Works (5)
2011 journal article
The effects of prenatal exposure to atrazine on pubertal and postnatal reproductive indices in the female rat
Reproductive Toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.), 32(1), 43–51.
2007 review
Atrazine and reproductive function: Mode and mechanism of action studies
[Review of ]. Birth Defects Research. Part B, Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology, 80(2), 98–112.
2006 article
Adverse effects of environmental antiandrogens and androgens on reproductive development in mammals
Gray, L. E., Wilson, V. S., Stoker, T., Lambright, C., Furr, J., Noriega, N., … Guillette, L. (2006, February). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY, Vol. 29, pp. 96–104.
1999 journal article
Maternal exposure to atrazine during lactation suppresses suckling-induced prolactin release and results in prostatitis in the adult offspring

1999 journal article
Perinatal exposure to estrogenic compounds and the subsequent effects on the prostate of the adult rat: evaluation of inflammation in the ventral and lateral lobes
Reproductive Toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.), 13(6), 463–472.