Works Published in 2023
Displaying all 5 works
Sorted by most recent date added to the index first, which may not be the same as publication date order.
2023 article
Striatal TSPO binding is associated with anhedonia severity and early life stress exposure in anhedonic patients with major depressive disorder
Phillips, R. D., Cummings, K., Dharanikota, A., Eisenlohr-Moul, T., Muscatell, K. A., Dichter, G. S., … Walsh, E. C. (2023, November). BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY, Vol. 114, pp. 22–22.
2023 journal article
Interlocus Gene Conversion, Natural Selection, and Paralog Homogenization
2023 journal article
Striatal dopamine in anhedonia: A simultaneous [11C]raclopride positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation
2023 article
Scalable Bayesian Divergence Time Estimation With Ratio Transformations
Ji, X., Fisher, A. A., Su, S., Thorne, J. L., Potter, B., Lemey, P., … Suchard, M. A. (2023, July 17). SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY.
2023 article
Delayed cartilage oligomeric matrix protein response to loading is associated with femoral cartilage composition post-ACLR
Lisee, C., Evans-Pickett, A., Davis-Wilson, H., Munsch, A. E., Longobardi, L., Schwartz, T. A., … Pietrosimone, B. (2023, June 16). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY.