Tobias Ernst Kaeser
Immunology, Chlamydia, Vaccine development, Food allergy, Animal model
I studied biology at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen (Germany) with a focus on molecular biology, virology and microbiology. Having become interested in immunology, I decided to perform my Diploma thesis and subsequently my PhD thesis at an immunological institute and thus joined the Institute of Immunology at the Vetmeduni Vienna. The focus of my theses was the characterisation of porcine regulatory T cells (Tregs). My following postdoctoral work was delving deeper into the function of Tregs, focusing on their part in Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) infection. Besides, I was trying to identify new markers for several T-helper cell subsets in swine and to improve flow cytometry for veterinary medicine. Thereby, we became able to characterize porcine T-helper cell subsets and Tregs phenotypically and functionally by up to eight-color flow cytometry. In addition, I was an active member of the Austrian Society of Cytometry and participated in the planning and in the execution of basic and advanced courses and seminars. In September 2013, I moved to Saskatoon, Canada to work at VIDO to extend my knowledge on host-pathogen interactions. We were using the pig as a large animal model to study the cellular immune response on intracellular chlamydia infection. Joining this well-recognized institute gave me the ability to broaden my skills including the isolation and culture of bacteria and host cells, immunohistochemistry, and confocal microscopy. The insight into a new institution with various up-to-date methods and a wide experience with vaccine development made this decision a great success. In June 2016, I started as an Assistant Professor in swine immunology at the College of Veterinary Medicine at the North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina. My lab focuses on swine health and using the pig as an animal model for biomedical research. We currently study the development of immunological memory to the major pig virus PRRSV (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus) and use the pig as a model to study chlamydia infections and food allergy. In 2023, I started my new position as Assistant Professor in Immunology at the University of Veterinary Medicine (vetmeduni) Vienna. Here I plan to continue my work towards the development of a vaccine against Chlamydia trachomatis as well as my research on food allergy and PRRSV. Other Experience and Professional Memberships International Society Memberships - Member, American Association of Veterinary Immunologists (AAVI) - Member, Edward Jenner Vaccine Society - Member, Chlamydia Basic Research Society - Member, German Society of Immunology (DGfI) - Member, Austrian Society for Cytometry (ÖGfZ) Editorial Roles and Board Positions - Frontiers Microbiology: Associate Editor - Frontiers Immunology: Editorial Board member – section Comparative Immunology - Molecular Immunology: Editorial Board member Ad hoc review work for 17 international journals and funding agencies including Funding agencies: - National Institutes of Health (NIH, USA) - US Department of Agriculture (USDA, USA) - National Pork Board (USA) - NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada) - BBSRC (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK) - WWTF (Vienna Science and Technology Fund, Austria) Journals (selected): - Frontiers in Immunology - Frontiers in Microbiology - PLOS One - Vaccine - Veterinary Research - Veterinary Immunol. Immunopathol. - Cytometry Part A - Helyion - Microbes and Infection Honors 2021/22:Nomination for Faculty Scholar of NC State University 2021: Recipient of the “Goodnight Early Career Innovators” Award 2021: Nomination for the Zoetis Distinguished Veterinary Teacher Award 2019: Invitation to hold the keynote lecture “2019 Michael P. Murtaugh Memorial Lecture in Immunology” lecture at the NA PRRS Symposium (Chicago, IL): “The adaptive immune response to PRRSV” 2015-2018: Participation in the “Vaccine and Edward Jenner Vaccine Society Young Investigator Program (YIP)” 2010: Successful application for participation at the “60th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting”, Lindau (GER) 2010: Successful application for the Post-Doc program sponsored by the Vetmeduni Vienna on the project “Role of Tregs in PRRSV infected swine” 2009: “Most-cited junior scientist 2008” award of the Vetmeduni Vienna
Works (42)
2024 journal article
A TriAdj-Adjuvanted <i>Chlamydia trachomatis</i> CPAF Protein Vaccine Is Highly Immunogenic in Pigs
VACCINES, 12(4).

2024 journal article
Temporal Changes in Splenic Immune Cell Populations following Infection with a Very Virulent plus MDV in Commercial Meat-Type Chickens

2023 journal article
Testable Candidate Immune Correlates of Protection for Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Vaccination

2022 journal article
Allogeneic and xenogeneic lymphoid reconstitution in a RAG2(-/-)IL2RG(y/-) severe combined immunodeficient pig: A preclinical model for intrauterine hematopoietic transplantation

2022 journal article
Heterologous vaccine immunogenicity, efficacy, and immune correlates of protection of a modified-live virus porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus vaccine
Contributors: E. Crisci n

2022 journal article
Immunologic and pathologic characterization of a novel swine biomedical research model for eosinophilic esophagitis

2021 journal article
Host-Pathogen Interactions of Chlamydia trachomatis in Porcine Oviduct Epithelial Cells
PATHOGENS, 10(10).

