Suyong Han
Works (7)
2023 article
Accelerated Multi-Stage Synthesis of Indium Phosphide Quantum Dots in Modular Flow Reactors
Epps, R. W., Delgado-Licona, F., Yang, H., Kim, T., Volk, A. A., Han, S., … Abolhasani, M. (2023, January 29). ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES, Vol. 1.
2021 article
A Versatile Compact Parahydrogen Membrane Reactor
TomHon, P. M., Han, S., Lehmkuhl, S., Appelt, S., Chekmenev, E. Y., Abolhasani, M., & Theis, T. (2021, October 26). CHEMPHYSCHEM, Vol. 10.
Contributors: P. TomHon n , n, S. Lehmkuhl n, S. Appelt *, E. Chekmenev *, M. Abolhasani n , T. Theis n

2021 journal article
Continuous Flow Solar Desorption of CO2 from Aqueous Amines

2021 journal article
Intensified continuous extraction of switchable hydrophilicity solvents triggered by carbon dioxide
GREEN CHEMISTRY, 23(8), 2900–2906.
Contributors: M. Ramezani n, P. TomHon n , K. Abdel-Latif n, R. Epps n , T. Theis n , M. Abolhasani n n,
2021 article
Intensified recovery of switchable hydrophilicity solvents in flow
Han, S., Ibrahim, M. Y. S., & Abolhasani, M. (2021, September 29). CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 9.
2021 journal article
Ultrafast cation doping of perovskite quantum dots in flow
MATTER, 4(7), 2429–2447.

2020 journal article
Self-Driven Multistep Quantum Dot Synthesis Enabled by Autonomous Robotic Experimentation in Flow