Works (5)
2013 journal article
Science teacher efficacy and extrinsic factors toward professional development using video games in a design-based research model: The next generation of stem learning
Journal of Science Education and Technology, 22(1), 47–61.
2011 journal article
Drugs and the brain: Learning the impact of methamphetamine abuse on the brain through a virtual brain exhibit in the museum
International Journal of Science Education, 33(2), 299–319.
2011 review
Sowing the seeds of character: the moral education of adolescents in public and private schools
[Review of ]. Journal of Moral Education, 40(2), 268–269.
2009 journal article
Bridging Realty to Virtual Reality: Investigating gender effect and student engagement on learning through video game play in an elementary school classroom

2009 journal article
Investigating the impact of video games on high school students' engagement and learning about genetics
COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 53(1), 74–85.