Amanda Avila Cardoso
Plant Hydraulics, Stomatal Evolution, Xylem Embolism
Crop Physiology Professor at NC State University | Researcher (30+ Published Papers) | Guest Editor of Frontiers in Plant Sciences | AF Editor of Plant Physiology | Currently Advising Grad and Undergrad Students My studies target the functioning of plants during and after challenging conditions, with major implications for the improvement of cultivated plant productivity and the prediction of ecosystem responses to climate change The Cardoso Lab Page
Works (55)
2024 journal article
Dehydration tolerance rather than avoidance explains drought resistance in zoysiagrass
2024 journal article
Enhanced drought resistance in tomato via reduced auxin sensitivity: delayed dehydration and improved leaf resistance to embolism
2024 article
Gradients in embolism resistance within stems driven by secondary growth in herbs
Haverroth, E. J., Rimer, I. M., Oliveira, L. A., Lima, L. G. A., Cesarino, I., Martins, S. C. V., … Cardoso, A. A. (2024, April 21). PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT, Vol. 4.
2024 journal article
Linking water-use strategies with drought resistance across herbaceous crops
2024 article
Shoot hydraulic impairments induced by root waterlogging: Parallels and contrasts with drought
Haverroth, E. J., Da-Silva, C. J., Taggart, M., Oliveira, L. A., & Cardoso, A. A. (2024, June 12). PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 6.
2023 article
Abscisic acid acts essentially on stomata, not on the xylem, to improve drought resistance in tomato
Haverroth, E. J., Oliveira, L. A., Andrade, M. T., Taggart, M., McAdam, S. A. M., Zsogon, A., … Cardoso, A. A. (2023, August 1). PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT, Vol. 8.
Contributors: E. Haverroth n, L. Oliveira n , M. Andrade *, M. Taggart n, S. McAdam *, A. Zsogon *, A. Thompson *, S. Martins *, A. Cardoso n
2023 journal article
Carbon gain is coordinated with enhanced stomatal conductance and hydraulic architecture in coffee plants acclimated to elevated [CO<sub>2</sub>]: The interplay with irradiance supply
2023 journal article
Growth and Leaf Gas Exchange Upregulation by Elevated [CO2] Is Light Dependent in Coffee Plants
2023 article
One hundred important questions facing plant science: an international perspective
Armstrong, E. M., Larson, E. R., Harper, H., Webb, C. R., Dohleman, F., Araya, Y., … Grierson, C. S. (2023, April). NEW PHYTOLOGIST, Vol. 238, pp. 470–481.
Contributors: E. Armstrong *, E. Larson *, H. Harper *, C. Webb *, F. Dohleman, Y. Araya *, C. Meade, X. Feng *
2023 journal article
Rapid Drought Stress Detection in Plants Using Bioimpedance Measurements and Analysis
IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics.
Contributors: J. Reynolds n , M. Taggart n, D. Martin n, E. Lobaton n , A. Cardoso n, M. Daniele n, A. Bozkurt n
2023 article
When roots talk to shoots about flooding
Ugalde, J. M., & Cardoso, A. A. (2023, August 22). PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 8.
2023 journal article
Woody plant adaptations to multiple abiotic stressors: Where are we?*
FLORA, 299.
Contributors: G. Puglielli *, L. Laanisto *, A. Gori * & A. Cardoso n
2023 article
Woody species grown under sun and shade present similar stomatal speed
Freitas, R. S., Oliveira, L. A., McAdam, S. A. M., Lawson, T., DaMatta, F. M., & Cardoso, A. A. (2023, July 24). THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 7.
Contributors: R. Freitas *, L. Oliveira* , S. McAdam *, T. Lawson *, F. DaMatta * & A. Cardoso n
2022 journal article
An abrupt increase in foliage ABA levels on incipient leaf death occurs across vascular plants
Plant Biology, 3.
Contributors: S. McAdam *, C. Kane *, J. Reyes*, A. Cardoso *, T. Brodribb * & N. Ruhr
Ed(s): N. Rühr
2022 article
Consequences of saline-dry conditions to the soil-plant-air continuum
Cardoso, A. A. (2022, July 21). PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 7.
2022 article
Exploring leaf hydraulic traits to predict drought tolerance of Eucalyptus clones
Oliveira, L. A., Cardoso, A. A., Andrade, M. T., Pereira, T. S., Araujo, W. L., Santos, G. A., … Martins, S. C. (2022, May 15). (S. Pfautsch, Ed.). TREE PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 4.
Contributors: L. Oliveira* , A. Cardoso n, M. Andrade *, T. Pereira *, W. Araujo *, G. Santos *, F. Damatta *, S. Martins *
Ed(s): S. Pfautsch
2022 article
Impaired auxin signaling increases vein and stomatal density but reduces hydraulic efficiency and ultimately net photosynthesis
Andrade, M. T., Oliveira, L. A., Pereira, T. S., Cardoso, A. A., Batista-Silva, W., DaMatta, F. M., … Martins, S. C. (2022, March 21). (T. Lawson, Ed.). JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY.
Contributors: M. Andrade *, L. Oliveira* , T. Pereira *, A. Cardoso n, W. Batista-Silva *, F. DaMatta *, A. Zsogon *, S. Martins *
Ed(s): T. Lawson
2022 article
Linking leaf embolism resistance with pit membrane characteristics
Cardoso, A. A. (2022, June 15). PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 6.
Contributors: A. Cardoso n
2022 journal article
Seeing is believing: what visualising bubbles in the xylem has revealed about plant hydraulic function
Functional Plant Biology.
Ed(s): S. Shabala
2022 journal article
Storage temperatures for Bowdichia virgilioides seeds: an endangered species
Agrociencia (Montevideo).
Contributors: G. Esteves *, G. Chiari *, C. Valenzuela *, A. Cardoso *, P. Santos Filho * & B. Santos *
2022 article
Throwing shade: Limitations to photosynthesis at high planting densities and how to overcome them
Burgess, A. J., & Cardoso, A. A. (2022, December 9). PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 191.
2022 journal article
Xylem embolism spread is largely prevented by interconduit pit membranes until the majority of conduits are gas‐filled
Plant Cell & Environment, 1.
Contributors: R. Avila *, X. Guan *, C. Kane *, A. Cardoso *, T. Batz *, F. DaMatta *, S. Jansen *, S. McAdam *
2021 journal article
Limited plasticity in embolism resistance in response to light in leaves and stems in species with considerable vulnerability segmentation
Physiologia Plantarum.
Contributors: R. Avila *, A. Cardoso *, T. Batz *, C. Kane *, F. DaMatta * & S. McAdam *
2021 journal article
Nitrate nutrition increases foliar levels of nitric oxide and waterlogging tolerance in soybean
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 43(8).
Contributors: C. Da-Silva *, E. Shimoia *, D. Posso *, A. Cardoso *, T. Batz *, A. Oliveira *, L. Amarante *
2021 journal article
Optimum conditions for seed propagation of Garcinia brasiliensis: mimicking natural habitats allows better results
Journal of Seed Science, 43.
Contributors: A. Cardoso *, S. Barbosa * & B. Santos *
2020 journal article
Abscisic Acid Biosynthesis and Signaling in Plants: Key Targets to Improve Water Use Efficiency and Drought Tolerance
Applied Sciences, 10(18), 6322.
Contributors: A. Cardoso *, A. Gori *, C. Da-Silva * & C. Brunetti *
2020 journal article
Coffee plants respond to drought and elevated [CO2] through changes in stomatal function, plant hydraulic conductance, and aquaporin expression
Environmental and Experimental Botany.
Contributors: R. Avila *, A. Cardoso *, W. Almeida *, L. Costa *, K. Machado *, M. Barbosa*, R. Souza*, L. Oliveira*
2020 journal article
Drought-tolerant coffee plants display increased tolerance to waterlogging and post-waterlogging reoxygenation
Environmental and Experimental Botany, 11, 104311.
