Works (113)
2019 journal article
Application of the Internet of Things in the textile industry
Textile Progress, 51(3), 225–297.

2016 article
Vendor-managed inventory systems in the apparel industry
Contributors: H. Chaudhry * & n

2012 journal article
Optimal data use in staple yarn manufacturing
Contributors: B. Hamilton n, W. Oxenham n, n & K. Thoney n

2012 journal article
Postponement and supply chain structure: Cases from the textile and apparel industry
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 16(1), 64–80.
Contributors: H. Chaudhry n & n

2012 journal article
Review of Cost Estimation Techniques and Their Strategic Importance in the New Product Development Process of Textile Products
Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 16(1), 103–124.
2011 journal article
Adapting lean manufacturing principles to the textile industry
Production Planning & Control Special Issue on Challenges in Apparel Production, Planning and Control, 22(3), 237–247.
Contributors: , K. Goforth Ross n, J. Joines n & K. Thoney n n

2009 journal article
Wireless yarn tension measurement, and control in direct cabling process
Contributors: V. Shankam n, W. Oxenham n, A. Seyam n , E. Grant n & n

2008 journal article
Warp break detection in Jacquard weaving using Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems: Effect of yarn type
Contributors: A. Seyam n, J. Lee n, n , W. Oxenham n & E. Grant n
2008 journal article
Warp breaks detection in Jacquard weaving using MEMS: Effect of weave on break signals
Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 3(1), 25–31.
2007 conference paper
Improving the competitiveness of the US textile manufacturing with e-business initiatives related to supply chain
85th Textile Institute World Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka, March 2007. Manchester, UK: Textile Institute.
2007 journal article
Prevention of warp breaks in Jacquard weaving
Fibers and Polymers, 8(1), 79–83.
Contributors: A. Seyam n , J. Lee n, G. Hodge n, W. Oxenham n & E. Grant n

2007 journal article
Warp breaks detection in Jacquard weaving using MEMS: System development
Contributors: J. Lee n, A. Seyam n, n , W. Oxenham n & E. Grant n
2006 conference paper
Survey of E-business initiatives in the North Carolina textile industry
7th AUTEX Conference, Raleigh, NC, June 2006. Raleigh, NC: AUTEX.
2005 conference paper
A comprehensive list of location factors for global investment decisions
A new era: National Textile Center Forum, March 20-22, 2005: Textile Institute, 84th Annual World Conference, March 22-25, 2005, Back-to-Back Meetings in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. [Manchester, England]: The Textile Institute.
2005 journal article
Application of MEMS in yarn processing and quality control
Textile Asia, 36(12), 52–54.
2005 conference paper
Application of MEMS in yarn processing and quality control: Dynamic yarn tension measurement and control in direct cabling machines
A new era: National Textile Center Forum, March 20-22, 2005: Textile Institute, 84th Annual World Conference, March 22-25, 2005, Back-to-Back Meetings in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, 1–9. [Manchester, England]: The Textile Institute.
2005 conference paper
Application of MEMS in yarn processing and quality control: Dynamic yarn tension measurement and control in two for one twisting mechanism
A new era: National Textile Center Forum, March 20-22, 2005: Textile Institute, 84th Annual World Conference, March 22-25, 2005, Back-to-Back Meetings in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. [Manchester, England]: The Textile Institute.
2005 article
Application of Mems in yarn processing and quality control
Textile Asia, Vol. 36, pp. 52–54.
2005 conference paper
Automatic warp breaks monitoring and repair in Jacquard weaving using MEMS : Instrumentation and signal analysis
A new era: National Textile Center Forum, March 20-22, 2005: Textile Institute, 84th Annual World Conference, March 22-25, 2005, Back-to-Back Meetings in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. [Manchester, England]: The Textile Institute.
2005 conference paper
Implications of e-business for textile manufacturing companies
A new era: National Textile Center Forum, March 20-22, 2005: Textile Institute, 84th Annual World Conference, March 22-25, 2005, Back-to-Back Meetings in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. [Manchester, England]: The Textile Institute.
2005 journal article
Supply chain analysis of the nonwovens industry
Textile Asia, 36(9), 35–44.
2005 article
Supply chain analysis of the nonwovens industry
Textile Asia, Vol. 36, pp. 35–44.
2005 conference paper
Supply chain analysis of the nonwovens industry: Mapping the structure and major cost drivers within the medical nonwovens pipeline
A new era: National Textile Center Forum, March 20-22, 2005: Textile Institute, 84th Annual World Conference, March 22-25, 2005, Back-to-Back Meetings in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. [Manchester, England]: The Textile Institute.
2005 journal article
Warp break detection in Jacquard weaving
Textile Asia, 36(7), 29–34.
2005 conference paper
Warp breaks detection in Jacquard weaving using MEMS
A new era: National Textile Center Forum, March 20-22, 2005: Textile Institute, 84th Annual World Conference, March 22-25, 2005, Back-to-Back Meetings in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, 1–18. [Manchester, England]: The Textile Institute.
2005 article
Warp-break detection in jacquard weaving
Textile Asia, Vol. 36, pp. 29–34.
2004 conference paper
Automation of warp break repair: Warp break location and frequency in Jacquard weaving
83rd Textile Institute World Conference, Shanghai China, May 2004. Manchester, UK: Textile Institute.
2004 journal article
Business-to-business e-business models: Classification and textile industry implications
Autex Research Journal, 4(4), 211–227.
2004 journal article
Business-to-business models: Classification and textile industry implications
AUTEX Research Journal, 4(4), 209–229.
2004 conference paper
Disruption in the textile supply chain
83rd Textile Institute World Conference, Shanghai China, May 2004. Manchester, UK: Textile Institute.
2004 journal article
Doing business in China
Journal of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management, 4(2).
2003 conference paper
Applying information engineering methodology for decision making in textiles
7th Asian Textile Conference, New Delhi, India, December 2003.
2003 book
Directory of manufacturing planning and control software for the textile and apparel industry
Falls Church, VA: APICS.
2003 journal article
IFAI and APICS 2003 conferences
Journal of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management, 3(3).
2003 journal article
ITT Fellows program at North Carolina State University
Journal of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management, 3(1).
2002 conference paper
Analysis of the current approaches to international plan location selection
Proceedings of the IFFTI International Conference, Hong Kong, November 2002. [Hong Kong: Institute of Textiles and Clothing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University].
2002 journal article
Book review: Decision analysis & decision making with Excel
Book review: Decision analysis & decision making with Excel. Engineering Economist, 46(3), 243–244.
2002 article proceedings
Communications/network standards in the textile industry
Presented at the 1995 IEEE Annual Textile, Fiber and Film Industry Technical Conference.

