Sandeep Kumar
Works (5)
2020 review
Immune Dysfunction and Multiple Treatment Modalities for the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: Races of Uncontrolled Running Sweat?
[Review of ]. BIOLOGY-BASEL, 9(9).
2008 journal article
Simultaneous excision of two transgene flanking sequences and resolution of complex integration loci
2006 journal article
A modified protocol for rapid DNA isolation from plant tissues using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide
NATURE PROTOCOLS, 1(5), 2320–2325.
2006 review
Gene targeting in plants: fingers on the move
[Review of ]. TRENDS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 11(4), 159–161.
2003 journal article
Forest tree transgenesis and functional genomics: From fast forward to reverse genetics
Silvae Genetica, 52(06-May), 229-.