Contributors: M. Toral-Juarez *, R. Avila *, A. Cardoso *, F. Brito *, K. Machado *, W. Almeida *, R. Souza*, S. Martins *, F. DaMatta *
2020 journal article
Drought‐induced lacuna formation in the stem causes hydraulic conductance to decline before xylem embolism in Selaginella
New Phytologist.
2020 journal article
Leaf hydraulic properties are decoupled from leaf area across coffee species
2020 journal article
New developments in understanding plant water transport under drought stress
New Phytologist.
Contributors: A. Cardoso *, L. Billon*, A. Fanton Borges*, L. Fernandez-de-Una *, J. Gersony *, A. Gueney, K. Johnson *, C. Lemaire *
2020 journal article
Osmotic adjustment and hormonal regulation of stomatal responses to vapor pressure deficit in sunflower
AoB Plants.
2020 journal article
Osmotic adjustment and hormonal regulation of stomatal responses to vapour pressure deficit in sunflower
AoB Plants.
Contributors: A. Cardoso *, T. Brodribb *, C. Kane *, F. DaMatta * & S. McAdam *
Ed(s): N. Ruehr
2020 journal article
The interplay between irrigation and fruiting on branch growth and mortality, gas exchange and water relations of coffee trees
Tree Physiology.
Contributors: W. Almeida *, R. Avila *, J. Perez-Molina *, M. Barbosa*, D. Marcal*, R. Souza*, P. Martino*, A. Cardoso *, S. Martins *, F. DaMatta *
Ed(s): Ü. Niinemets
2019 chapter
Heavy Metals and Photosynthesis: Recent Developments
In Photosynthesis, Productivity and Environmental Stress (pp. 107–134).
Contributors: Z. Souri *, A. Cardoso *, C. da-Silva *, L. Oliveira*, B. Dari *, D. Sihi *, N. Karimi *
2019 journal article
How do coffee trees deal with severe natural droughts? An analysis of hydraulic, diffusive and biochemical components at the leaf level
Contributors: S. Martins *, M. Sanglard*, L. Morais *, P. Menezes-Silva *, R. Mauri*, R. Avila *, C. Vital *, A. Cardoso *, F. DaMatta *
2019 journal article
Misleading conclusions from exogenous ABA application: a cautionary tale about the evolution of stomatal responses to changes in leaf water status
Plant Signaling and Behavior.
Contributors: A. Cardoso * & S. McAdam *
2019 journal article
Starch accumulation does not lead to feedback photosynthetic downregulation in girdled coffee branches under varying source-to-sink ratios
Contributors: R. Avila *, S. Martins *, L. Sanglard *, M. Santos *, P. Menezes-Silva *, K. Detman*, M. Sanglard*, A. Cardoso *
2019 journal article
Xylem Embolism Resistance Determines Leaf Mortality during Drought in Persea americana
Plant Physiology.
Contributors: A. Cardoso *, T. Batz * & S. McAdam *
2018 journal article
Coordinated plasticity maintains hydraulic safety in sunflower leaves.
Plant, Cell & Environment, 41(11), 2567–2576.
Contributors: A. Cardoso *, T. Brodribb *, C. Lucani *, F. DaMatta * & S. McAdam *
2018 journal article
Extended differentiation of veins and stomata is essential forthe expansion of large leaves in Rheum rhabarbarum.
American Journal of Botany, 105(12), 1967–1974.
Contributors: A. Cardoso *, J. Randall *, G. Jordan * & S. McAdam *
2018 journal article
Hydraulics Regulate Stomatal Responses to Changes in Leaf Water Status in the Fern Athyrium filix-femina
Plant Physiology, 179(2), 533–543.
Contributors: A. Cardoso *, J. Randall * & S. McAdam *
2018 journal article
Leaves, not roots or floral tissue, are the main site of rapid, external pressure-induced ABA biosynthesis in angiosperms
Journal of Experimental Botany, 69(5), 1261–1267.