2002 journal article
Enterprise resource planning in textiles
Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 2(3).
2001 conference paper
Data mining in textile spinning operations
2001 conference paper
Data mining in textiles
An odyssey in fibres and space: Textile Institute 81st World Conference: Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne Convention Centre, Sunday 1st-Wednesday 4th April, 2001. Manchester, England: The Textile Institute.
2001 journal article
Graduate studies in textile and apparel, technology and management
Journal of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management, 1(4).
2001 conference paper
Information engineering & effective decision-making: The textile industry link
Information engineering & effective decision-making: The textile industry link. An odyssey in fibres and space: Textile Institute 81st World Conference: Melbourne, Australia, Melbourne Convention Centre, Sunday 1st-Wednesday 4th April, 2001. Manchester, England: The Textile Institute.
2001 conference paper
Information engineering approach for decision-making in textiles
2001 Conference on Information Quality, MIT, November 2001.
2001 conference paper
Information engineering approaches for decision making in textiles
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Quality : Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 261–272. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT.
2001 conference paper
Smart sensors to monitor warp tension and breaks on a loom
2000 conference paper
Application of micromachines to textiles: Using smart sensors to monitor warp tension and breaks during formation of woven fabrics
Proceedings of the International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, ASME, Orlando (FL), November 2000. New York: ASME.
2000 book
Data mining: Its current status and potential end uses
In Manchester 2000 CD-ROM: Papers from the 2000 Annual (80th) World Conference of The Textile Institute, April 16-19, 2000.
2000 conference paper
Data mining: Its current status and potential end uses
80th World Conference of Textile Institute, Manchester, England, April 16-19, 2000, 1–10. Manchester, UK: Textile Institute.
2000 book
Directory of manufacturing planning and control software for the textile and apparel industry
Falls Church, VA: APICS.
2000 journal article
Information engineering: Enhancing decision effectiveness in textiles?
2000 book
Information engineering: Enhancing decision effectiveness in textiles?
In Proceedings of the 80th World Conference of the Textile Institute, Manchester, April 16 - 19, 2000. (p. 1).
2000 conference paper
Information engineering: enhancing decision effectiveness in textiles?
80th World Conference of Textile Institute, Manchester, England, April 16-19, 2000. Manchester, UK: Textile Institute.
2000 conference paper
Micromachines and textiles: Matching two industries
2000 journal article
Micromachines and textiles: Matching two industries
Textile Asia, 31, 58–66.
2000 book
Micromachines and textiles: Matching two industries
In Proceedings of the 80th World Conference of the Textile Institute, Manchester, April 16 - 19, 2000. (p. 1).
2000 article
Micromachines and textiles; matching two industries
Textile Asia, Vol. 31, pp. 58–66.
2000 journal article
Taxonomy of information systems for textiles
2000 conference paper
Taxonomy of information systems tor textiles
80th World Conference of Textile Institute, Manchester, England, April 16-19, 2000. Manchester, UK: Textile Institute.
1999 journal article
Can information engineering enhance the efficacy of decision-making in the textile industry?
ITS Textile Leader, (1999 Aug.).
1999 conference paper
Can information engineering increase decision effectiveness in the textile industry?
World Textile Congress, Huddersfield, UK, July 6-7, 1999.
1999 journal article
Can information engineering pave way to better decision-making in the textile industry?
Textile Leader, 3(3), 10–17.
Contributors: Y. Karpe, , N. Cahill, W. Oxenham & P. Kilduff
1999 journal article
Data requirements for staple spinning frames (results of a survey of US spinners)
Contributors: W. Oxenham n, n & J. Rasmovich n
1999 journal article
Design of integrated information management systems for the textile manufacturing complex (I96-S15)
1999 conference paper
Does the Indian cotton textile industry possess a competitive advantage to succeed in the new millenium?
II Conferencia Internacional Textil/Confeccao: 21/23 julho 1999, Rio de Janeiro = 2nd International Textile and Apparel Conference: 21/23 July 1999, Rio de Janeiro, (1999 July). Rio de Janeiro: SENAI/CETIQT.
1999 journal article
Information engineering: Textile industry?s value adding key to effective decision-making
1999 book
Is quick response 'the strategy' of the 21st century for the textile and apparel supply chain?
In The 79th World Conference of The Textile Institute, 10th-13th February 1999, Chennai, India - volume 2 (pp. 133–146).
1999 conference paper
Is quick response the strategy of the 21st century for the textile and apparel supply chain?
The textile industry: Winning strategies for the new millennium: Papers presented at the World Conference, February 10-13, 1999, Chennai, India. Manchester, England: Textile Institute.
1998 journal article
Design of integrated information management systems for the textile manufacturing complex (I96-S15)
1997 chapter
Compilation of MRP II/ERP software vendors for the textile/apparel industry
In 40th international conference proceedings: Target breakthrough ideas, October 26-29, 1997, Washington, DC. Falls Church, VA: The Society.
1997 book
Coordination work flows in highly automated manufacturing environments
In The 78th world conference of the Textile Institute, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 1997, Vol. 2 (pp. 123–131).
1997 conference paper
Data requirements for staple spinning
Textiles and the information society: Papers presented at the 78th World Conference of the Textile Institute in association with the 5th Textile Symposium of SEVE and SEPVE. Manchester: Textile Institute.
1997 journal article
Information integration in the textile complex
1997 conference paper
Large-scale database design for computer integrated manufacturing in textiles
Textiles and the information society : papers presented at the 78th World Conference of the Textile Institute in association with the 5th Textile Symposium of SEVE and SEPVE, 171–196. Manchester, England : Textile Institute.
1997 book
Large-scale database design for computer integrated manufacturing in textiles
In The 78th world conf. of the Textile Institute, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 1997 (Vol.1) (pp. 171–196).
1997 journal article
MRP, MRP II, ERP: What next?
APICS Newsletter, (1997 Aug.).
1997 conference paper
Technology assessment of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) for the textile industry
ISA Conference, June 1997, Raleigh, NC. Research Triangle Park, NC: Instrument Society of America.
1997 journal article
Technology assessment of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) for the textile industry
ISA Textile Industry Division Symposium - Proceedings, 2, 25–28.
1997 journal article

