Ela Castellanos-Reyes
community of inquiry, social presence, online learning, network analysis, social networking sites, meta-analysis, learning analytics
Dr. Castellanos-Reyes is an Assistant Professor in Learning, Design, and Technology at North Carolina State University. She received her PhD and Master's degrees in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Learning Design and Technology from Purdue University. Dr. Castellanos-Reyes approaches her research with the belief that online and distance learning improve women's lives, and ultimately society. She is an educational researcher within the fields of instructional design, online learning, and learning analytics. Her research focuses on supporting online learners' social presence through network analysis. Specifically, Dr. Castellanos-Reyes is interested in how peer-influence shapes learning communities in online learning environments. Her recent work examines the relationship between student retention and social media affordances (e.g., like buttons) in Massive Open Online Courses. Dr. Castellanos-Reyes' methodological expertise includes network analysis, survey research, and hierarchical linear models. Her work has been published in Computers in Human Behavior, the Journal of Computing in Higher Education, and TechTrends. Her work has been supported by National Academy of Education, the Spencer Foundation, and the Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O.) and the Frank DeBruicker Graduate Award in Educational Technology. Prior to her doctoral studies, Ela earned her B.A. in English Philology and English Education from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Works (25)
2024 journal article
The Impact of OER’s Continuous Improvement Cycles on Students’ Performance: A Longitudinal Analysis of the RISE Framework
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 25(4), 128–147.
2024 journal article
The evolution of social presence: A longitudinal exploration of the effect of online students' peer-interactions using social network analysis

2023 journal article
The i-SUN process to use social learning analytics: a conceptual framework to research online learning interaction supported by social presence
Frontiers in Communication, 8.

2022 conference paper
Analyzing problem-solving using process data and transitional networks: The case of Colombia and Singapore
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK’22). Presented at the 12th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK’22), New York, NY.
2022 chapter
Mobile learning in emergency situations: Four design cases from Latin America
In V. Dennen, C. Dickson-Deane, X. Ge, D. Ifenthaler, S. Murthy, & J. Richardson (Eds.), Global Perspective on Educational Innovations for Emergency Solutions (1st ed., pp. 89–98).
Ed(s): V. Dennen, C. Dickson-Deane, X. Ge, D. Ifenthaler, S. Murthy & J. Richardson
2022 journal article
The Impact of COVID-19 on Education: A Meta-Narrative Review
TechTrends, 66(5), 883–896.
Contributors: A. Bozkurt *, K. Karakaya *, M. Turk *, O. Karakaya * & D. Castellanos-Reyes *
2022 journal article
The Process of Developing a Digital Repository for Online Teaching Using Design-Based Research
TechTrends, 67(2), 217–230.
2021 journal article
Instructors’ conceptualization and implementation of scaffolding in online higher education courses
Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 34(1), 242–279.
Contributors: J. Richardson *, S. Caskurlu *, D. Castellanos-Reyes *, S. Duan *, M. Duha *, H. Fiock *, Y. Long *

2021 journal article
Introduction to the Special Issue: Highlighting AERA's Online Teaching and Learning SIG 2021
Online Learning (OLJ). https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/53916959/
Contributors: D. Castellanos-Reyes, J. Richardson & K. Swan
2021 chapter
Investigating intentionality in preservice teachers’ personal and professional social networking site usage
In M. Griffin & C. Zinskie (Eds.), Social Media: Influences on Education (pp. 33–64). Information Age Publishing.
Ed(s): M. Griffin & C. Zinskie
2021 journal article
The dynamics of a MOOC's learner-learner interaction over time: A longitudinal network analysis
Computers in Human Behavior, 123, 106880.
Contributors: D. Castellanos-Reyes *

2021 chapter
The relationship between social network sites and perceived learning and satisfaction for educational purposes: A systematic review and meta-analysis
In M. Griffin & C. Zinskie (Eds.), Social Media: Influences on Education (pp. 231–263). Information Age Publishing.
Ed(s): M. Griffin & C. Zinskie
2020 journal article
20 Years of the Community of Inquiry Framework
TechTrends, 64(4), 557–560.
Contributors: D. Castellanos-Reyes *
2020 report
Authentic Learning
In Purdue Repository for online Teaching and Learning – PoRTAL. https://www.purdue.edu/innovativelearning/download/authentic-learning/
2020 journal article
Introduction to the Special Issue: Highlighting AERA’s Online Teaching and Learning SIG 2020
Online Learning, 24(4), 1–4.
2020 chapter
Socratic Seminar
In R. Kimmons (Ed.), The Students's Guide to Learning Design and Research. https://edtechbooks.org/studentguide/socratic_seminar
Ed(s): R. Kimmons
2018 report
21st Century Skills and Online Learning
In Purdue Repository for online Teaching and Learning – PoRTAL. https://www.purdue.edu/innovativelearning/download/21st-century-skills-and-online-learning/
2018 report
Instructor Role Adjustment
In Purdue Repository for online Teaching and Learning – PoRTAL. https://www.purdue.edu/innovativelearning/download/instructor-role-adjustment/
2018 report
Readiness to Teach Online
In Purdue Repository for online Teaching and Learning – PoRTAL. https://www.purdue.edu/innovativelearning/download/readiness-to-teach-online/
2018 report
In Purdue Repository for online Teaching and Learning – PoRTAL. https://www.purdue.edu/innovativelearning/download/teamwork/
conference paper
Impact of an Open Online Repository to Support Online Teaching and Learning: The Users' Perspective
journal article
Introduction to the Special Issue: Highlighting AERA’s Online Teaching and Learning SIG 2021
Online Learning, 25(4).
conference paper
The Evolution of Social Presence: Longitudinal Network Analysis of Students' Peer Influence in Online Learning
The Evolution of Social Presence: Longitudinal Network Analysis of Students' Peer Influence in Online Learning.
journal article
Transforming online learning research: Leveraging GPT large language models for automated content analysis of cognitive presence
The Internet and Higher Education, 65, 101001.
conference paper
Visualizing Interaction Patterns Within Practical Inquiry Model (PIM) Through Social Network Analysis (Poster 8)
Updated: June 29th, 2023 20:53
2023 - present
2017 - present
Updated: October 4th, 2023 15:43
2019 - 2023
2017 - 2019
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: October 4th, 2023 15:49