Works (11)
2019 journal article
Methodological limitations in the measurement and statistical modeling of violence among adults with mental illness
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 28(3).

2017 journal article
Alcohol use and HIV prevention among personnel in the Belize Defence Force
Journal of Community Health, 42(1), 160–168.
2017 journal article
Reliability and Validity of START and LSI-R Assessments in Mental Health Jail Diversion Clients
ASSESSMENT, 26(7), 1347–1361.

2016 journal article
Correlates of Risky Heterosexual Behaviors Among Women Who Use Methamphetamine
Journal of Drug Issues, 46(2), 148–160.
Contributors: S. Desmarais n , R. Van Dorn*, A. Lutnick *, A. Kral * & J. Lorvick * n,

2016 journal article
Proximal Risk Factors for Short-Term Community Violence Among Adults With Mental Illnesses
Psychiatric Services, 67(7), 771–778.

2016 journal article
The intersection of interpersonal and self-directed violence among general adult, college student and sexually diverse samples
International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 63(1), 78–85.

2014 journal article
A Typology of Community Violence Perpetration and Victimization Among Adults With Mental Illnesses
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(3), 522–540.
Contributors: S. Desmarais n , R. Van Dorn* & K. Grimm * n,

2014 journal article
Community Violence Perpetration and Victimization Among Adults With Mental Illnesses
American Journal of Public Health, 104(12), 2342–2349.
Contributors: S. Desmarais n , R. Van Dorn n, n, K. Grimm n, K. Douglas n & M. Swartz n

2014 journal article
Latent class analysis of discordance between results of drug use assessments in the CATIE data
Schizophrenia Research, 161(2-3), 434–438.
Contributors: S. Desmarais n , M. Swartz * & R. Van Dorn* n,

2014 journal article
Police perceptions and contact among people with mental illnesses: Comparisons with a general population survey.
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 20(4), 431–442.
Contributors: S. Desmarais n , J. Livingston *, C. Greaves*, n & J. Brink *

2013 journal article
Drug and alcohol trajectories among adults with schizophrenia: Data from the CATIE study
Schizophrenia Research, 148(1-3), 126–129.
Contributors: R. Van Dorn*, S. Desmarais n , S. Tueller *, J. Jolley*, n & M. Swartz*