2021 journal article
Maternal Autogenous Inactivated Virus Vaccination Boosts Immunity to PRRSV in Piglets

2021 journal article
Swine as biomedical animal model for T-cell research-Success and potential for transmittable and non-transmittable human diseases

2020 article
Maternal Autogenous Inactivated Virus Vaccination Boosts the Piglet Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immunity to PRRSV via Transfer of Neutralizing Antibodies and Interferon-Gamma Producing B Cells
Kick, A. R., Wolfe, Z. C., Amaral, A. F., Cortes, L. M., Almond, G. W., Crisci, E., … Käser, T. (2020, December 3). (Vol. 12). Vol. 12.

2020 journal article
Mucosal Vaccination with UV-Inactivated <i>Chlamydia suis</i> in Pre-Exposed Outbred Pigs Decreases Pathogen Load and Induces CD4 T-Cell Maturation into IFN-γ<sup>+</sup> Effector Memory Cells
Vaccines, 8(3), 353.

2019 journal article
Expression of T-Bet, Eomesodermin, and GATA-3 Correlates With Distinct Phenotypes and Functional Properties in Porcine gamma delta T Cells

2019 journal article
The T-Cell Response to Type 2 Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV)
Viruses, 11(9), 796.

2018 journal article
Contribution of the swine model in the study of human sexually transmitted infections
Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 66, 346–360.

2018 journal article
Expression of pattern recognition receptors in porcine uterine epithelial cells in vivo and in culture
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 202, 1–10.

2018 journal article
First Insights Into Within Host Translocation of the Bacillus cereus Toxin Cereulide Using a Porcine Model

2017 journal article
Challenges and efforts in vaccine development and distribution
Contributors: T. Käser n
2017 journal article
Chlamydia suis and Chlamydia trachomatis induce multifunctional CD4 T cells in pigs
Vaccine, 35(1), 91–100.
Contributors: T. Käser n, J. Pasternak *, M. Delgado-Ortega *, G. Hamonic *, K. Lai*, J. Erickson *, S. Walker*, J. Dillon *, V. Gerdts *, F. Meurens *

2016 journal article
Expression of T-bet, Eomesodermin and GATA-3 in porcine αβ T cells
Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 60, 115–126.
Contributors: I. Rodríguez-Gómez *, S. Talker *, T. Käser*, M. Stadler*, S. Hammer *, A. Saalmüller *, W. Gerner *
2016 journal article
Extended semen for artificial insemination in swine as a potential transmission mechanism for infectious Chlamydia suis
Theriogenology, 86(4), 949–956.
Contributors: G. Hamonic *, J. Pasternak *, T. Käser*, F. Meurens * & H. Wilson *
2016 journal article
Flow cytometry as an improved method for the titration of Chlamydiaceae and other intracellular bacteria
Cytometry Part A, 89(5), 451–460.
Contributors: T. Käser*, J. Pasternak *, G. Hamonic *, M. Rieder*, K. Lai*, M. Delgado-Ortega *, V. Gerdts *, F. Meurens *
2016 journal article
Ubiquitous LEA29Y Expression Blocks T Cell Co-Stimulation but Permits Sexual Reproduction in Genetically Modified Pigs
PLOS ONE, 11(5), e0155676.
Contributors: A. Bähr *, T. Käser*, E. Kemter *, W. Gerner *, M. Kurome *, W. Baars*, N. Herbach *, K. Witter *
Ed(s): N. Câmara
2015 journal article
Natural and inducible Tregs in swine: Helios expression and functional properties
Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 49(2), 323–331.
Contributors: T. Käser*, K. Mair *, S. Hammer *, W. Gerner * & A. Saalmüller *
2015 journal article
PRRSV-infected monocyte-derived dendritic cells express high levels of SLA-DR and CD80/86 but do not stimulate PRRSV-naïve regulatory T cells to proliferate
Veterinary Research, 46(1).
Contributors: I. Rodríguez-Gómez *, T. Käser*, J. Gómez-Laguna, B. Lamp *, L. Sinn*, T. Rümenapf *, L. Carrasco *, A. Saalmüller *, W. Gerner *
2015 journal article
Porcine retinal cell line VIDO R1 and Chlamydia suis to modelize ocular chlamydiosis
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 166(3-4), 95–107.
Contributors: T. Käser*, T. Cnudde*, G. Hamonic *, M. Rieder*, J. Pasternak *, K. Lai*, S. Tikoo *, H. Wilson *, F. Meurens *
2015 journal article
The systemic multiplication of Gallibacterium anatis in experimentally infected chickens is promoted by immunosuppressive drugs which have a less specific effect on the depletion of leukocytes
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 166(1-2), 22–32.
Contributors: S. Paudel *, C. Hess *, P. Wernsdorf*, T. Käser*, S. Meitz*, E. Jensen-Jarolim *, M. Hess *, D. Liebhart *

