Works (7)
2017 journal article
Ependymal cell contribution to scar formation after spinal cord injury is minimal, local and dependent on direct ependymal injury
2016 journal article
Developmentally defined forebrain circuits regulate appetitive and aversive olfactory learning
2016 journal article
TAK1 determines susceptibility to endoplasmic reticulum stress and leptin resistance in the hypothalamus
Journal of Cell Science, 129(9), 1855–1865.
Contributors: K. Sai n, S. Morioka n, G. Takaesu n, n, H. Ghashghaei n, H. Hanafusa *, K. Matsumoto *, J. Ninomiya-Tsuji n
2015 review
Complementary roles of the neuron-enriched endosomal proteins NEEP21 and calcyon in neuronal vesicle trafficking
[Review of ]. Journal of Neurochemistry, 132(1), 20–31.
2015 journal article
MARCKS-dependent mucin clearance and lipid metabolism in ependymal cells are required for maintenance of forebrain homeostasis during aging
AGING CELL, 14(5), 764–773.
2014 journal article
A Knock-in Foxj1(CreERT2:: GFP)Mouse for Recombination in Epithelial Cells with Motile Cilia
GENESIS, 52(4), 350–358.
2011 journal article
Specification of a Foxj1-Dependent Lineage in the Forebrain Is Required for Embryonic-to-Postnatal Transition of Neurogenesis in the Olfactory Bulb
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 31(25), 9368–9382.