Works (10)
2002 journal article
Truncated product method for combining P-values

2001 journal article
Determining success of haplotyping algorithms using densely mapped genomic regions.
American Journal of Human Genetics, 69(4), 116.
2001 journal article
Evolution of the Simulated Data Problem
Genetic Epidemiology, 21(S1), S325–S331.

2001 journal article
GAW12: Simulated Genome Scan, Sequence, and Family Data for a Common Disease
Genetic Epidemiology, 21(S1), S332–S338.

2001 article
Identifying susceptibility genes using linkage and linkage disequilibrium analysis in large pedigrees
GENETIC EPIDEMIOLOGY, Vol. 21, pp. S453–S458.

2001 journal article
Testing the association of quantitative traits and haplotypes considering treatment effects.
American Journal of Human Genetics, 69(4), 1286.
2000 personal communication
Using the false discovery rate approach in the genetic dissection of complex traits: A response to Weller et al.
2000 journal article
Variance effective population size for mitochondrial genes
Russian Journal of Genetics, 36(8), 965–967.
1999 journal article
Novel tests for marker-disease association using the collaborative study on the genetics of alcoholism data
Genetic Epidemiology, 17(Suppl.1), S265–270.
1998 journal article
Interlocus association of allozyme genotypes in settlements of scallop Mizuhopecten (Patinopecten) in coastal waters of Primorye
Genetika, 34(3), 385–392.