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Works (10)
2006 journal article
Predicting aflatoxin and fumonisin in shelled corn lots sing poor-quality grade components
Journal of AOAC International, 89(2), 433–440.
2005 article
Sampling uncertainties for the detection of chemical agents in complex food matrices
Whitaker, T. B., & Johansson, A. S. (2005, June). JOURNAL OF FOOD PROTECTION, Vol. 68, pp. 1306–1313.
2002 journal article
Sampling wheat for deoxynivalenol
Mycotoxins and Food Safety (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology; v. 504), 73–83.
Ed(s): M. J. W. DeVries & L. Jackson

2001 journal article
Distribution among sample test results when testing shelled corn lots for fumonisin
Journal of AOAC International, 84(3), 770–776.
2001 journal article
Variability associated with the official USDA sampling plan used to inspect export wheat shipments for Tilletia controversa spores
PLANT PATHOLOGY, 50(6), 755–760.

2000 journal article
Sampling, sample preparation, and analytical variability associated with testing wheat for deoxynivalenol
Journal of AOAC International, 83(5), 1285–1292.
2000 journal article
Testing shelled corn for aflatoxin, Part I: Estimation of variance components
Journal of AOAC International, 83(5), 1264–1269.
2000 journal article
Testing shelled corn for aflatoxin, Part II: Modeling the observed distribution of aflatoxin test results
Journal of AOAC International, 83(5), 1270–1278.
2000 journal article
Testing shelled corn for aflatoxin, Part III: Evaluating the performance of aflatoxin sampling plans
Journal of AOAC International, 83(5), 1279–1284.
1998 journal article
Variability associated with testing shelled corn for fumonisin
Journal of AOAC International, 81(6), 1162–1168.