Contributors: F. Zhang*, F. Sussmilch *, D. Nichols *, A. Cardoso *, T. Brodribb * & S. McAdam *
2018 journal article
Morpho-anatomical, physiological and biochemical changes in rubber tree seeds
Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias, 90(2), 1625–1641.
Contributors: G. De Souza *, D. Dias *, T. Pimenta *, A. Cardoso *, R. Pires*, A. Alvarenga*, E. Pícoli *
2018 journal article
Physiological and Agronomic Performance of the Coffee Crop in the Context of Climate Change and Global Warming: A Review
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66(21), 5264–5274.
Contributors: F. DaMatta *, F. DaMatta, R. Avila *, R. Avila, A. Cardoso *, A. Cardoso, S. Martins *, S. Martins, J. Ramalho *, J. Ramalho
2018 journal article
Similar geometric rules govern the distribution of veins and stomata in petals, sepals and leaves
New Phytologist, 219(4), 1224–1234.
Contributors: F. Zhang*, M. Carins Murphy *, A. Cardoso *, G. Jordan * & T. Brodribb *
2018 journal article
The recurrent evolution of extremely resistant xylem
Annals of Forest Science, 76(1).
Contributors: S. McAdam & A. Cardoso
2017 journal article
Arsenic-hyperaccumulation and antioxidant system in the aquatic macrophyte Spirodela intermedia W. Koch (Lemnaceae)
Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology, 29(4), 203–213.
Contributors: C. da-Silva *, R. Canatto *, A. Cardoso *, C. Ribeiro * & J. Oliveira *
2017 journal article
Oxidative stress triggered by arsenic in a tropical macrophyte is alleviated by endogenous and exogenous nitric oxide
Brazilian Journal of Botany, 41(1), 21–28.
Contributors: C. da-Silva *, R. Canatto *, A. Cardoso *, C. Ribeiro * & J. Oliveira *
2016 journal article
Action of nitric oxide in sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum L.) submitted to stress by cadmium,Ação protetora do óxido nítrico em sementes de gergelim (Sesamum indicum L.) submetidas ao estresse por cádmio
Journal of Seed Science, 38(1), 22–29.
Contributors: R. Pires *, G. Souza, A. Cardoso, D. Dias & E. Borges
2016 journal article
Seed germination of Schinus molle L. (Anacardiaceae) as related to its anatomy and dormancy alleviation
Seed Science Research, 26(4), 351–361.
Contributors: M. Pereira *, F. Corrêa *, M. Polo *, E. De Castro *, A. Cardoso * & F. Pereira *
2015 journal article
Environmental factors on seed germination, seedling survival and initial growth of sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis l.),Fatores ambientais na germinação de sementes e na sobrevivência e crescimento inicial de plântulas de sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.)
Journal of Seed Science, 37(2), 111–116.
Contributors: A. Cardoso *, A. De Obolari, E. Borges *, C. Da Silva* & H. Rodrigues*
2015 journal article
Seed imbibition and germination of Plothymenia reticulata Benth. (Fabaceae) affected by mercury: Possible role of aquaporins
Acta Botanica Brasilica, 29(3), 285–291.
Contributors: A. Cardoso *, E. Borges *, G. Souza *, C. Silva* , R. Pires * & D. Dias *
2014 journal article
Anatomical characteristics of rubber tree bark related to the production of natural rubber.
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8(16), 79–84.
Contributors: G. Souza, L. Oliveira, A. Alvarenga, R. Pires, M. Pires, A. Cardoso, R. O. Pires, G. Souza, L. Oliveira
2014 journal article
Anatomical characteristics of rubber tree bark related to the production of natural rubber.
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences.
Contributors: A. Cardoso
Updated: May 5th, 2022 08:08
2022 - present
2021 - 2022
2019 - 2020
2018 - 2019
Updated: May 5th, 2022 08:08
2014 - 2017
2012 - 2014
2008 - 2012