Displaying all 19 works
Sorted by most recent date added to the index first, which may not be the same as publication date order.
2000 article
Problems for the Case Against Ag Biotech, Part II: Extrinsic Objections
Vexing Nature?, pp. 225–283.
2000 book
Vexing Nature?
2000 article
Problems for the Case Against Ag Biotech, Part I: Intrinsic Objections
Vexing Nature?, pp. 175–224.
2000 article
Vexing Nature?, pp. 1–11.
2000 article
Vexing Nature?, pp. 285–288.
2000 book
Vexing nature? On the ethical case against agricultural biotechnology
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
2000 report
Minutes from the technology transfer meeting
World Food Prize Symposium.
2000 journal article
Make plans on the hoof
Times Higher Education Supplement, 19.
2000 chapter
An alternative ethic for animals
In J. Hodges & I. K. Han (Eds.), Livestock, ethics and quality of life. CAB International.
Ed(s): . J. Hodges & I. Han
2000 report
A brief for the royal commission on genetic modification of New Zealand
2018 chapter
Agricultural ethics
In E. Craig (Ed.), Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy v.1 (Vol. 1).
Ed(s): E. Craig
2000 journal article
The meaning of a precedent
Legal Theory, 6, 185–240.
2000 chapter
The Suda and the priesthood of Jesus
In B. B. R. A. Argall & R. Werline (Eds.), For a later generation: The transformation of tradition in Israel, early Judaism, and early Christianity (pp. 1–12). Harrisburg, Pa.: Trinity Press International.
Ed(s): B. R. A. Argall & R. Werline
2000 journal article
An experiment in cooperative collection development: South Asian vernaculars among the Research Triangle universities
Journal of Collection Management, 24(1/2), 93–104.
2000 journal article
The backward induction argument
THEORY AND DECISION, 48(1), 61–84.
2000 book
Beluthahatchie and other stories
Urbana, IL : Golden Gryphon Press.
2000 book
Immovable laws, irresistible rights: Natural law, moral rights, and feminist ethics
Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.
2000 review
Studies on the 'Septuagint' and on Hellenistic Judaism
[Review of ]. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 62(4), 776–777.
2000 review
Causation and persistence: A theory of causation
[Review of ]. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 60(2), 483–486.
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