Golden Leaf Biomanufacturing Training and Education Center

These lists of each college's departments and units are based on author affiliation data contained in the Citation Index and may not reflect current organizational structures and department or unit names. Please see the university's Colleges and Departments and Centers and Institutes websites for that current information. Please contact us to help us make corrections.

3 people from this unit have registered their ORCID iD in the Citation Index.

Cristiana Boi

85 works, including 27 open access

Ryan R Barton

3 works, including 1 open access

Patty Brown

1 work, including 1 open access

Gregory Kale Buhrman

11 works, including 7 open access

Miles Calzini

2 works, including 1 open access

Ruben G. Carbonell

165 works, including 45 open access

Driss Elhanafi

23 works, including 15 open access

Marnon Gracieux

1 work, including 1 open access

Brian Lee Herring

1 work, including 1 open access

Joseph Henry Lavoie

6 works, including 5 open access

Laurie Kay Overton

4 works, including 2 open access

Jennifer Pancorbo

4 works, including 3 open access

Deepa Sambandan

2 works, including 2 open access

Danny Schmitt

1 work, including 1 open access

Shriarjun Shastry

11 works, including 6 open access

Sara Siegel

2 works, including 2 open access

Mark Stoops

1 work