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Works (4)
2006 journal article
Enhancer trapping in woody plants: Isolation of the ET304 gene encoding a putative AT-hook motif transcription factor and characterization of the expression patterns conferred by its promoter in transgenic Populus and Arabidopsis
PLANT SCIENCE, 171(2), 206–216.

2004 journal article
An auxin-inducible gene from loblolly pine ( Pinus taeda L.) is differentially expressed in mature and juvenile-phase shoots and encodes a putative transmembrane protein
Planta, 218(6), 916–927.

2003 journal article
Aux/IAA gene family is conserved in the gymnosperm, loblolly pine (Pinus taeda)
Tree Physiology, 23(17), 1181–1192.

1997 chapter
Auxin-induced gene expression during rooting of loblolly pine stem cuttings
In A. Altman & Y. Waisel (Eds.), Biology of Root Formation and Development (pp. 163–167).
Ed(s): . A. Altman & Y. Waisel