Displaying all 5 works
Sorted by most recent date added to the index first, which may not be the same as publication date order.
2016 journal article
Comparison of lipopolysaccharides and soluble CD14 measurement between clinically endotoxaemic and nonendotoxaemic horses
Equine Veterinary Journal, 49(2), 155–159.
2016 journal article
Extreme lymphocytosis with myelomonocytic morphology in a horse with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 46(1), 64–71.
2016 journal article
Efficacy of various Marek's disease vaccines protocols for prevention of Marek's disease virus-induced immunosuppression
VACCINE, 34(35), 4180–4187.
2016 journal article
Expression of Apoptosis-regulating Proteins Bcl-2 and Bax in Lymph Node Aspirates from Dogs with Lymphoma
2016 journal article
Association of Canine Osteosarcoma and Monocyte Phenotype and Chemotactic Function
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 30(4), 1167–1178.
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