Koralalage Sunil Upali Jayaratne
Works (54)
2023 journal article
Critical Competencies of 4-H Camp Staff for Achieving High Performance

2023 journal article
Educational Needs of North Carolina Non-industrial Private Forest Landowners and Barriers to Meeting These Needs
2023 journal article
Toward Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Outreach and Engagement in Extension Education: Expert Consensus on Barriers and Strategies

2021 journal article
Early-Career Challenges of Youth Development Extension Educators and Effective Strategies

2021 journal article
What Does it Take to Lead Extension Master Gardener Volunteers?
Journal of Extension, 59(Summer 2021).
2020 journal article
Evaluation capacity building in the nonformal education context: Challenges and strategies

2020 journal article
Evaluation competencies and challenges faced by early career extension professionals: developing a competency model through consensus building

2020 journal article
Expanding evaluator competency research: Exploring competencies for program evaluation using the context of non-formal education

2016 journal article
Making evaluation work for you: Ideas for deriving multiple benefits from evaluation
Journal of Extension (Online), 54(1). http://www.joe.org/joe/2016february/iw1.php
2016 journal article
North Carolina chefs who cultivate restaurant gardens: A population with a hunger for extension information
Journal of Extension (Online), 54(6). https://joe.org/joe/2016december/tt7.php
2016 journal article
Planning, delivering, and evaluating an extension in-service training program for developing local food systems: Lessons learned
Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 4(2), 1–19. http://media.wix.com/ugd/c8fe6e_3633e1c2b3ed4f6c98c2e75d3c5d649b.pdf
2016 journal article
Tools for formative evaluation: Gathering the information necessary for program improvement
Journal of Extension (Online), 54(1). http://www.joe.org/joe/2016february/tt2.php
2015 journal article
Challenges and opportunities in developing the student farm as an educational resource: A nationwide Delphi study on student farms
NACTA (North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture) Journal, 59(2), 96–103.
2015 journal article
Cost effectiveness ratio: Evaluation tool for comparing the effectiveness of similar extension programs
Journal of Extension (Online), 53(6). http://www.joe.org/joe/2015december/pdf/JOE_v53_6tt3.pdf
2015 journal article
In-service Training Needs of Agriculture Teachers for Preparing Them to Be Effective in the 21st Century
Journal of Agricultural Education, 56(4), 47–58.

2015 journal article
Use of Song as an Effective Teaching Strategy for Nutrition Education in Older Adults
Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics, 34(1), 22–33.
2014 journal article
A Look at What Influences the Leadership of Agricultural and Extension Education Department Heads
Journal of Leadership Education, 13(1), 57–74.
2014 journal article
A framework for integrating and managing expectations of multiple stakeholder groups in a collaborative partnership
Journal of Extension (Online), 52(3). http://www.joe.org/joe/2014june/iw6.php
2014 journal article
Characteristics and motivational factors of effective Extension advisory leaders: Implications for building strong Extension advisory councils
Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 2(3), 32–44. http://media.wix.com/ugd/c8fe6e_e058fa5a17b548969a55005aa78dfffa.pdf
2014 journal article
Engaging learners through collaborative learning: Leadership development of County Extension Directors and lessons learned
Journal of Extension, 52(2). http://www.joe.org/joe/2014april/a2.php
2014 chapter
Evaluation of Integrated Pest Management Interventions: Challenges and alternatives
In D. Pimentel & R. Peshin (Eds.), Integrated Pest management: Pesticide problems (Vol. 3, pp. 433–470). Netherlands: Springer.
Ed(s): D. Pimentel & R. Peshin
2014 journal article
Extension educators’ perceptions about the NC 10% Local Food Campaign: Impacts, challenges, and alternatives
Journal of Extension, 52(2). http://www.joe.org/joe/2014april/a7.php
2014 journal article
Grazing Winter Rye Cover Crop in a Cotton No-Till System: Yield and Economics
Agronomy Journal, 106(3), 1041.

2014 journal article
Identification of current proficiency level of Extension competencies and the competencies needed for Extension agents to be successful in the 21st century
Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 2(1), 71–89. http://media.wix.com/ugd/c8fe6e_53ea61c582994033af7c961b1c4fcd7d.pdf
2014 journal article
Scholarship perceptions of academic department heads: Implications for promoting faculty community engagement scholarship
Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 18(1), 123–151.
2014 journal article
Teaching basic cooking skills: Evaluation of the North Carolina Extension Cook Smart Eat Smart Program
Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 106(1), 39–46.
2014 journal article
Use of demonstration gardens in Extension: Challenges and benefits
Journal of Extension, 52(4), 4–6. http://www.joe.org/joe/2014august/a6.php
2014 journal article
Using Synchronous Distance-Education Technology to Deliver a Weight Management Intervention
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 46(6), 602–609.

