf> injection through compound angle holes using a transient liquid crystal image method
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 4.

1995 journal article
Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 2(3), 285–297.
1995 conference paper
Local heat transfer coefficient and film effectiveness distributions on a cylindrical leading edge model using a transient liquid crystal image method
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper).
1994 journal article
Mainstream turbulence effect on film effectiveness and heat transfer coefficient of a gas turbine blade with air and CO<inf>2</inf> film injection
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 37(17), 2707–2714.

Updated: December 1st, 2020 22:58
2017 - present
Updated: February 13th, 2023 15:17
1992 - 1995
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: December 1st, 2020 23:18