Works (6)
2008 patent
Gallium nitride material transistors and methods associated with the same
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2002 journal article
Observation of a magic discrete family of ultrabright Si nanoparticles
2000 article
Charge redistribution at GaN-Ga2O3 interfaces: a microscopic mechanism for low defect density interfaces in remote-plasma-processed MOS devices prepared on polar GaN faces
Therrien, R., Lucovsky, G., & Davis, R. (2000, October 9). APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, Vol. 166, pp. 513–519.
1999 article
Charge redistribution at GaN-Ga2O3 interfaces: A microscopic mechanism for low defect density interfaces in remote plasma processed MOS devices prepared on polar GaN faces
Therrien, R., Niimi, H., Gehrke, T., Lucovsky, G., & Davis, R. (1999, September). MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, Vol. 48, pp. 303–306.

1999 article
Charge redistribution at GaN-Ga2O3 interfaces: A microscopic mechanism for low defect density interfaces in remote plasma processed MOS devices prepared on polar GaN faces
Therrien, R., Lucovsky, G., & Davis, R. F. (1999, November 16). PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLIED RESEARCH, Vol. 176, pp. 793–796.
1999 journal article
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of GaN/(0001)AlN and AlN/(0001)GaN growth mechanisms
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 86(10), 5584–5593.