2023 journal article
Ex vivo analysis of ultraviolet radiation transmission through ocular media and retina in select species

The aim of this study was to assess the transmission of the ultraviolet (UV) radiation (200-400 nm) through intact enucleated globes of different species (dogs, cats, pigs, rabbits, horses, and humans) using spectrophotometry. Globes of cats (n = 6), dogs (n = 18), pigs (n = 10), rabbits (n = 6), horses (n = 10), and humans (n = 4) were analyzed. A 5-10 mm circular area of sclera and choroid from the posterior aspect of the globe was removed under a surgical microscope, leaving the retina intact in all species except the horse. Glass coverslips were added in horses and rabbits due to retinal and globe fragility. The %T of wavelengths from 200 to 800 nm were measured through the ocular media (cornea, aqueous humor, lens, and vitreous humor) and retina, and compared between species. The globes of cats and dogs allowed the most amount of UV radiation transmission, while those of pigs and humans allowed the least amount of UV radiation transmission. A small amount of UV radiation transmission through the ocular media was detected in the rabbit and horse. Results from this study will support further vision research that may be used to train companion, working, and service animals.