1997 conference paper
Work flow coordination in highly automated manufacturing
78th World Conference of the Textile Institute, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 23-26, 1997. Manchester, UK: Textile Institute.
1997 conference paper
Work flow coordination in highly automated manufacturing
Textiles and the information society: papers presented at the 78th World Conference of the Textile Institute in association with the 5th Textile Symposium of SEVE and SEPVE., 23–26. Manchester, England : Textile Institute.
1997 conference paper
Workflow coordination in highly automated manufacturing environments
Textiles and the information society: papers presented at the 78th World Conference of the Textile Institute in association with the 5th Textile Symposium of SEVE and SEPVE, II, 51–66. Manchester: The Institute.
1996 journal article
On-line color monitoring in continuous textile dyeing
ISA TRANSACTIONS, 35(1), 33–43.
1996 conference paper
Ultrasound based dye application control
ISA TECH/EXPO Technology Update Conference Proceedings, 51(2), 1481–1502.
1995 conference paper
ATMI data survey
Advances in instrumentation and control: Proceedings of the ISA International Conference, New Orleans, La., 1995. Research Triangle Park, NC: Instrument Society of America.
1995 conference paper
ATMI survey data profiles for spinning frames
ISA TECH/EXPO Technology Update Conference Proceedings, 50(pt 3), 1427–1439.
1995 chapter
Automation and robotics in textiles
In Automation and robotics in textiles. Manchester, UK: Textile Institute.
1995 conference paper
Communication, network standards: Where is the industry today?
1995 IEEE Annual Textile, Fiber, and Film Industry Technical Conference, May 3-4, 1995, Charlotte, North Carolina. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE.
1995 conference paper
Communications/network standards in the textile industry
IEEE Annual Textile, Fiber and Film Industry Technical Conference.
1995 conference paper
Computer-integrated yarn manufacturing
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.
1995 conference paper
On-line color monitoring in continuous dyeing
Advances in instrumentation and control: Proceedings of the ISA International Conference, New Orleans, La., 1995. Research Triangle Park, NC: Instrument Society of America.
1995 conference paper
On-line color monitoring in continuous-textile dyeing
ISA TECH/EXPO Technology Update Conference Proceedings, 50(pt 3), 1441–1457.
1995 conference paper
SCADA applications in textiles
Advances in instrumentation and control: Proceedings of the ISA International Conference, Toronto, Ont., 1995. Research Triangle Park, NC: Instrument Society of America.
1995 conference paper
Selection of SCADA application enabler software platforms
Advances in instrumentation and control: Proceedings of the ISA International Conference, Toronto, Ont., 1995. Research Triangle Park, NC: Instrument Society of America.
1994 journal article
Computer-Integrated Management of Yarn Manufacturing
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 30(3), 517–527.
Contributors: P. Grady n, L. Fryer n, n & J. Rust n