2013 journal article
Application of crossover design for conducting rigorous Extension evaluations
Journal of Extension, 51(2). http://www.joe.org/joe/2013april/tt1.php
2013 journal article
Characteristics of Extension demonstration gardens
Journal of Extension, 51(2). http://www.joe.org/joe/2013april/rb8.php
2013 journal article
Delivering a Behavior-Change Weight Management Program to Teachers and State Employees in North Carolina
American Journal of Health Promotion, 27(6), 378–383.

2013 chapter
IPM extension: A global overview
In D. P. Abrol (Ed.), Integrated pest management: Current concepts and ecological perspectives (pp. 493–530). San Diego, CA: Elsevier.
Ed(s): D. Abrol
2013 journal article
Nutrition education brings behavior and knowledge change in limited-resource older adults
Journal of Extension, 51(2). http://www.joe.org/joe/2013april/a1.php
2012 journal article
Barriers and effective educational strategies to develop Extension Agents' professional competencies
Journal of Extension, 50(4). https://archives.joe.org/joe/2012august/rb1.php
2012 journal article
Landowners' knowledge, attitudes, and aspirations towards woody biomass markets in North Carolina
Journal of Extension (Online), 50(4). http://www.joe.org/joe/2012august/a9.php
2011 journal article
Effects of a behavior-based weight management program delivered through a state Cooperative Extension and local Public Health Department network, North Carolina, 2008-2009
Preventing Chronic Disease, 8(4), A81. http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2011/jul/10_0160.htm
2010 journal article
Agrosecurity awareness curriculum design, delivery and evaluation with first responders to agricultural and food emergencies
Food Protection Trends, 30(6), 340–345.
2010 journal article
Evaluating a New and Aspiring County Extension Director Leadership Education Program
Journal of Leadership Education, 9(1), 17–35.
2010 journal article
Factors Affecting the Global Mindedness of Extension Agents: Implications for Building Global Awareness of Extension Agents
Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education, 17(1), 59–67.
2010 journal article
Identifying Confidence Levels and Instructional Strategies of High School Agricultural Education Teachers When Working with Students with Special Needs
Journal of Agricultural Education, 51(2), 90–101.
Contributors: K. Stair, G. Moore, B. Wilson, D. Croom & K. Jayaratne
2010 journal article
Practical application of aspiration as an outcome indicator in Extension evaluation
Journal of Extension, 48(2). https://archives.joe.org/joe/2010april/tt1.php
2009 journal article
Challenges, alternatives, and educational strategies in reaching limited income audiences
Journal of Extension, 47(6).
2009 chapter
Evaluation Research: Methodologies for Evaluation of IPM Programs
In Integrated Pest Management: Dissemination and Impact (pp. 31–78).
2009 journal article
Impact evaluation of food safety self-study extension programs: Do changes in knowledge relate to changes in behavior of program participants?
Journal of Extension, 47(3).
2009 journal article
Impact evaluation of integrated Extension programs: Lessons learned from the community gardening program
Journal of Extension, 47(3).
2008 journal article
A user-friendly evaluation resource kit for Extension Agents delivering financial education programs
Journal of Extension, 46(1).
2008 journal article
Financial education and program evaluation for Extension professionals: From research to practical application
Journal of the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, 3, 29–35.
2007 journal article
A practical tool for the evaluation of extension programs presented to older adults
Journal of Extension, 45(6).
2007 magazine article
How to become an effective consumer of research in agricultural education?
The Agricultural Education Magazine, 79(5), 10–12.
2006 journal article
Are We Making the Grade? A National Overview of Financial Education and Program Evaluation
Journal of Consumer Affairs, 40(2), 208–235.
2006 book
Financial Education Program Evaluation Manual
Denver, CO: National Endowment for Financial Education.
2005 journal article
A simple method to evaluate series- type Extension programs
Journal of Extension, 43(2).
2005 journal article
Walk-A-Weigh fights obesity: Impact evaluation of a nutrition and exercise program
Research Journal of Extension Family and Consumer Sciences, 5–8.
1998 journal article
Effects Of Restructuring On The Job Performance Of Extension Educators: Implications For In-Service Training
Journal of Agricultural Education, 39(4), 45–52.