Works (3)
2015 journal article
Genetic Ablation of the ClC-2 Cl- Channel Disrupts Mouse Gastric Parietal Cell Acid Secretion
PLOS ONE, 10(9), e0138174.
Contributors: P. Nighot n, T. Ma *, D. Malinowska*, G. Shull*, J. Cuppoletti*, A. Blikslager n n,
Ed(s): A. Guerrero-Hernandez

2013 journal article
Chloride Channel ClC-2 is a Key Factor in the Development of DSS-induced Murine Colitis
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 19(13), 2867–2877.
Contributors: P. Nighot n, K. Young n, n, M. Rawat *, E. Sung n, N. Maharshak *, S. Plevy*, T. Ma *, A. Blikslager n

journal article
Gastro protective properties of the novel prostone SPI-8811 against acid-injured porcine mucosa
Nighot, M., Moeser, A., Ueno, R., & Blikslager, A. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 18(34), 4684–4692.