2021 journal article

Pathology in Practice

Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 258(9), 961–964.

By: A. DiDomenico n, A. Fowler n, C. Horne n, P. Bizikova n, L. Schnabel n & D. Stowe n

MeSH headings : Animals
topics (OpenAlex): Facial Rejuvenation and Surgery Techniques; Autoimmune and Inflammatory Disorders; Veterinary Oncology Research
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Sources: Web Of Science, Crossref, NC State University Libraries
Added: June 10, 2021

2019 journal article

Effects of acellular equine amniotic allografts on the healing of experimentally induced full-thickness distal limb wounds in horses

VETERINARY SURGERY, 48(8), 1416–1428.

By: A. Fowler n, J. Gilbertie n, V. Watson*, T. Prange n, J. Osborne n & L. Schnabel n

MeSH headings : Allografts; Amnion; Animals; Bandages / veterinary; Granulation Tissue / physiology; Horse Diseases / therapy; Horses / injuries; Prospective Studies; Skin / injuries; Skin / pathology; Wound Healing / physiology; Wounds and Injuries / therapy; Wounds and Injuries / veterinary
topics (OpenAlex): Wound Healing and Treatments; Surgical Sutures and Adhesives; Reconstructive Surgery and Microvascular Techniques
TL;DR: Application of eAM resulted in increased granulation tissue production while maintaining appropriate healing of experimental wounds and is likely most beneficial for substantial wounds in which expedient production of large amounts ofgranulation tissue is desirable. (via Semantic Scholar)
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries
Added: August 26, 2019

2018 personal communication

Caudal intercostal block for abdominal surgery in horses

Gingold, B. M. C., Hassen, K. M., Milloway, M. C., Gerard, M., & Fowler, A. W. (2018, August).

By: B. Gingold n, K. Hassen n, M. Milloway n, M. Gerard n & A. Fowler n

MeSH headings : Anesthesia, Caudal / methods; Anesthesia, Caudal / veterinary; Animals; Horses / surgery; Intercostal Nerves; Laparotomy / veterinary; Nerve Block / veterinary; Pain, Postoperative / prevention & control; Pain, Postoperative / veterinary; Treatment Outcome
topics (OpenAlex): Veterinary Equine Medical Research; Veterinary Pharmacology and Anesthesia; Pharmacological Effects and Assays
UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel
UN Sustainable Development Goal Categories
4. Quality Education (OpenAlex)
Source: Web Of Science
Added: October 16, 2018

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