2014 journal article
The porcine innate immune system: An update
Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 45(2), 321–343.
Contributors: K. Mair *, C. Sedlak*, T. Käser*, A. Pasternak *, B. Levast *, W. Gerner *, A. Saalmüller *, A. Summerfield

2013 journal article
Effect of Two Strains of PRRSV on the Expression of Differentiation Antigens of Monocyte-derived Dendritic Cells
Journal of Comparative Pathology, 148(1), 51.
2013 journal article
Human Placental Alkaline Phosphatase as a Tracking Marker for Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells
BioResearch Open Access, 2(5), 346–355.
2013 journal article
Immunohistochemical characterization of type II pneumocyte proliferation after challenge with type I porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
Journal of Comparative Pathology, 149(2-3), 322–330.
Contributors: G. Balka *, A. Ladinig *, M. Ritzmann *, A. Saalmüller *, W. Gerner *, T. Käser*, C. Jakab*, M. Rusvai*, H. Weißenböck *
2013 journal article
Phenotypic maturation of porcine NK- and T-cell subsets
Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 40(1), 51–68.
Contributors: S. Talker *, T. Käser*, K. Reutner*, C. Sedlak*, K. Mair *, H. Koinig*, R. Graage *, M. Viehmann*
2012 journal article
Current knowledge on porcine regulatory T cells
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 148(1-2), 136–138.
Contributors: T. Käser*, W. Gerner *, K. Mair *, S. Hammer *, M. Patzl* & A. Saalmüller *
2012 journal article
Porcine T-helper and regulatory T cells exhibit versatile mRNA expression capabilities for cytokines and co-stimulatory molecules
Cytokine, 60(2), 400–409.
Contributors: T. Käser*, A. Müllebner*, R. Hartl*, S. Essler*, A. Saalmüller * & J. Catharina Duvigneau *
2011 journal article
Porcine regulatory T cells: Mechanisms and T-cell targets of suppression
Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 35(11), 1166–1172.
Contributors: T. Käser*, W. Gerner * & A. Saalmüller *
2009 journal article
Characterization of CD79α+CD21− B cells in swine
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 128(1-3), 274.

2009 journal article
Molecular characterisation of porcine Forkhead-box p3 (Foxp3)
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 132(2-4), 275–281.
Contributors: K. Bolzer*, T. Käser*, A. Saalmüller * & S. Hammer *
2009 journal article
Porcine T lymphocytes and NK cells - An update
Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 33(3), 310–320.
Contributors: W. Gerner *, T. Käser* & A. Saalmüller *
2008 journal article
Detection of Foxp3 protein expression in porcine T lymphocytes
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 125(1-2), 92–101.
Contributors: T. Käser*, W. Gerner *, S. Hammer *, M. Patzl* & A. Saalmüller *
2008 journal article
Detection of intracellular antigens in porcine PBMC by flow cytometry: A comparison of fixation and permeabilisation reagents
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 121(3-4), 251–259.
Contributors: W. Gerner *, T. Käser*, M. Pintarič*, S. Groiß* & A. Saalmüller *
2008 journal article
Phenotypic and functional characterisation of porcine CD4+CD25high regulatory T cells
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 122(1-2), 153–158.
Contributors: T. Käser*, W. Gerner *, S. Hammer *, M. Patzl* & A. Saalmüller *
A TriAdj-Adjuvanted <em>Chlamydia trachomatis </em>CPAF Protein Vaccine Is Highly Immunogenic in Pigs.

journal article
Grouping Pig-Specific Responses to Mitogen with Similar Responder Animals may Facilitate the Interpretation of Results Obtained in an Out-Bred Animal Model
Pasternak, J. A., Hon Ng, S. L., Käser, T., Meurens, F., & Wilson, H. L. Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination, 5, 1–9.
Updated: September 20th, 2022 12:05
2016 - 2022
2013 - 2016
2010 - 2013
Updated: August 17th, 2016 11:00
2006 - 2010
1999 - 2004