1993 conference paper
Application of CIM to wet-lay nonwovens web forming systems
INDA Fundamental Research Conference, Clemson, SC, July 1993.
1993 conference paper
CIM systems for yarn manufacturing
Advances in Instrumentation and Control : International Conference and Exhibition, 48(pt 3), 1991–2026.
1993 conference paper
Computer-integrated management of yarn manufacturing
IEEE Annual Textile, Fiber and Film Industry Technical Conference.
Contributors: P. Grady, L. Fryer, L. Hodge & J. Rust
1992 journal article
Low cost microcomputer software for multi-attribute decision analysis
Engineering Economist, 37(2).

1992 journal article
The weighted average cost of capital: A caveat
Engineering Economist, 37(2), 184–191.
1991 conference paper
Application of PlantWorks in the wet processing industry
Book of papers, 1991 international Conference & Exhibition, October 8-11, Radisson Plaza Hotel, Charlotte, N.C. Research Triangle Park: International Association of Textile Chemists & Colorists.
1991 journal article
Application of PlantWorks in the wet processing industry
In: Book of Papers. 1991 International Conference &Amp; Exhibition.
1991 conference paper
Economic analysis of industrial radio frequency package dryers compared to conventional pressure dryers
International Conference Microwave/ High Frequency; Nice, France, 1991.
1990 conference paper
Analysis of flexibility and other important criteria for evaluating advanced apparel manufacturing systems
Advanced Apparel Manufacturing Technology Conference, Feb. 14-16, 1990, Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science, Philadelphia, PA.
1990 conference paper
Automation/mechanization decisions in the apparel industry
International Industrial Engineering Conference Proceedings, 123–127.
Contributors: & J. Canada
1990 journal article
Low cost microcomputer software for non-traditional economic decision analysis
Engineering Economist, 35(2), 161–167.
Contributors: & J. Canada n n

1989 journal article
Consideration of multiple attributes/criteria in evaluating advanced apparel manufacturing systems
Apparel Manufacturer.
1989 journal article
Economic sensitivity analyses for evaluating manufacturing systems
Apparel Manufacturer.
1989 journal article
Machinery payback: Counting on changing conditions
America's Textiles International.
1989 journal article
Prospective attributes and rating scheme for evaluating advanced apparel sewing equipment/workstations
Apparel Manufacturer.
1988 journal article
Microcomputer software costing less than $1000 for economic and multi-attribute decision analysis
Engineering Economist, 33(2), 130–144.
Contributors: J. Canada n & n

1988 conference paper
Microcomputer software to support non-traditional economic analyses
1988 Industrial Engineering Conference Proceedings.
Computer-integrated management of yarn manufacturing
Grady, P. L., Fryer, L. F., Hodge, G. L., & Rust, J. P. [Proceedings] IEEE 1993 Annual Textile, Fiber and Film Industry Technical Conference.