Works (24)
2024 journal article
Elevating Marginalized Student Experiences of Belonging in the Life Sciences: A Qualitative Case Study Approach

2022 article
Decision-Making and the Shadowy Brain — Part 1
Lubischer, J. (2022, January 15). (Vol. 1). Vol. 1.

2022 article
Decision-Making and the Shadowy Brain — Part 2
Lubischer, J. (2022, January 15). (Vol. 1). Vol. 1.

2022 article
The Secret of Learning
Lubischer, J. (2022, July 27).
2016 conference paper
The formation of student learning communities in a life science first year course. Parks LD and Lubischer JL
Experimental Biology.
2015 conference paper
Critical and creative thinking in the life sciences (LSC 101): Equipping and challenging students to be intentional learners. Lubischer JL, Flores JF, Kuo H-C, Parks LD
Teaching and Learning Symposium, NC State.
2015 conference paper
NC State Life Sciences First Year Program (LSFY): Administrative implementation of a holistic approach to first year student success.
Gordon Research Conference on Undergraduate Biology Education Research.
2015 conference paper
The science of learning and the W-curve: Two impactful lessons for freshmen in the Life Sciences First Year Program. Flores JF, Kuo H-C, Parks LD, Lubischer JL
Teaching and Learning Symposium, NC State.
2014 journal article
Close Encounters of the Amphibious Kind
Science and Children, 051(06).
2010 journal article
Application of Low-Frequency Alternating Current Electric Fields Via Interdigitated Electrodes: Effects on Cellular Viability, Cytoplasmic Calcium, and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells

2008 journal article
A transcriptome database for astrocytes, neurons, and oligodendrocytes: A new resource for understanding brain development and function

2005 journal article
Effect of N-acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) on non-quantal and spontaneous quantal release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular synapse of rat

2005 journal article
Reinnervation of the rat levator ani muscle after neonatal denervation

2004 journal article
Fluorescent proteins expressed in mouse transgenic lines mark subsets of glia, neurons, macrophages, and dendritic cells for vital examination.
The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience.
1999 journal article
Neonatal partial denervation results in nodal but not terminal sprouting and a decrease in efficacy of remaining neuromuscular junctions in rat soleus muscle.
The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience.
1999 journal article
Regulation of terminal Schwann cell number at the adult neuromuscular junction.
The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience.
1999 journal article
Respecified larval proleg and body wall muscles circulate hemolymph in developing wings of Manduca sexta pupae.
The Journal of Experimental Biology.
1996 journal article
Target muscles and sensory afferents do not influence steroid-regulated, segment-specific death of identified motoneurons in Manduca sexta.
Journal of Neurobiology.
1995 journal article
Axotomy of developing rat spinal motoneurons: cell survival, soma size, muscle recovery, and the influence of testosterone.
Journal of Neurobiology.

1995 journal article
Axotomy transiently down-regulates androgen receptors in motoneurons of the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus.
Brain Research.

1995 journal article
Evidence for target regulation of the development of androgen sensitivity in rat spinal motoneurons.
Developmental Neuroscience.
1992 journal article
Transient and permanent effects of androgen during synapse elimination in the levator ani muscle of the rat.
Journal of Neurobiology.

1990 journal article
Autoradiographic localization of progestin-concentrating cells in the brain of the zebra finch.
The Journal of Comparative Neurology.
1987 journal article
The effects of D1 and D2 receptor antagonists on pain sensitivity and morphine analgesia in the rat.
Proceedings of the Western Pharmacology Society.
Updated: February 28th, 2020 11:24
2001 - present
2016 - 2020
2014 - 2019
1996 - 2001
1993 - 1996
Updated: February 28th, 2020 11:10